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Posts by Sudo

  1. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump You have a real grudge against police. Like a personal grudge, to the point where you want to see individual cops get ass-raped.

    The US police are violent assholes because they interact constantly with other violent assholes.

    Ideas about replacing cops with social workers are deliberately retarded. The whole idea behind "defund the police" is to defund local police departments, and replace them with federal officers - in other words it's a play for centralisation.

    Destroying individual, powerless, low level cops like Chauvin isn't holding the state responsible. What a ridiculous idea.

    No self sufficient adult male wants pigs to be given the rampart authority they have now without having their mandate retooled.

    Also, the program in denver of replacing pigs with social workers has done extremely well so far. That's just one way to phase pigs out. Publically lynching one pig is a LEGAL PRECEDENT. Obviously he's a sacrificial lamb and only gives the illusion of any systemic change in the population/state's power struggle. To have him walk is literally a blow against humanity and north american society as a whole. I'm glad that didn't happen because I'm not a pathetic authoritarian loving cuckhold who is incapable of defending himself and I like to think most people aren't either. I submit there may be weak sycophants who covet authority to feel a semblance of control in their life and think society needs heavy handed pigs to dish out punishments on behalf of a system that is BY ALL ACCOUNTS BROKEN.

    Imagine not cheering when an enforcing arm of the state is held accountable for acting violently above the law on a fellow man, in a gruesome, heart wrenching video the entire world watched. Just imagine star trek. I'm glad there are people who are capable of weighing evidence and doing the obvious and right thing.
  2. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Chairman Takeshi Kaga It's only difficult for you because you've never played the market before in your life. On the other hand I have so it's not difficult for me.

    When you get over forcing yourself to try to be edgy as a defense mechanism, do actually think about learning about construction and home renovation.

    I would recommend getting some practical experience but you haven't ever worked hard in your life so at least watch some YouTube videos about it or something before diving in.

    Your hands are as soft and silky as your marmalade coloured behind. I could fit your scrawny torso between two studs and hang drywall sheets on either side and listen to you squeal like a house mouse. I have literally never seen a paki/indian doing manual labor. Somehow every job is service or supply chain or driving a truck. Literally never, ever, ever seen a paki doing ANY kind of labor and definitely never the one calling the shots. Whats up with that? Provide some youtube videos of pakistani's doing concrete formwork or admit you can't read a tape measure
  3. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump We all know who decides what appears on the nightly news.

    What difference does it make, since cops and soldiers are being held to the same standards as private citizens?

    I think that is unreasonable by the way. Everyone fucks up. If your job is literally using deadly force to assert the will of the state, eventually you will fuck up and kill someone, it's inevitable.

    Imagine if politicians, doctors or engineers got tried every time they made a mistake and someone died.

    "imagine if the state was accountable"

    the role of police in society needs to be retooled. People who understand the legal and judicial system know the status quo isn't working. It clearly isn't working in the US, a country neither of us live in but are acutely aware it's causing them turmoil. Most would do good to learn about the system and it's broken, diseased arm instead of just trying to find a stat somewhere that they think helps confirm the narrative they constructed based on their feelings.
  4. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny what about that negro who kurb-stomped that yellow asian grandma ?

    where are all the rages ?

    I don't form public opinion and was the negro in a position of state sanctioned authority? I think you just want to focus on race because it's easy to latch onto and also cuckholdery
  5. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Basically the doctrine of BLMism is that all white people are evil due to structural racism, and the proof that structural racism is real is that a cop put his knee on a black guy's back.

    Sounds ridiculous? Yet that is how this verdict is being used.

    You seem concerned about other peoples narratives and how it doesn't jive with your own. Just be glad the right thing happened, who cares how some interpret it/want to spin it? It's an objectively good thing for the collective consciousness and can be perceived as an erosion of states power showing that their minions are not always above the law. And it happened on Ol "dophy's birthday too! 420BLAZEITFAGGIT!!!!
  6. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Perhaps the problem that people have is that if the races were reversed, the cop wouldn't even have gotten into trouble.

    Also there is no way that anything Chauvin could have done would have changed the fact that Floyd was on his way out.

    So Floyd died, and he got blamed.

    And not only did he get blamed, all white people are being collectively blamed.

    Apart from jedis, as usual.

    Fuck that.

    You are injecting a ton of inferences and your own personal feelings into that narrative, including feelings of white victimization and blame.

    I don't give a fuck about the race at all, you are transfixed on that point and can't get past it. A black pig kneeling on a white guys neck should be tortured just as long. An officer of the enforcement arm of the state overstepped his authority and should be punished for that. Allowing an agent of the state to hurt and kill a private citizen in the street on video tape for a currency transgression is disgusting and should not be under the mandate of any state, to believe so is authoritarian cuckholdery. Only the weakest of bitches would want pigs to be allowed to overstep their authority so greatly.

    The pig needs to be punished collectively for all the pigs who do the arbitrary bidding of the state and hold those ideals over their kinship to their fellow man. I want bi weekly reports of his constant admittance to outside hospitals for stabbings and rapings and details of his mental deterioration. It's only fair that one node of the branch bear the pain that the roots of the system have dug into the population.
  7. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby lol tort is a very lonely man.. but im glad he has money now

    Tort always struck me as abit lonely or at least unnecessarily antisocial.

    He's a decent fella, I hope he's doing well and living out his dreams.
  8. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Chairman Takeshi Kaga If you want to actually become rich, just renovate houses and flip them for an easy 50K-150K.

    I see your expertise of attaining financial affluence has been garnered by watching HGTV during the day while your husband is at work at the cracker factory.

    Seriously though I was thinking of buying this abandoned house on my street. Some vacant land across from it just sold then the next week the abandoned house went on the market for twice the price of the land. It's much more complicated than you know and everyone knows pakistanis are incapable of physical labor and using construction materials that aren't mud and sticks
  9. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Hey it turns out the cop who killed a guy on video was found guilty of killing the guy on video. It's sad this is surprising and there are still statist cucks who don't cheer when a police officer is taken to jail to be raped and beaten mercilessly. It honestly makes my flipper wiggle
  10. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Sophie At least when you say it it's believable. Plus you strike me as far more the entrepreneurial type. The funniest thing is that while you make money all he does is talk about how much money he has, on the internet of all places. I bet he has 20 accounts on multiple forums just sohe can put on a rich person persona, or a tough guy persona, so he'll at least get treated with respect by the <80IQ people who believe his tall tales.

    He desperately needs that validation.

    I'm not rich by any stretch of imagination but I am very blessed to not have financial issues at this time. I have been in much worse positions before and now I mostly blow my money on my stupid ungrateful family. I could be doing so much worse and still be semi happy but I am honestly astounded by how fortunate I am sometimes
  11. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I am very fucking fortunate.
  12. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Tort is a mess.

    This thread is cute

    We should be friends on the video phone
  13. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Imagine watdhinf the trial and hoping the dumb, weak, racist scumbag pig was gonna get off, only to see him become the sacrificial lamb of systemic racism so no societal change happens.

    Just imagine pigfuckers
  14. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy But when a black man shoots a dozen other black people it is called a "child's birthday party".

    When fona fucks his grandmother it's called "tuesday"
  15. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Hes gonna get raped so beautifully
  16. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I've spent too much time in prison and now I feel like a success story. I hope I don't go back anytime soon I feel if I do it will be for too long. Prison is boring and intellectually and emotionally damaging. I can't believe I'm alive and free 3/5 days
  17. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by aldra the guy was spazzing out and refused to get/stay in the car; shouting about breathing problems before he was even on the ground.

    pinning him in place was something of a mercy considering how badly he wanted to stay out of the car, and as far as I know the only reason he was pinned so long is because the medics were delayed

    you're playing cuckholds advocate
  18. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    uncle tom buffoonery
  19. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by aldra it's not looking like the restraint contributed to his death

    why do you think he should go to jail?

    Because he's a pig who used excessive force, duh

    Literally the enforcing arm of the states legitimacy kneeled on a guys neck on video for an excessive amount of time. Anyone who thinks the pig shouldn't be accountable is a statist cuck who will make compromises of their own freedom so they can feel a little of the illusion of safety if it aligns with the states motives and that IS NOT WHAT ADULTS DO. Fuck it's disgusting there are people who think like that.

    Michael brown grabbed the pigs gun and was coming for him. This is very, very different and very disgusting. Whether or not he caused his death he should go to jail and be raped to a bloody pulp for what is visible in the video
  20. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ That's crazy.

    You sound scared
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