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Posts by Sudo

  1. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    This thread reminded me to call my insurance company tomorrow
  2. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Man of all the nu metal bands, staind was the one without a gimmick and just that one song (and possibly "fade") and who woulda fucking thought the crackhead lead singer would be tryna be 2021 talentless Ted Nugent. I liked powerman 5000 better.

    Also IIRC they were associated with Puddle of Mudd, possibly signing them then Mudd got bigger than they did. I remember I found the lyrics to "blurry" in a desk at a school and initially thought it was a suicide note/cry for help.

    The point is, speedy literally spends 60% of his life trying to will a time machine into existence like Uncle Rico off Napolean Dynamite except speedy is in MUCH worse health, mentally and physically
  3. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by mmQ

    This gif cuts short of the payoff line of ", fun fun but the most wonderful thing about tiggers is I'm the only one" and we later learn that this emotional unavailability and fasetiousness is a coping mechanism for the crippling loneliness Tigger experiences by not having kinfolk to share an identity with. There is a surprise resolution at the end which leads to an emotionally fulfilling moment I will leave to the imagination

    I'm thinking of trying to write a book about a local theif who made international headlines or at least steal parts of him for a character but he was a pretty complicated guy. He was very anti Semitic and before that was a big deal he used to convince local council to do anti Semitic things like name lakes after nazi things. Would require alot of research
  4. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I Love you
  5. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Wariat lol

    This will not suffice for a reaction. I was a critical dissection and response.

    Also, did anyone catch the Waka flocka flame reference?
  6. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I honestly never thought I would be off nicotine, ever since I was 13/14 and became addicted. Now I've been off for two years and going back seems so stupid. I hope I feel this way about opes someday 😔
  7. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Wariat at least I not too autistic and tupid to know the definition of term I use to base my argument off of.

    Show me the definition of pedophilia daddy I am tupid girl
  8. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Kev its a thread about teens, not kids.

    i would caution you not to be too naive about pedos tho. the successful ones are people you know who virtue signal about child protection, donate to kids charities and all these things to throw off the scent so you never suspect a thing, even when its under your nose.

    to scapegoat unknown strangers behind the bush for all societal ills is a tactic for controlling the stupid, youre smarter than that. if you are interested in being part of the solution, rather than randomly virtue signal to gain the approval of anonymous strangers you will never meet, you need to look closer.

    I was actually thinking of advocating for a more robust sex offender database in my country because the status quo is fucking pointless and ridiculous. SWIM also used social engineering to get the name, address and quite a bit of other info on someone who lives nearby who was charged with pedophilia offenses.

    Also aren't you a pedophile? What's your point? There are far more dangerous pedophiles in the world? No shit. This one is funny though.

    Also, Don't fucking tell me what I'm smarter than, you dont know my steez. I might be the stupidest person to ever grace this website. You need to look closer. There you will see that your defense of unsuccessful pedophilia attempts are a smokescreen for your own participation in a Phillipine pedophile ring headed by Hillary Clinton. When R Kelly starts talking you're goin down bud.
  9. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Anyone who offers advice is literally aiding and abetting pedophilia. It makes me feel like there is justice in this world because a pedophile is too stupid and autistic to procure young girls.
  10. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Found it

    Warsaw, 2021. It's like the virus was always here, or the spanish flu never ended. Hard glances, hurried shuffles and arms length alienation. Pandemic seemed the natural rhythm of the city, wariness of the pestilence inside each other. I needed something to stop the voices from telling me to keep moving so I settled for the oldest elixir served at a back ally pub with a hard wooden door called "The Raw Beef" according to my translation. I almost didn't expect it to be open and when it was, I still didn't see the point of it being open. It featured a lone man sitting at the bar and the barkeep sitting far away from the taps staring at his phone. I sat a few stools down from the man at the bar and hollered my order.

    "vodka double no ice." The barkeep seemed delighted to have the business.

    "Hey brother," said the man at the bar, "you are in the right place." He looked pale and puffy. His head and features were almost infantile. His lips curled outwards, a bright red hue. He looked local and somewhat young but I could tell he had done some travelling. My drink was half inhaled before I responded.

    "Yeah, why is that?"

    "Because I can tell you aren't a normie and this isn't a normie bar"
    "excuse me?" I asked, assuming there was something lost in his translation
    "This isn't a bar for normal people. You know, normal people who just go to work, go home, fall asleep and that stuff"
    "oh yeah?" I stared at the rest of my drink, then back at the man. He seemed lonely and weird but confident and somewhat content in his situation. I could tell he was actually serious. "What else would you say makes a normie?" I paused while he thought then volunteered. "Normie's probably tend to obey the law"
    "yes, of course" said the man. "I've been to prison several times in America. Always put there by normies. Always set up and treated unfairly and railroaded."
    "yes, normies will do that to people they consider to be "other" I said diplomatically before ordering another round for both of us.
    "They will put you in a box just to make you lash out. They did not like me in America because I am pollack. They were jealous of my grafik desien skills. Now here women try to keep me out of the industry because of their jealously but I still manage"
    "That's fucked up" I said "what did they do to you in America because you were a pollack? Those filthy american pigs are the biggest scum in the world" I knew I had to keep volunteering resentment to keep him going
    "They set me up with a beautiful girl"
    "They found this beautiful girl I was talking to and when I tried to meet her they arrested me"
    "what? they used a girl to set you up? Those bastards"
    "yes brother they tricked me and when I went to the aquarium they arrested me." I could tell he was getting drunker and his tongue was slipping.
    "bastards. They will do anything to get their enemies"
    "they tricked me with the most beautiful girl ever and said she was 12. I couldn't stop thinking about her. They trapped me then charged me"
    I gulped. I couldn't miss a beat. "Another Two!" I called out "Those pieces of shit. Things are so much better over here"
    "Yes they are. Over here our government doesn't get involved between men and girls. They let men do as they will."
    "fuckin right brother, way it should be"
    "This fucking anna spysz tho..."
    "she thinks she can make grafik desine. Now she tries music, she just wants to live in a mans world"
    "brother, it will always be a mans world no matter what these feminists try"
    "fucking right my brother"
    "Good men like us will inherit it from the normies"
    "You must be a pollack I like you"
    "I like you too brother, I want you to meet someone, she needs a good man like you"
    "oh?" he said, eyelids droopy and red from alcohol they still perked right up. "who is it?"
    "My neice is here with me, she's very smart. Wise beyond her years"
    "how many years?" he asked salivating
    "13 brother, she's plenty ready for a good pollack man like you"
    "lets go brother I'm ready" he couldn't contain his excitement. "I'll pay, I got you." He hopped up and seemed 2 feet taller. Smiling from ear to ear with a nervous anticipation. He walked unsteadily, the liquor clearly calling the shots. He was light on his feet and almost effeminate in his stance waiting for me to get up. I was feeling the alcohol but feeling the anger more strongly. I had done well but wished I was better prepared. We walked out the door into the alley. I had one chance.
    "It's over this way" He turned, I hesitated. Walked a few feet while he babbled about something I couldn't hear.
    "Do you have a lighter?"
    "yes brother" he searched through his pockets. I reeled back and landed my right fist on his cheek. The alcohol pushed me forward, the fist colliding with his cheek and the force propelling me forward as the force propelled up backward. My fist on his jaw made the sound of a board hitting a lake and echoed against the cobblestone street and side of the brick buildings in the alley. My movement carried me forward as his stumble carried him back. His reflexes weren’t bad, as drunk as he was and doughy as he looked, he reflexively caught himself right before I kicked out his left leg and he fell on the street with a thud. I knew I couldn’t hesitate, he had been in enough fights to have muscle memory that would power through the inebriation. I stamped on his chin and bounced his melon against the curb. This dazed him to the point I could see his eyes rolling back. Another well placed kick and that might be it for him. Soft head. Soft face. Soft body. Soft brain. No wonder he had to prey on things that were more fragile than him and that meant kids. Not anymore.
    I had enough of a moment to get to my knife. 6 inch hunting knife I had gotten at a duty free shop. No matter what was to transpire I was certainly hoping to leave the alley with it. I looked down at him, barely conscious, sputtering profanities and proclamations of surprise, “What the fucks” and whatnot. Knife in the left, he met my right again, keeping my blows on the left side of his face that was already starting to swell.
    “How badly do you want to live?”
    “What the fuck…why?”
    “I don’t know why you would want to live”
    “Badly. I want to live badly”
    “Ok.” I stepped on his chest and let my weight off the other foot. He gasped and turned even pinker. His arms flailed but quickly covered her face, anticipating more blows. “Now we are going to see how badly.” I unzipped my fly. His eyes went to my fly and the big knife in my hand.
    “You’re a wariat.”
    “What did you say.” I glared quickly. Keeping him alive wasn’t worth hearing a polish insult directed at me.
    “It’s a good thing. It means madman in Polish. Wariat’s are respected”
    “How are pedophiles respected?”
    “Well Roman Polanski—“ I cut him off with a kick to the ribs. Easiest bones to break from a standing position with big boots on. They felt heavier when I let my weight carry them. Like wrecking balls against glass.
    “Shut the fuck up. You’re going to suck…” I landed a left on the other cheek now, not chancing a second wind, “like your worthless life depends on it.” I stood straddled over him and dropped my chubby hog so it was dangling over his bloody, swollen head. “Because it does.”
    I looked him right in the eyes. All that greeted me was fear, confusion and self preservation. I had no doubt he was up to the task. He paused, getting him bearings. I couldn’t allow that. I dropped a knee to the nose “Come on now,” I said and grabbed him by the right ear with the blade in my left. “Lets see you do it with no hands.”
    I watched him prop to a sitting position then attach himself to my member. I felt myself instantly grow inside his mouth and a gurgling cough bellow from his esophagus that just put me more in the moment. His technique was far from amateur. His head bobbed as I guided him harshly with his ear, twisting it on purpose to ensure he didn’t falter in his task. The blood and alcohol sweat permeating from his pores made his mouth a lagoon of base fluids. He coughed and choked at all the right times. I couldn’t give him the satisfaction though. I couldn’t afford to get weak at the knees either. I took myself out and slapped my hard cock against his pulverized left cheek. He winced in pain and looked up at me. “Was I good?” He asked.
    “Yes you were very good” I smiled, still with my cock out. I kneeled down to his level. His fellatio had given him more confidence in the situation. His arms were still behind him, keeping him propped up and steady. I had made him subservient but I was still worried of fight or flight responses. I looked him in the eyes. “Those lips of yours sure are a treat. Now what is your name?”
    He looked back at me, clearly dazed and out of his mind. Confusion seemed to be guiding him. Probably guided most things he had done and things like video games and gay porn, with their finite and simplistic worlds and parameters would make more sense to him. “Mike” he said.
    I stiffened up. “Don’t lie to me.”
    “It’s Maciej.”
    My smile grew larger until it ground my teeth together in a “My name’s Roger” as I plunged the knife into the side of his neck and snuffed his miserable life from this plane of existence.
  11. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I wrote a huge story about raping wariat before and posted it in one of his many shitty threads. Don't know if he even read it but it was long AF and described meeting him in a bar then violently raping him to death in a cobblestone alley in a Warsaw street. It needed editing which I was using the thread I posted in to edit in. Then I lost it and here we are. If I find it I'll post
  12. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    And how does nobody have any of blings PI? He's from the fast and dangerous sheff and has long gangly arms, he can't be hard to come by
  13. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I used to have toothless Joe's PI. I remember his name was way gayer than "Joe" and he lived in a place in Britain I'd never heard of but seemed quite populous. Remember Nerd Fangs? He was an alright British Bloke as well.

    RIP Fubi

    Get help Oct

    Unban me Meta

    Teach me how to fingerblast Jackketch
  14. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny you felt the way you did because you lacked a weekend ride.

    real men needs something high speed and exciting to do on the week ends.

    in medieval times, real men keep fast horses for their weekend ride, while primitive people in primitive continents construct giant 50' swings so that they can swing back and forth at a very high and dangerous speed.

    today environental faggots either ski or ride their bicycles downhills while their non-environmemtal counterparts ride rollercoasters and ferries wheels to enjoy the stimulation of travelling thru time and space at high and dangerous speed.

    but above all, real men of these days, they have either a sports car, sports bike, sports boat, or when everyone of these are priced beyond his means ….

    at least a sports moped.

    to fulfill all their high speed needs.

    just get yourself something capable of going FAST. FURIOUS. AND DANGEROUS.

    My muscle car is faster than your muscle car, my dick is bigger than yours, I have a higher net worth, I sex more attractive womens, I have two ATVs and more firearms than you do, plus I'm on stronger medication and am potentially more of a menace to my community. I'm a bigger piece of shit than you are, why do you even get out of bed in the afternoon?
  15. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I just shit out a whole babybell gouda thing, wax and all. Didn't even eat one, it's weird my bowel movements are compressing themselves like this. I didn't open it up and I initially thought it was cheese that came out my ass but when I really stop to think about it, it would make more sense if it's just wax covered shit.

    Anyone else do this?
  16. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Sounds like you're a loser. Just read books regardless of your level of intoxication and try to become smarter and better adjusted.
  17. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Bon Anniversaire, if there was one thing you wanted to have by next year what would it be?
  18. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Is the "comet ping pong Hollywood nonce elite" what he calls his genitalia?
  19. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I think I would do alright at an open mic comedy night because I can turn on my charisma for 4 minutes and people will at least watch me and my crappy material about vomiting up methadone in prison. They'd be 3/10 entertained and I'd be so full of good energy I'd get nervous immediately have to kill it with drugs and if anyone tried to talk to me after they'd see the goodness had left me and they'd think they really didn't see what they just saw.
  20. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I'm so glad this thread is still fixing democracy
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