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  1. dont got time if you dont got no money bitch
  2. lol do it
  3. i used to do this now i shoot meth at the top of a mountain with 10,000 monks and we all meditate at once
  4. this is my true self
  5. yea fuck selena gomez she looks like a child with downs syndrome
  6. pathetic
  7. *chooses not to participate*
  8. Originally posted by EllariaSand No

    so you're just content enough with posting on a dating website or what?
  9. kill yourself
  10. was coming off 2 or 3 (who's counting?) weeks of mething around yesterday and took like 8 mg of etizolam because i was so irritated and took like 12 dabs but nothing was working. i had some shit on my leg i thought was a pimple and seemed to be growing quickly and i thought i should get some sleep then go to the doctors but i couldn't fall asleep and it was getting bigger faster and plus i dont have a job so i have obama insurance so i just went to the ER and they said it was an abscess and cut it open and shit. then i had been there for like 8 hours so i was hungry as fuck and came home and took some more etizolam and dabs and ate like 6 pieces of pizza and about a half gallon of water.

    anyways now i gotta go get a prescription for this shit because my leg hurts like hell because some dude i probably go to school with was training on me for the first time and cut it up with scissors but its probably not his fault because i think i told him "just fuck my shit up fam" because he seemed nervous he would hurt me. now i took a bunch of dabs and Crouton and im lazy as fuck.

    anyone else here ever have this problem?
  11. no.

  12. yes. i write shitty short fictional stories about them and publish them to strangers and sometimes they like them but idk why
  13. the other day i was on the freeway in the fast lane. i don't fuck around if i'm in the fast lane because it pisses people off if you're doing less than 80 and people are behind you, and there was light traffic so i was doing like 70 along with all the cars around me and some asshole just swerved in front of me and braked immediately, i wonder if they were trying to pull some shit like this
  14. Originally posted by aldra fades rapidly, once I sober up it's easy enough to analyze whether I was right to be anxious

    well that's interesting. do you mind if i ask which drug? you can pm if you want
  15. Originally posted by WellHung Post proof pics or stfu ya unabashed braggart

    i won't bother, many users here can vouch for me though if you want lol
  16. bro i've got two trash bags full of vomit that has been sitting in my room for going on 3 days now do you think i give a fuck
  17. she's turning blue, such a lovely color for you
    call an optimist, she's turning blue,
    while i just sit and stare at you
  18. I mean like say you're all fucked up on stimulants or psychedelics or whatever and get really paranoid about a certain situation or person, but you're not in a psychosis or anything, you're just paranoid. But then when you come down you realize that you were most likely just overanalyzing things. Does that paranoia fade over time for you? Or does it kind of always sit there in the back of your head and make you wonder?
  19. why the fuck would they give a shit about what people on the internet think about them? fucking pussies. i've been here long enough that people recognize i use drugs and get insecure about their own drug use and try to talk shit but who gives a fuck? you're all on a fucking internet dating website anyways, it's not like anyone has any dignity left in the first place. people who get really upset about other people on the internets lives have obvious emotional issues. i mean we all do but why bother wasting it arguing about who is the bigger slut/junkie/whatever? its fucking dumb.
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