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Does everyone enjoy being a slave to the almighty dollar?

  1. #1
    WellHung Black Hole
    Folks, the key is to figure out how to become the dollar's master.
  2. #2
    EllariaSand African Astronaut
    well....we can’t all have everything handed to us by our families now can we.....

    most of us have to actually work for what we have.......
  3. #3
    Rock_N_Rollover African Astronaut [my obsessively old-time raunch]
    You should keep to your stupid, meaningless threads.

    Don't strain your little brain.
  4. #4
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by EllariaSand well….we can’t all have everything handed to us by our families now can we…..

    most of us have to actually work for what we have…….

    Do u work hard for ur Arkansas trailer, fat girl?
  5. #5
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by Rock_N_Rollover You should keep to your stupid, meaningless threads.

    Don't strain your little brain.

    Triggered, little dick?
  6. #6
    bro i've got two trash bags full of vomit that has been sitting in my room for going on 3 days now do you think i give a fuck
  7. #7
    Rock_N_Rollover African Astronaut [my obsessively old-time raunch]
    The overuse of the word "triggered". Lolol.
  8. #8
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III bro i've got two trash bags full of vomit that has been sitting in my room for going on 3 days now do you think i give a fuck

    Post proof pics or stfu ya unabashed braggart
  9. #9
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by Rock_N_Rollover The overuse of the word "triggered". Lolol.

    U seem angry. I love getting under ur extremely thin skin, douchebag.
  10. #10
    Originally posted by WellHung Post proof pics or stfu ya unabashed braggart

    i won't bother, many users here can vouch for me though if you want lol
  11. #11
    EllariaSand African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung Do u work hard for ur Arkansas trailer, fat girl?

    Actually I hardly work for my Manhattan loft fat boy......I’d invite you & grammie but you’re both over the weight limit in the private lift that goes up to my loft 😉
  12. #12
    tee hee hee Naturally Camouflaged [slangily complete this slumberer]
    Gimme more dollarz!!!
  13. #13
    Bologna Nacho African Astronaut
    I got it so easy, I can't believe my boss hasn't figured it out yet. I am going to ride this gravy train as long as I can.
    Bragging like a nigga...
  14. #14
    Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Fuck fiat. Hopefully a crypto will stabilize enough over the long term to be viable. At that point the state would probably make it illegal to hold tho.
  15. #15
    Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Working for money sucks, but it's way preferable than having no money.
  16. #16
    tee hee hee Naturally Camouflaged [slangily complete this slumberer]
    Unfortch but true. Sigh.
  17. #17
    esbity African Astronaut
    I've made back every dollar I've paid in taxes, several times over. I'm in my 30's and Ive always worked or collected UI since high school.

    I've also cost that much at least once.
  18. #18
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i've lost everything and become destitute at least a dozen times over the years, so i understand there is actually a real sense of freedom to being homeless and broke. i know full well i am perfectly able to survive anywhere and its also pretty fun starting a new life and building back up again. plus it certainly teaches you who your friends are which is a really good thing to know. so i certainly don't obsess about being rich or having all the most expensive latest shit. i've also had a bit of money at times, not millions, but enough to have a feel for the high life. but it was easy come easy go with that. i know that once you get money its never enough and wanting more consumes you, it never ends and you also become paranoid about losing what you have which sucks, especially when you're affecting your friends and family with the paranoia. so i don't allow myself to be a slave to the dollar these days. i won't sell out my principles just for the false promise of security that a regular wage gives you.

  19. #19
    Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by NARCassist i've lost everything and become destitute at least a dozen times over the years, so i understand there is actually a real sense of freedom to being homeless and broke. i know full well i am perfectly able to survive anywhere and its also pretty fun starting a new life and building back up again. plus it certainly teaches you who your friends are which is a really good thing to know. so i certainly don't obsess about being rich or having all the most expensive latest shit. i've also had a bit of money at times, not millions, but enough to have a feel for the high life. but it was easy come easy go with that. i know that once you get money its never enough and wanting more consumes you, it never ends and you also become paranoid about losing what you have which sucks, especially when you're affecting your friends and family with the paranoia. so i don't allow myself to be a slave to the dollar these days. i won't sell out my principles just for the false promise of security that a regular wage gives you.


    You're British. There's no such thing as poor in England.
  20. #20
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by Cootehill You're British. There's no such thing as poor in England.

    Obviously you've never been to England.
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