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  1. I'm taking a trip very soon and will have some time 2 kill if any1 wants to meet up. HMU ASAP LMAO
  2. nvm i found my phone lmfao
  3. I can't find my phone in my room and it's hella messy so I'm starting a temporary kik chat in here for shit that I want to say in the chat but also don't really have enough content to justify a thread on NIS so here we go.

    I'm not even sure what gabapentin feels like, it kinda feels like GHB I think.
  4. Originally posted by Lanny lol, I don't think anyone would believe that even if it was true.

    I know a guy who killed someone because he was drunk and hit them when they were on the side of the road. He had some partially drunk bottles of liquor in the trunk and SUPPOSEDLY used that as his defense. He still got a year in jail but it was his 4th DUI and I know he did at least one other kinda long stint of like a year or two previously for beating someone with a baseball bat, so it does seem like a very light punishment. Then again he's white and attractive so...
  5. i have an asian gf, it's pretty dank
  6. ask him how fucking that one prostitute was
  7. dont call me up and tell me that its ok
    just turn it off because i dont care anyway
  8. i love you too actor, don't kill yourself. if you do at least come chill with me first and we can go around getting high and exploring things and giving out free meth to bums.
  9. the only way i've ever seen it happen is if they are on mdma/meth
  10. Originally posted by RisiR † I can't talk about that right now.

    Just fucking erase the entire thought off your mind, bro. Stick to H.

    lol alright no worries. i'm not really that dead set on trying them again. i was just curious and had no idea the shit out there was on this level. and i hate h. i seriously fucking hate that shit. it's disgusting and makes me straight up evil for some reason, totally different than other opioids
  11. Originally posted by RisiR † Maybe at DNMs but I kinda doubt that they are even produced anymore since all the bans made them illegal.

    You're also not gonna make a real syncan junkie happy with that weak stuff. If it doesn't mong you to hell nobody that is addicted will feel it.

    is the euphoria from them intense like with hard drugs?
  12. 8 AM: wake up, take 2 dabs and eat 50 mg of meth
    12 AM: 20 mg line of meth
    3 PM: eat 150 mg thc edibles
    6 PM: 9 gram looseleaf strained Crouton tea
    10 PM: 2 mg etizolam

    then just dab til you pass out at like 4 am
  13. word enhancement should enhancement into something else so that NIS mirrors the natural fractal nature of the universe. word enhancements within word enhancements. it never endz
  14. i will find mistakes in the lines of your face when you say my name because when this all ends i'll need someone to blame
  15. Originally posted by RisiR † Learn about the Endocannabinoidsystem and what it all does inside your body. It's really fucking important.

    It feels billions times worse than that doc can portray. Trust me. I'm a reckless junkie from hell and I can't comprehend how I was so stupid to fuck myself into this situation. I don't know if I can make it. Seriously considering offing myself to make it stop.

    No other drug has done that to me. Stay away.

    alright, you've convinced me, but what about the old ones? are they still sold?
  16. Originally posted by Ensign §m£ÂgØL Thats why you keep the real bills (the ones and fives) on top. Never touch your stack of fake 100s and you've effectively skirted breaking the law while still managing to become famous.

    having them is still illegal though and there's a lot of frustrated cops with hurt egos at bars and clubs and shit sometimes
  17. uhh idk man i heard the secret service takes that shit pretty seriously
  18. Originally posted by RisiR † I made this thread a couple days ago. Check it out.

    god damn, i had no idea, is it really like that documentary portrays? that shit seems totally different than what i remember. i mean they say it's addictive as fuck mentally, but it's hard for me to imagine a cannabinoid doing that for me. like how is the high so addictive that it rivals meth/h?
  19. Originally posted by RisiR † The vape juice with Syncans is generally called "C-liquid" but I'd strongly advice you not to start with that stuff. I don't know when you had Syncans the last time but the stuff they sell nowadays is pure insanity.

    I'd literally suck Bill Krozby's dick right now to feel better and I'm already 10000% better than the first couple of days.

    Seriously, don't go there.

    oh really? i haven't fucked with them since 2012 or so so it's been a while. i remember there were different ones, like jwh 018 would get me uncomfortably high and anxious, and jwh 210 was more sedating and relaxing. is there still shit like that or are they all just super fucked up?
  20. fuckkkkkkkkkk im stoned bro
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