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  1. How would you ask the person? Would you do it privately, publicly, semi public? At some super romantic place? Or just in the gutter? Opinions plz
  2. none of that is her fault, if those two wouldn't have been whiny little cucks dependent on someone like her in the first place they would have been fine, who the fuck gets a tattoo of their gf/bf after one week?
  3. Originally posted by JĎ…icebox I believe that's (basically) the amount of power you're using, but I've never learned welding. I really should.

    Finny should be here momentarily

    it's actually the amount of current, although the amount of current is proportional to the power being consumed
  4. welp i'm going to welding classes now. they're free but you get a certification and they teach you hella shit and it's only 2 days a week. i was on like a little but not too much shard the first couple days but there are a bunch of fuck ups there that are on way more meth than me so i think it's cool. anyways i'm not sure what welding really is, i get that theres some sort of fuel mixed with oxygen but then wtf are the AMPERES for? hmmm?
  5. I got like 20 blister packs of etizolam and a cLAM solution laying around here somewhere so I just scatter piles of a few blister packs everywhere around the house, like obviously not in random places, but like in every convenient place, like where you keep your keys, so maybe if you're headed out somewhere and you're like "fuuuuuck dude i forgot my benzos" your homie can just be like "yo just grab like 3 mg from the counter where I keep my keys!" Or like if they're with a lame ass mormon girlfriend that will get all pissy if her bf takes some drugs so you could just hook him up by telling him to just go into the bathroom and take a piss then take what he needs
  6. Originally posted by I was your neighbor. I lived in Pittsburg for some time and Oakley. I'm glad to see Antioch finally got it's E-BART.

    I've been by that (where the lady is) but Not by the railtracks. I went to that second street club where punk bands and sometimes rap music artist would play (small local bands) in rivertown.. and up the street was the rap music or country and crazy drunk bitches. I started to drink at home. safer. didn't have to worry about getting a DUI. then I stopped drinking.

    been years since I'v been down there.

    Where you living in Antioch in 2001? if so, How old where you. do you remember the day after, these planes were flying over the town. often they still do. Just curious if you knew what that was about. I think it was in the paper briefly. Cop radio it in. September 12th. People thought they were spraying Anthrax or some shit. they flew over Brentwood, Antioch and would go out towards Pittsburg

    oh shit space nigga, that's crazy, i'll pm u when i'm not totally fucked up and lazy
  7. Originally posted by DontTellEm Lol. Relax, take a nap.

    i keep taking pills but none of them seem to put me to sleep
  8. update: I ended up getting a good buzz going on poppy tea and etizolam and hella dabs and came to this coffee shop to chill in this area where everyone is always talking about weed and some dude came up to me and gave me some free weed and told me to try it and he sells it and gave me his number and then he talked about a bunch of sciency shit that made it clear that he's never heard of conservation of energy. He just left and now I'm really high just sitting here. I might go to the park or some shit. Idk. What should I do?
  9. im high too
  10. Originally posted by Rizzo in a box wait what happened to all the shards on the concrete dont leave me hanging like that did someone rail them?

    i guess he just left it there, he got all pissed off like "don't come here tellin me i dropped shit disrespectin me like that" so i was just like alright w/e even though there were clearly visible chunks falling on his pants and the concrete.
  11. On the plus side I've recently been making tea from seeds from smaller sources I could find locally or online. I've actually found some decent ones at another place now. Half pound has me decently buzzed rn
  12. I hadn't done shard in like a little over a month. It wasn't really hard to stop but a couple days ago I was walking back home from somewhere and got a craving out of the blue. I deleted all the dealers I knew numbers off my phone, and knew that it's probably not a good idea to try to get some anyways, but I was coming up on some real sketchy blocks that crackheads frequent, so I told myself that I'd take the 30 bucks cash that I had on me, and offer it to someone for like a half g or something, if they had it then and there and ready to go and no "i gotta take the money to meet this dude i promise i'll be back in an hour" shit. And if I didn't see any sketchy people on the way home or they didn't have it or weren't willing then I would just go home and smoke a bunch of weed. I was pretty sure that this was not going to happen so I wouldn't be doing any.

    Then as I walked I saw this old crackhead homeless dude with all his shit laid out on the sidewalk sitting near this other dude who looked like he was pretty intelligent but also a convict and meth addict. The older dude seemed pretty out of it but the younger guy seemed more calm minded and able to deal with things so I figured he would be my best shot. So I went up and kneeled down and just said hey i don't wanna bother you but if anyone wants to sell me like 15 bucks of shard I'd give you 30 if you have it right now. The younger dude didn't say anything, but the older crackhead said he had some but I was a little skeptical because sometimes he made no sense. So I was like cool can i get it then and I got the money right now. And he started not making sense and babbling, after a minute of that I was like hey dude I'm sorry but if you don't have it then I gotta go, and the dude got all mad and shit and was like HOLD ON I GOTTA CLEAN OFF MY GLASSES FIRST. At this point I was pretty sure that whatever this guy was doing, he didn't really have any shard, but I figured there's no harm in giving him another couple minutes.

    Then he slowly walked over to this container he had sitting nearby and brought it over and showed me he had a good amount of H, crack, and shard in there. He was fucked up and showing it off to me. I didn't see how much H or crack there was exactly because the baggies were half concealed by the pocket they were in, but he pulled out a bag of probably at least 6 grams of what looked like some decent shit. He started bitching that I didn't have anything to put it in, so I just laid down this post it note I had in my pocket and he was like NAH IT'S TOO SMALL. It was kinda funny so I laughed and he got irritated and finally he let me get away with using a 1 dollar bill to wrap it in.

    Then, I'm not sure why, but he pulled out a decent sized shard (actually it weighed to almost exactly 2 g's), spilling probably 300-400 mg of it on his pants and the concrete, and gave it to me. I told him he dropped some because it was a significant amount kinda and he got mad at me again and told him not to disrespect him and I was like alright cool thanks man. Then I got home and it was really good and now I hate everything.
  13. lol fatal plus 100 mL
  14. There should be a place for trusted members to list sources for things. Something like how /r/rcsources used to have a trusted vendor list. We could list on there sources for Crouton and other things. You'd need to be a well established member of the community to view it though. Now that I am typing this out it sounds like too much hassle to be worth it, but w/e.
  15. UPDATE: There was an abscess growing under my lip so I had to go to the ER again and get it cut out. The male doctor who cut it out was chill but there was this female doctor who was a total cunt. after they finished cutting out the abscess it was bleeding like fuck so the doctor said he'd be back in like 10 minutes to check on it when it stops bleeding and so i waited for like an hour and i had to piss so i walked out to the bathroom and this bitch came up to me and was like HAVE YOU BEEN HELPED? so i told her i just had my lip drained and she was like WELL I SENT YOUR NURSE ON BREAK SO CAN YOU JUST GO BACK AND WAIT IN THE ROOM PLEASE? so i was thinking great that's why i've been waiting for seemingly no purpose for the past hour but i just told her i was just going to use the restroom real quick and asked if that's ok and she said i guess.

    then my gf was in the room and kept looking out so i think it pissed that one female dr off more and she came in after like 10 minutes and did the prescription explanation really quick and then she said "we usually take vitals but you seem like you really want to go home" and i just said yea and so i said thanks and left.

    now my lip is swollen as fuck and i have to use mouthwash and take more antibiotics. it's painful as fuck to open my mouth very much so everything i eat has to be like liquid or really flat.
  16. let me get in on that too
  17. lmmfao lmafo

    (laughing my mother fucking ass off laughing my fucking ass off)
  18. Originally posted by cupocheer OG …. what was your other site address (when you was just getting started with gifs and stuff)?

    There is something on there that I want to see, again., lmfao
  19. Originally posted by Misguided Russian where u get your poppy seeds from? the local russian store doesnt have as good a shit as they used to.

    i got a source on amazon, they're new so nobody knows about them yet i think and that their seeds are dank. tbh the brew tastes weak but the effects are on par with the seeds that were popular and strong a couple years back from the bigger brands. they're like 10 bucks for 12 oz though. pm me if you want the source, i'm not going to post it publicly though. anyone else who is cool and wants it can pm me as well
  20. lots of dank replies in this thread, keep it up guys
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