2018-10-04 at 4 PM UTC
swollen lip
alternate thread title: i've been domestically abused/dying of an infection
Anyways, a couple days ago I noticed part of the edge of my upper left lip hurt a little bit. I've been bingeing on opiates, weed, benzos, caffeine and nicotine for like 4 days now so it's possible some of the pain was dulled then, but this morning I woke up feeling relatively sober after a long time and the shit seems to have gotten worse, it's swollen and fucking hurts. I took some more poppy seed tea so the pain should subside soon hopefully but maybe not and it might be an infection that kills me idk. The other possibility is that my gf said a couple days ago we were having sex and she thought she accidentally hit me and saw some blood but I was just fucked up/having sex so maybe I didn't realize? The problem is that I can't tell if it's gotten worse or just hurts more because the drugs wore off. I should know soon though when the drugs hit me though, I'll keep u all updated.
lmao are they even aware that the rest of the world makes fun of your accent? australians LITERALLY think that the correct pronunciation of sugar is "sugah" (that's right, like your average obese american walmart motorscooter woman) and that melbouRne is pronounced "melbin." they also are not and will never be and more importantly COULD never be anywhere near as dope as your average american college student trapstar even. as an american, when an australian tries to intimidate me by saying "breh", it's so cringeworthy that i feel intense empathy for the person because they don't know what kind of a fool they are being
sorry 2 enter and aldra, you guys are alright aussies
they probably pay indian kids to pose as women and just train them on what to say
switch from alcohol 2 benzos
2018-10-03 at 4:32 PM UTC
obviously opiates with benzos
2018-10-03 at 12:44 PM UTC
self hatred thread
Addicts are kinda bitches sometimes though when we're coming down or not high. And I am definitely not excluding myself from this, but something I've noticed is that we relish in the highs and pretend like we're invincible but then when we come down we have this "i need to get serious" attitude and like we know more sorrow than others (which is probably true but still, we choose it.)
430 out of what though? i need some context to judge
2018-10-03 at 12 PM UTC
self hatred thread
These days I think not enough people have been taking the time out of their busy days to appreciate the complex yet delicate, but at the same time overwhelming sense of self hatred that is placed inside each and every one of us by our creator at the time of conception. This, to me, is a damned shame. We were are all unique, we were all given our own personalities, so that the hatred you have for yourself is a unique one. Unless you are some sort of well known or infamous person, not many people will ever get the chance to know you and dislike you. And for most people that are not total assholes, probably only a few people will ever hate them.
You get to spend your whole life with yourself, and nobody knows yourself like yourself. Think about it. What do families do over time? The couples eventually grow somewhat apart while keeping each other occupied just enough so that they are not crushed by loneliness. The children eventually move away. The more time you spend around your family, the more you hate them, and the more you want to get away from them. But you are stuck with yourself your whole life, you can't get away from yourself. You may find a few hours or even a few days relief in drugs or some other vice, but you will need to be there to deal with yourself when you come down.
There is no getting away from it, everyone gets to feel it and everyone's self hatred is unique and different. To get to know someone intimately is to know the things they hate about themselves. To be vulnerable is to allow others to see the parts of you you hate. The individuality and intensity of it and the desires it spurns are strange when you think about it.
I plan on making the instagram account soon and the music will follow soon after I had my first photshoot today. Let me know what you think I'll be posting the pictures thank you.
i love you so much, but do me a favor cuz i can dish it out, but i cant take it~
2018-10-02 at 3:01 PM UTC
simple pleasures in life
a shitload of morphine totally saturating your consciousness until everything is beautiful
2018-10-02 at 3 PM UTC
CandyBooty's new avatar.
candyrein is the homie. one day we will drink poppy seed tea and listen to mozzy together
is that like when some1 buys a snake but can't make the payments so the pet shop boys come and rough them up