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Posts by PrettyHateMachine

  1. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Manonfire U are so fukin stupid I can't take it

    That you think that proves how stupid you actually are
    I'm the most intelligent person to have visited this pissant little website
  2. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    The LBGTQ rainbow covered half naked pride festivals never should have allowed children.
    The way that they introduced queer studies to schools was perverted and fucked up from the start, like having demonic looking drag queens teach kids or butch looking jedis.
    They could have just told the kids, look this stuff isn't normal or healthy but if you have these feelings that doens't mean you're broken or going to hell, you just have to deal with it later on in life but nooo they had to fully encourage this garbage because it's all part of the new world order agenda of tearing apart the family and creating a subhuman handsome and well tanned individual androgynous retard population the jedis can rule over.
  3. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HTS This sounds wildly speculative. Would make a good basis for a speculative fiction utopic dystopian novel in the vein of 1984 though.

    If you have been following the farleft progressive agenda at all you'll notice the trend.
    They started out with pushing transgenderism on kids, telling parents they weren't allowed to know what the kids were being taught in school, then they started allowing kids in gay pride festivals twerking half naked next to grown men, then the (((media))) uploaded videos to youtube of everything from consent to gender confusion, then the desmond is amazing psyop.
    I can see it already, there will be a children's rights movement in the near future and part of that will be sexuality but the thing worse than pedosexuality is that they want children to be allowed to make any decisions for themselves including leaving their parents for their 39 year old hubby just because they want to, so if you force your child to go to bed at a certain time or wear a certain type of clothing they'll leave you for their pedophile lover.
  4. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Pedosexuality won't take off from the perspective of the adult, it will come about from the left trying to give children more rights.
  5. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    If the jedis didn't exist
  6. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Cootehill I can't believe I actually looked up if she is jedi (of course she is).

    My power level is slipping.

    Just look at the fucking nose you blind idiot
    Also Europeans don't have sickly pale skin and black hair like that.
  7. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    So of all the sites I have been able to find, Veterans Today seems to be the most truthful or at least the one not afraid to tell it like it is.
    They call out the jedi, criticize DJT for being a gay jedi (not being politically uncorrect) and they are actual military vets so they know what the fuck is going on.

    So anyways I read these articles last night and it was very eye opening, especially the one calling Wikileaks and "anonymous" mossand operations.

    Hopefully the kikes only appropriated anonymous and didn't have any part in the creation of 4chan.
    Moot does look kinda kikey though with his nappy curly hair and the effeminancy.
    Fucking kikes literally ruin everything and I'm not just saying that to be edgy.
    We really need to exterminate these creatures once and for all and abolish religion and monetary systems, it's the only way to end slavery and free humanity.

    So anyways that site seems pretty legit.
    Then with that said, where do we go from here?
  8. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    No but it gets a 0.5 because at least there is VR

    even though it's already being used by the kikes to push their propaganda
  9. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by S6x I can't believe we would see a time in which this would be considered something people would question is acceptable. pedos are sick people. they need to be medicated too. or casterated. by medication if needed.

    it's mind blowing because the next level of acceptance is they will get away with physically harming children.

    Yet the #metoo questions every single man if he has a history of going to far with a woman. it's like we live in Opposite Day year round. my childhood future kind of sucks.

    When I was 15 I expected the late 2010s and onward to look like something out of Deus Ex Invisible War but without the negativity and conspiracy stuff.
    I was so excited for what the future would bring, yet here we are in the future yet everything looks like the late 00s and the only major futuristic stuff available to the public is VR and electric scooters.
    I did not expect the communists were going to be this close to taking over the United States or that public schools would be pushing transgenderism.

    I give the future in this timeline a 0.5/10
  10. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    that I wish the world wasn't so fucked up and that video games weren't so boring now
  11. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    No but I loved her show despite the jediness
    I didn't get into the new season though I saw a little bit of an episode at my friend's place and the propaganda was so obvious it was disgusting, trying to make a point of people's fears of muslims being potential terrorists.
    I just want a wholesome entertaining show about a 90s esque midwestern middle class family that's all I ever wanted ;_;
  12. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HTS All I see is blackpilled doomsaying. 😓

    What will your excuse be when Vice and Buzzfeed are churning out articles on how to have sex with tiny vaginas and eating out little boy's anuses?
  13. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HTS Exactly. So let's let pedos be attracted to kids in peace. It doesn't mean we'll eventually have to let them fuck kids too.

    that's not what this is about though and you should know better
  14. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HTS Any similar movement up until this point has dealt with the actions of consenting adults though. You're expecting the same outcome as homosexuality for pedosexuality, but they're fundamentally different. If anything it seems like "the jedis" are actually fighting against mob justice for pedos who commit thought crimes. 🤔

    And you seem to be defending the concept of "pedophilic thought crime" because you're afraid of where not having that may lead.

    Punishing people for their thoughts is literally the dumbest fucking thing and is totally against everything the western world stands for.
    We cannot allow ourselves to fall for totalitarianism of any sort, ever.
    We just need to protect the physical world, what people do in their minds is their business alone.
  15. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Okay for real I started this thread to get the debate going and see what some former totseans would think about this because it's extremely important and the masses need to start seriously thinking about and debating this before it's too late and they allow the psychology jedi to take over their minds.

    I don't think this should be allowed, this, transgenderism and multiculturalism will be the death nail in the coffin that is western civilization and the communists know this, that is why they're pushing all of this it's called fourth-generation warfare.

    No the end times isn't fucking real but goddamn there are idiots out there who want to make it so, but we have the power to stop these animals and secure the fate and future of humanity and most importantly Japan.

    You better fucking believe that they're going to push this I see threads about pedosexuality daily, some anons have reported that leftist groups are covertly campaigning for this and I can already see in my mind how they're going to implement this.
    It will start out with child rights, they'll say children should have all the rights adults have and be in complete full control of their anatomy, then they'll tell you that if your child doesn't like you they can leave without your consent then it'll be that they have the right to have sex at any age with whomever.
    Who even cares about zoophilia or incest or necrophilia, the death of society will be when children are giving "adult rights" because then that'll mean the end of the family unit and without family there is no civilization.
  16. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
  17. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    HTS follow the trail that leads to where these "movements" begin and what do you see?
    It's always the jedis, but on the surface it doesn't appear so because what you see are the useful idiots but the jedi takes them and exploits their vices then promotes that and spreads it to the masses.
  18. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Last night I was visualizing in my mind what outer space actually looks like, first I believe that it isn't dark in how the media and such portray it to be, I think it's mostly extremely bright with all the stars, the only time you would experience darkness is if you're shielded by a meteor or planet.
    Then I started visualizing the structure of the universe, I believe it to be in the shape of a rhombus, with one point being the birth of the universe and the other being a singularity leading to another universe.
    So I went to the very beginning of the very first singularity and I see this magnetic entity that created the stream that lead to our reality but I wondered, what is outside of a universe and what is outside of the reality we're inside?
    If you were to break through the web of a universe and obverse what is outside what would there be furthermore what is outside of our reality.
    I think that within 20 to 50 years we'll have these answers, but only if we take out the jedis and reclaim our nations and secure the future for Europeans and their children.
  19. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Only jedis can be racist and yes European people can experience racism, they do every day.
  20. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    I was sitting in my car outside of a planned parenthood front and I started yelling out "ABORTION IS MURDER" towards all of the cretin walking outside and they just looked at me with disgusted expressions then that dream sequence faded to one where I was walking through a shared bathroom with three naked women I walked up to two at first and thought they looked like jedis so I was like "Nuhhh uhh" then walked up to the third and she looked alright so I attempted to insert myself into her but woke up before I could achieve that goal ;_;

    post your red pilled dreams ITT
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