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Posts by PrettyHateMachine

  1. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung Exactly. that's why we need to start a revolution.

    the revolution has already begun

  2. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I ate food from 50 years ago, and I can tell you the taste of food then and the taste of food now is like night and day. Fruits don't even taste like fruits anymore, they taste more like cardboard, when you compare that taste to the taste 50 years ago. Milk now tastes like water, but 50 years ago, milk was rich and creamy and full-flavored. After the '80's, food quality took a real nosedive, and they did it so gradually nobody really noticed. Full of harmful additives, full of toxic chemicals, That's the pure evil of these crony capitalists; they work on you ever so slowly, and before you know it, they've made a fortune off you, destroyed your life, destroyed your society, and they walk away happy with trillions. They don't give a fig about children, or anything else but their own personal bank accounts.

    it's all going to change soon, don't worry your little head

  3. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung Are u a Nazi?

    National Socialist?
  4. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung Ur delusional, Son. jedis are the chosen people. They will always control things.

    They only thing they're chosen for is extermination

    jedis are parasitic, dumb, ugly, shallow and soulless little creatures who's only purpose is to act as a catalyst for humanity to better itself
  5. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung Your sensory system was meant to sense. Don't deny it stimuli.

    I fill that void with electronic and drug use
  6. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Cootehill It's kinda weird being indoors, where everything comes from a factory, immersed on a computer, then go outside where everything is big and far away.

    It's nice being indoors though, very peaceful and clean.
    The outdoors is a clusterfuck of sensory overload.
  7. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    the jedis are going down

    So the big question is, what will replace hollywood in the US?
    I'm hoping that there will be new media hubs in each major region and will reflect the attitudes and culture of those peoples.
    No more talmudic homosexual bullshit being the face of all of US.
    The midwest, eastern US, mountain range and south all need their own separate media hubs.
    Midwestern media would be the best obviously because I would be there working on movies.
    Hopefully whatever comes about there won't be a major jedi presence.
    Broadcast tv should make a comeback, enough of this gay ass video-on-demand bullshit, I wanna sit back and relax and tune in to something already playing, discover something new and different or just leave it on as background noise all day.
    Just imagine what the US will be like without the jedi/hollywood influence.
  8. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by benny vader wait till OP learns what qualifies as eurasians.

    Eurasian = person who is part Asian and European.
  9. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Nigga I spend all the time outside
  10. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by benny vader get on your knees, close your eyes and say rrrrr.

    Did someone just hit me in the face with a vienna sausage?
  11. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    All of eartly history up to this point has played out for one final outcome, the birth of the Universal Eurasian Nationalist movement headed by yours truly.
    We are the acumulation of billions and trillions of years of evolution, human development and alchemal mastery.
    We are the best of the best, better than the rest.
    European ingenuity and looks, with superior east Asian traits and culture.
    Mudshit handsome and well tanned individualned subuman golems will be nothing once we arise, not our slaves, they will be slaughtered and removed from this planet, their dwellings will make home to our waste dumps and automation factories.
    The jedis will be kept alive to be our eternal slaves, they will mine the earth and off planet for minerals to be used for our construction material then once we no longer have a need for them we'll lock them away in a torture mechanism in full-immersion virtual reality for eternity.
    Everything has been leading to this point.
    The Universe wills it to be.
  12. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Now if only all the rest of you dopeheads would just fall over and die
  13. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    >mexicans in space

  14. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by agent_0927x no, that's fucking lame, it's way better to be able to download new music instantly

    digital files and streaming are fucking lame
  15. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny The irony of your posts is just some next level shit when you're a gender dysphoric, pedophilic, schizophrenic. The first one by your own damn admission. Holy hell, I don't understand how you don't implode in a flaming ball of cognative dissonance

    I'm not schizophrenic.
    I sound non-sequitor and derpy on the mic in the past because #1 I was extremely high every waking moment for five years straight and #2 I was a hikikomori since 12 years old so I never studied grammar or learned how to speak like a fleshnet normie.
    Just because I believe that it's okay to fantasize about lolis doesn't mean I condone normalizing sex with children.
    I very much value a strong and healthy morale for society, I realize that if everyone were like me then civilization would collapse.
    As for the gender dysphoria thing, well I did want to be the little girl but I realized that you cannot change your gender no matter how you twist reality and your perspective (I'm looking at you tumblr) and that the whole push for HRT was a jedi trick.
    I realized there is nothing wrong with my body and that gender doesn't exist, I just needed to stop thinking about the superficial traits associated with the sexes and be in the moment, there wasn't anything wrong with my body or sex I just didn't like the idea of masculinity I wanted to be a cute Asian girl like something from a She album cover ... which I still will become once I can upload my mind to VR but at the same time I want my 15 year old male body back so that's what I'll be like in the fleshnet, I guess you could say I'm bi-gender.
    But really, the whole homosexual and transgender movements are absolute bullshit it's just a bunch of mentally ill and selfish degenerates trying to normalize their behavior.
  16. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by benny vader nein, nein.

    your future is capital feudalism. its already here.

    there are billions on this planet and millions with the know-how to take this system down
    and at least a few billion who would absolutely not want to live in a techno-feudal system.
    it is going on right now, yes, but, within a decade or so there will begin to emerge technologies that will free humanity from the program.
    There will come about a decentralized internet, monetary system and new quantum encryption and communication systems that will absolutely destroy the current world order.
    The future will be free.
  17. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Bought three new vinyl records today, Linkin Park - Reanimation, Linkin Park - Living Things and M83 - Janku
  18. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RottenRobert Its no wonder they have been kicked out of most countries in this world. History of the jedi is a wanderer that nobody wants. Israel was given to them as nobody wanted to take them back after WWII.

    jedis are parasites even Israel is on USA welfare list to the tune of $3 billion/year plus loans we give them that are never repaid but forgiven.

    No it wasn't "given" to them.
    The "cabal" created Israel as the main stage piece to their NWO.
    Israel is where the mega-rich "elite" will rule the world and control everyone because it easily ties into the whole religion indoctrination they have used to control humans for thousands of years.
    If everyone woke up and stopped allowing themselves to be duped into believing all that nonsense and adopted a decentralized way of living then we would be free from this system.
  19. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rock_N_Rollover So they can watch and hear you.


    But, who is "they" ?

    There are already smartphones for that
  20. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Not trolling jedis are the worst "humans" to have ever existed and it is our duty to the future of humanity to exterminate them.
    There are no redeeming qualities to the jedis, they're just pure filth and destroy everything they touch.
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