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Posts by PrettyHateMachine

  1. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    He's old though and a retired vet

    But man when he walked up to me and started talking about the berlin wall and stuff I was like "Uhhhh"
  2. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Some guy who works for homeland security just walked up to me and started talking about random stuff ...
    I wonder if the people who run this public hotspot sent him after me for posting on /pol/
  3. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Madman The age of consent should be 14 for boys and 18 for girls.

    This actually makes sense but the womens rights activists will see this as "sexist"
    But honestly you shouldn't give birth until you reach 18.
  4. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Madman Its child abuse and will never be accepted by anyone. Being a pedo is fine but acting on it is a crime worthy of death. If an older man tried to date my daughter I would literally murder him and get away with it. If he succeeded I would torture him to death and use a torch to keep him from bleeding out. It will never be accepted and trying to justify makes me lose all respect for you. Its ok to be attracted to children but its not ok to act on it. You have no idea how much most people hate pedos and the fact that you think this will be accepted ever is completely delusional. When I was younger I would throw bricks through child molesters windows with death threats attached so that they would never feel safe. I don't even care if the state breaks the law to fuck up child molesters, You are completely ignorant of the demographics of this situation. You are such a small minority and I hope you get raped in prison.

    You are only helping to prove my point that people like you are going to lose majorly in the culture war of pedophilia.
    You can't even articulate yourself without seething from the mouth like an idiot.
    Hey dumbass, I'm not saying I'm advocating for pedophilia ... this thread was to discuss pedosexuality and YES it will be pushed and just like transgenderism you better bet your fucking anus that this will become part of society within a few years.
    A decade ago if you would have told someone that public schools would be teaching kids that they can change their sex if they choose and that some boys can give birth you would have laughed at the thought, yet here we are now and that's happening and they're allowing men to use women's restrooms, they're allowing girls into the boy scouts and drag queens dressed as demons are teaching young children in kindergarten.

    Do you even keep up with what is going on these days?
    There are half naked little boys twerking around grown men at gay pride festivals
    There is a little boy turned drag queen who calls himself "Desmond is amazing" and there are billboards in NYC that repeat the phrase "Desmond is amazing" three times (666).
    You are clueless if you don't think the jedis and their media machine won't do everything to normalize pedophilia.
    We're entering an age where anything goes so long as it isn't violent or "hateful", there will be documentaries in 10 years about zoophiles and how happy they are with their partners.
    Either learn how to debate properly for why we should live in a moral and "normative" society or prepare to be disappointed that the end times prophecies are being made real by the jedi oligarchs.
  5. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 You're absolutely right. Children cannot give consent, and never will. It's funny how people try to compare this to any situation involving two adults.

    That's not true though

    You better be careful or the left will destroy you on this debate.
    The argument shouldn't be about consent but how this could negatively affect the mental and emotional development of children.
  6. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rock_N_Rollover You're fucking nuts.

  7. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist I accept homosexuality and race mixing between consenting adults. Pedophilia will never come near to consensual.

    Not that I'm advocating for this but when I was 13 - 14 I was incredibly horny and would have happily had sex with an adult woman.
  8. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Okay drop any preconceived notions of pedosexuality you might hold, forget anything you have ever felt about sex with children and think about this for a moment ...
    When pedosexuality starts to become "accepted" by the masses (people being indoctrinated by the jedis) what will you then do or feel about pedosexuality?
    Will you take the stance of the "bigot" like the people who still foolishly think jamming your dick up some guy's poo hole is abnormal or unhealthy, or will you praise child fucking and eagerly welcome it.
    Will you stop yourself from stepping in and saying "NO!" when your 10 year old daughter comes home one day to introduce you to her 43 year old boyfriend, or will you stand there like a cuck wondering what to do now that it's (((socially accepted)))?
    This is how they got with everyone on everything, race mixing, homosexuality once things people were proud to stand against, now they sit in the shadows and are afraid of voicing their opinions lest they be publically ostracized.
    It's going to be funny seeing the schizophrenia/mental gymnastics progressives will play once the (((media))) starts pushing pedosexuality.
  9. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Anybody here prefer the touch of a beautiful album cover over the immaterial pixels on a flickering screen?

    Post pics of your collection - I will as soon as I get moved in

    Now that I have a job I can finally buy albums again, something I haven't really done since 2006.
    My goal is to build the ultimate collection, I want a huge shelf with thousands of cds and a few hundred vinyl records.
  10. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Talk about your defecation sessions ITT

    I just had the most amazing poo, it was like diarrhea only without the pain and not as runny
    I was just sitting there and then PLOMP it all came flowing out of my anus all at once, what an amazing feeling ... and the SOUND I love that sound PLOMP as the turds hit the toilet water

    9.5/10 session

    I would have taken a picture but I didn't have anything on me

    it was a real messy one too I had to wipe and wipe and wipe (XO_________________OX)
  11. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
  12. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Positional audio tracking is going to fucking ROCK music in a few years once musicians start implementing those techniques
  13. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by S6x I didn't take down the model number but it was the larger wider box, silver front plate and black box. I opened it up, the mic-sock was right there. found the extra black LED for infrared which was not for the remote. then I found the little button lens.

    they admitted later that they existed but not for watching people remotely but rather for the new firmware to identify indivisuals in the house by voice and site to chose programming for them. I'll try and find the source for it.

    also after I spoke about it at the cable store.. she gave me a new box that had pressure screws. imposible to open without the proper tool

    greasy fucking kikes
  14. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra I have a few Arisaka albums, fascinating level of detail to them

    Physically or digitally?

    I was lucky enough to get the three printed albums from tympanik, good stuff.

    :Port is my favorite of his
  15. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra who do you think writes the software to enable automation?

    not lanny
  16. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    lanny thinks coding for apple is going to secure his future little doe she know they'll drop him on his ass within 7 years once everything he does is automated

    you'll be living off basic income and still an abject failure but you'll come up with "reasons" for why you're 'better' than us
  17. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by S6x also its 20 years later.. the new generation entering the work force has never known a planet without computers and gps locating you everywhere has become acceptable it seems.

    No I remember a better world where phones were just for calling people and most people didn't even own a webcam.
    The 90s and 00s were SUCH better decades by leaps and bounds, the current era is complete garbage compared to how things were.
    Back then the only privacy concern was that when you turned in a disposable camera and had your pictures developed they would keep copies of everything.
  18. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by S6x it was obvious from at least the 1990s. cable boxes had cameras and microphones for a "Future of channel choices of household individuals" which became (for Comcast-Xfininity) voice programming shit. it's been listening to people for 20 fucking years. before it became comcast.

    this is how the NSA was listening in. including how people were questioning the new google search.. if it would be an invasion of privacy for use by corrupted government spying or even selling our data to corporations for their own research use or to resale privacy

    which cable boxes had cameras and microphones?
  19. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    >in hiki room with 40oz and 24oz steel reserves
    >so drink my vision moves on its own
    >crying to sigur ros movie and music videos
    >repeat every three days

    Good times
  20. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
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