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Posts by PrettyHateMachine

  1. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut

    Some people are born with deformities such as webbed toes or brown skin, doesn't make it okay or something we should tolerate.
    Just because things occur in the "natural" world doesn't make them a good thing.
    Reality works like this, anything happens and will happen but it's up to intelligent organisms and physics to weed out the good from the bad and construct a better world.
  2. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    The hidden agenda is that jedis and uber rich people want to kill off the human population so there won't be any competition, then they'll collect a small portion that will be totally subservient that they'll use to breed a small few individuals that will be their scientists and engineers, because these people aren't actually that intelligent they're just ruthless.
    They want to colonize the universe and attempt to conquer all of reality but the cute bit is that they're so fucking stupid they think they can pull this off, as if there isn't another highly superior civilization or entity out there that will crush them to smitherings and lock them away in a black hole dungeon for eternity.
  3. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Xlite But that's exactly what they are doing already, you just don't understand how it works.

    It will start out small.
    Minor cases where pedo's gets off the hook and gets treatment instead.
    TED talks about understanding and tolerance.
    More debates going into detail about the topic, more podcasts and liveshows. People would begin to relate to and understand peado's.

    It all happens slowly, because if it happened over night people would rebel. This is how the state keeps the people heading in the directions they want btw. If you push 200 new laws tomorrow, people would give a fuck. If you instead push the laws out over the next year or so, none would give a fuck if even know. This is how they've gotten away with pushing laws for several decades. Slowly more and more control.

    You see, as soon as you truly understand them you don't judge them because you understand them.

    If you want to truly challenge yourself and your character then you will read up on some peado. Read his/hers life story if possible. Once you've read it, now you must try to understand why things happened. When you're done with that, you have to relate to the peado in the best way possible. You do this by imagining you being him/her, imagine being through what they have, the secrecy, the judgemental views of society, the fear of ever being caught, imagine the struggle of having such thoughts on a daily basis. Now you imagine fiddling with little kids, imagine it gets you so fucking horny, imagine the extreme orgasm you would get. Imagine yourself enjoying it so much that its almost unbearable.

    And there you have it. If you can fully understand, and more important relate to the peado then you will no longer be as judgemental if any, because you understand. And you don't judge what you understand and if you do then you don't understand.

    They are slowly pushing the peado thing to make people understand, and that is key to force something unto us.

    Now i can see several ups and downs by increasing tolerance to certain things, as it makes for more understanding and acceptance.
    But i'm sure there's a hidden agenda that seems to be alluding me.

    I'm not saying this to be edgy or anything, but, we have literally got to address the jedi problem and if we don't then quite literally our civilization will die out.
    People have got to start waking the fuck up and realizing that the kikes are actually evil, Adolf was right and that most of the world's problems all come from the jedis.

    People need to stop with the regressive progressive touchy feely bullshit and stand up for what is right and theirs.
    It's time to start killing jedis and putting people on the spike.
  4. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    lol I was out in the fleshnet staring at some lolis and shotas playing while I was eating pizza and I started fantasizing about abducting them and raping/murdering them then I looked down and realized I was eating pizza ^_^;; #pizzagate
  5. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    The left will win this all they have to do is pin it as a civil rights movement for children
    They'll try to give children all the rights adults have, they'll even do away with the label of "child" and "underage".
    Just you watch.
  6. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    My original setup was in my grandparent's garage circa 2006, I had nothing but some cassette tapes, a few stereo boomboxes, a huge empty water jug I would throw around and an electric guitar that I got when I was real little (I don't know if I even own it anymore SHAME).
    I was making my own interpretation of Industrial and noise, which at the time I was very sheltered and lacked internet access so I had to imagine what Industrial was based on the description in this one book I got from the library.
    The end result was a tape that sounded like Masonna or this one band called Skullflower, too bad I don't have the recording anymore orz ;_;
    But yeah that's how I like to do things ... making music in a daw is painful and boring BUUUuutt it will be necessary for this one particular sound I'm going for with an upcomnig release so I'm not hating on them, I just prefer to do things old-school.
  7. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    I prefer having something I can use without a computer, plus analog synths sound better than vsts.
    Plus when the sound comes from a keyboard it has a more organic feel, the timing of me pressing down on the keys, missing a note here or there the velocity of my fingers and the key presses you know what I'm saying?
    Piano rolls are too perfect, inorganic and synthetic.
    My ideal setup is to have everything physical and use a digital recorder then do everything live and improvised.
  8. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by S6x Jim O? >:[

    that sounds pretty good. I like it because it's unconventional a bit.

    If I may critique, you need a tempo break.. a bridge to a slow lift and then back to that which is near the ending part.

    Jim O?

    You would really like my other stuff ... everything I made when I knew nothing about music or production, which is still mostly the case.
    I'll post my original Dokupe release soonish, it's what I like to call "post-lolicore"

    Here is my full length EP for Lolis on Datura

    I'm kinda demoralized atm due to living in a car especially during the summer time but once I get moved in I'm going to buy a KORG synth, a proper daw and then seriously really actually get to making music.
    I have some major ideas in mind and I'm thinking about possibly getting a deal with a label to do some physical prints on digipack cd and maybe vinyl.
  9. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by lantiqua87 ITZ RLY BAD

    fuck off saggy tits no one cares about your opinion
  10. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    I make lolicore btw

    my masterpiece
  11. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    I was imagining earlier waht the reaction would be of the original Lolicore musicians if I walked up to them and told them that in the 2020s pedophilia would be socially accepted and rampant
    Sure they might be like "lmao that's awesome" for the lulz but inside they would probably be thinking "waht the fucccckk that's not even that far off"

  12. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut

    Shaniqua post tits or GTFO
  13. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HTS

    This song is almost 100 years old. You think this is new? There are always people like you, stuck in the past.~

    Society will always evolve and change and there will always be people stuck in the past. What point in human history do you think society was at its best? How much cultural change would you undo to sate your autistic desire for things to be "just so"? What year should we be emulating socially to make you happy?

    I'm not stuck in the past and you're not progressive, just mentally ill and a detriment to society.
  14. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Did they really die?
    What happened?
  15. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by joerell You'd be surprised…some are connected to ISU…they just happen to be some place is their favorite motto. Lol.


    What is the ISU?
  16. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    I should have told him about my Obaasan being Hitler Youth lol
  17. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by joerell He's part of the Berlin Brigade…US Army…probably SIU.

    I was just hanging out at a hospital and he was apparently there visiting his wife
    Still freaked me out ...
    Though it's not likely that any sector of the government would send someone to talk to me or fuck with me the sum of my "dissent" is posting on here and 4chan about how Adolf did nothing wrong and that they should have won the war etc
  18. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    He was wearing this

    Okay now idk if someone was trying to fuck with me or if this was just a coincidence because like 15 - 20 minutes before he walks up I was on /pol/ posting in threads about the National Socialists and stuff then THAT guy walks up and is like "Do you know what this badge is?"

    idk why the government would send someone like that to fuck with me considering I just post about the stuff on the net and have no connection to anything in the fleshnet so maybe it was pure coincidence but it was freaky regardless
  19. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist So OP,
    You truly think people will try to make this a norm? I can’t see that, I think that would cause outrage. I can’t see it being one of those things that “people just get used to”!

    They already are
  20. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by esbity How do you know of his employment?

    He told me.
    He was just there on his own will though but it freaked me out nonetheless because earlier I was on /pol/ posting about National Socialism and stuff then later he walks by.
    He was just an oldster though trying to chat but it was ... creepy ... I was sitting there wondering if he was sent there to fuck with me.
    Fucking reading conspiracy shit everyday on the net has caused me to be paranoid as fuck.
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