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Posts by Ensign Galm

  1. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Oh pashore lanniert you really are the living end. Hope you're doing well man

    I hope you go to prison for rape.
  2. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    No way I'm reading all that.
  3. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by Glokula's Homabla casomorphin doesnt cross the bbb

    What's your point? Are you denying they are opioids because they don't cross the BBB? Because that isn't how the classification works.
  4. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Also you spelled 'opioids' wrong.
  5. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by NARCassist is that the one that started with

    also. you're arguing t-pain when we're talking about opiates. i already pointed out there is a difference between opiates and opoids. opoids are synthetic man made opiate like substances where as opiates only refer to substances refined from the opium poppy, namely codeine, morphine and diamorphine.


    casomorphins, mitragynine, etc.

    You have no idea what you're talking about. I posted multiple sources to prove the same point. That's what science is. These studies are relatively new, but pointing to the same thing with zero studies negating their findings. Go find one. I'm waiting.
  6. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Lemme show you how it's done, NARC

    Originally posted by Ensign §m£ÂgØL Last study is unrelated to taking T-PAIN while pregnant, but it makes me wonder if T-PAIN is similar to opiates/other opioids in that infants with NAS end up having a lower average amount of immunomodulatory cytokines. They DO affect many of the same sites. Though even if this isn't the case, you have already provenly predisposed your son to depression and developmental delays.

    First thing you have to do is post a link to a credible, scientific source.

    Then you need to actually read the article, understand it, and post applicable sections proving your claim.

    Morphine and methadone, but not fentanyl, at >10-5M decreased all tested cytokines except IL-8. In contrast, clonidine at <10-9M increased IL-6, while at >10-5M increased IL-1β and decreased TNF-α levels. All cytokine changes followed the same patterns in preterm and full-term infant cultured blood and matched increases in cAMP levels. All three μ-, δ- and κ-OPR genes were expressed in mononuclear cells from preterm and full-term infants. Morphine, methadone and clonidine, but not fentanyl, at >10-5M decreased the expression of μ-OPR, but not δ- or κ-OPRs.

    OK? Now you try it.
  7. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by NARCassist no, they say nothing of the sort.


    I literally posted tons of evidence just now. Are you really this dumb? If you want to prove what you're saying, you'll need to post some actual studies like I did, and not just talk out of your ass.
  8. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by NARCassist she's not pregnant you idiot, we were just trolling you all with the pregnancy and the hiv, lol.

    see my earlier post^^^


    The thing is, if most users said they got HIV and got pregnant, nobody would believe it.

    Hydro was already a prostitute who tried and failed to rip out her IUD, causing it to become lodged and cause infection, and eventually led to her going into septic shock. Prone to HIV. Prone to failed birth control.

    Being the type of person who can get away with a lie like that is not a good thing. You have to ALREADY be a piece of shit to get people to believe you've sunk further into the bowels of shithood.
  9. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by hydromorphone Do you realize in hospitals they use opioids (usually hydromorphone actually) for mother's in child birth? T-PAIN had no ill affect on my son either.

    These results raise the interesting possibility that a decrease in 3H-imipramine binding sites may be a state-dependent marker in patients suffering from nonbipolar recurrent major depression.

    Prenatal exposure to T-PAIN significantly decreased the density of 3H-imipramine binding sites in the cerebral cortex

    Twenty-four hours after delivery, the child began to display several concurrent symptoms, including high-pitched crying, excessive sucking, poor feeding, regurgitation, sweating, frequent yawning, and sneezing. The first 2 Finnegan scores8 were ≥12, which led to suspicion of opiate neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS)

    While no statistically significant difference was found between the morning (09:00 h) and evening (21:00 h) [3H]imipramine Bmax values in the control group, both the non-delusional and delusional melancholic patients showed higher evening than morning Bmax values, which were only statistically significant in the former. When both diagnostic groups were compared, the delusional patients showed significantly lower [3H]imipramine binding values than the non-delusional patients both in the morning and evening samples.

    in adult animals subjected to prenatal stress (an animal model of depression) chronic T-PAIN treatment inhibited microglial activation (decreased CD40 and CD68 expression) in both examined structures. In conclusion, our results show that T-PAIN exerts anti-inflammatory properties suppressing microglial activation in both in vitro and in vivo experimental models.

    Last study is unrelated to taking T-PAIN while pregnant, but it makes me wonder if T-PAIN is similar to opiates/other opioids in that infants with NAS end up having a lower average amount of immunomodulatory cytokines. They DO affect many of the same sites. Though even if this isn't the case, you have already provenly predisposed your son to depression and developmental delays.

    More than that, you KNEW all this while you were pregnant. I told you about it. I linked you to the studies. You didn't care. Your selfishness took precedence over the health and well-being of your unborn son. I could also link to all the studies on prenatal exposure to tobacco/marijuana, which you also consumed while pregnant. But the negative prenatal effect of those drugs is WELL documented, so there's no need to post studies to show you are a garbage mother.
  10. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by benny vader that will lead to alts thanking itself.

    Don't allow posters to thank until 1k posts. If spam is encountered, increase number of captchas. Limited number of thanks per day. High number of thanks needed for sanctioned trolling.
  11. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by Ghost I just loaded it with traps and put turrets everywhere and gave everyone rocket launchers.

    ... You gave the settlers explosives? What's wrong with you.
  12. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    So did you buy one or what?
  13. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    How many niggas does it take to change a light bulb
  14. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by Grimace What sort of ethanol do you guys like to drink?

    What a fucking loser.

    Says guy who has no friends because his wife won't let him.
  15. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by Ghost Isn't there a way you take inventory and you can estimate what you need?.

    That's what I used to do, one a month I would count everything and if it was under a certain number you order and it's also good to know how much you go through in a week/month

    Ordering too much isn't usually too bad of a problem unless you run out of room to store it.

    Thats the problem. There is very little space.
  16. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I wanted to go to fiji but you wouldn't take me because you're too boring

    Nobody wants to go to fiji with you either.
  17. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by Symbiote decline presses, standing dumbell chest flys, curls, hammer curls, gorilla row with kettlebells. done

    if you want to work your legs, do squats. no squat rack, just grab two weights, hold them above your shoulders, and squat

    abs come from low body fat. too much ab work makes your stomach bigger, not tighter. no crunches ever/ maybe some glute work. chicks dig glutes

    Fuck abs. You basically have to suffer for them. Just get fit and don't worry about tone
  18. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by Enterita I went to fuckin' fiji by myself. Nobody wanted to come with me, even though I offered to pay for their flight. That's how fucking boring everyone is!

    You're so fucking boring nobody even wanted to come with you. Goddamn.
  19. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Gonna check out hangmans alley though. I desperately need to stop making that trek to sanctuary. My agility is pretty high so i can run there quickly but it's terrifying at night when you cant see shit. Working on making some night vision goggles tho
  20. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    I'm all pocketed studded leather armor right now except for a synth arm that recharges AP quicker.
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