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Posts by Ensign Galm

  1. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Oh. Well I've never vaped crack. You can just smoke it.

  2. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    lol @ not baking a cake because of your religion
  3. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by mmQ Why wouldn't you take the drugs that give you a constant nitrous feeling? What's going on with you kids?????

    Which drugs are those? Please tell me now.
  4. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    When I was pregnant I had raving baby fever. I went out and bought the first 6 months of clothes and stocked on diapers. Didn't have a baby shower fot my first one but I did for my second and it was amazing! Highly recommended if you're expecting.
  5. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    I want to go to 2100. Would be cool to see what humans can do in 80 years.
  6. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by stupid noob Servers do bust ass. Man my wife used to be a chef, trained in france and shit, and switched to being a server because it paid way better. She took her job seriously as fuck. She worked in a high end bourbon bar where a shot could run you 300 bucks of some ultra rare shit. In this town bourbon snobs are a huge thing, and knowing bourbon can make you a LOT of money. She would make 4 or 5 hundred bucks a night sometimes.

    She got sick of the drama and the bullshit though and now she makes WAY less working in a warehouse, but she is a fuck of a lot happier. I don't even know if I wanna work at the restaurant I am at. 12 bucks an hour to put butter on baked potatoes isnt bad at all, but I can sense the drama there already and tonight was my first night. I might just say fuck it and work at a call center doing collections for the same amount of money. Unless I can get in to management. IDK. Restaurants suck. Stop bitching and learn a trade.

    I didn't know the French trained pigs
  7. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    It has always faded away for me.
  8. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    No, because then you can't flip it over during sex.
  9. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by aldra they do if you wear them all the time

    Sometimes the condom breaks and a baby is birthed anyway
  10. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Nobody was even talking about hate speech, but now that we're on the topic, hate speech is absolutely free speech. That's why it's still legal to say you hate all niggers and want them to die. You just can't say it directly to a nigger. At that point, it becomes aggressive and hurtful. Insulting anybody for any reason in public gives you a similar charge. You are still allowed to voice your opinions, you just can't be using them to try and hurt people. If they hurt people by way of existence then its fine.

    At least its legal here in the US. Might get in trouble if you live in the UK or Germany.
  11. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by Sophie Condoms are male birth control you schmuck.

    No they aren't. They don't stop males from birthing.
  12. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by Rock_N_Rollover Lanny runs this site. He can choose who to ban and who not to ban. It's his choice.

    As per other posters views you have the right to start your own site and run it how you wish.

    See how that shit works?

    Gonna copy paste this every time someone complains about a ban

    As far as admins go, Lanny is pretty lenient.
  13. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by aldra less clearance than modular RAM bays

    But also to make you buy a new laptop
  14. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Genetically engineer some salmon to swim up the Mississippi and collect the packages later. Pigeons also work really well but its easy to track them back to your distribution center.
  15. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Forreal. People arguing that this isn't free speech don't believe in actual free speech, they just want a safe space.
  16. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Of course I am not joking. I LOVE frala, and she loves me. It is the one true thing I know in this world.
  17. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Do you like Nintendo games? If yes, buy it. If not, don't. It's fucking simple Enter. How stupid are you? Get off of my forum. You make the rest of us look bad.

    Anyway Nintendo has some bomb ass games, so if you haven't tried any I highly suggest that you do. Find a friend who has it, go play it at the store, rent one if you just wanna try.

    Personally the only game I've enjoyed was Zelda (not even that much tbh) but I wish I could play as someone other than Zelda. It should be more like skyrim imo.
  18. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Originally posted by stl1 That guy is one hell of a stud if he could get it up in a port-o-potty in August!

    I wonder if he finished.
  19. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    If so, which would you prefer? There are pills, injections, and that foam shit they put in your vas deferens. If anybody knows of other types of male birth control that aren't listed, please feel free to inform us.

    Personally, I would love a pill I could take. Right now my VIAFATCM is switching birth control methods, so I'm using condoms.

    The injection foam vasalgel shite is an interesting method, but the thought makes me squeamish. I imagine you're awake for the injection and they just use a local on you or something. Idk if I could take that. At least women don't need an injection, in their vital bits. Just something shoved up there.

    Maybe we can make tiny condom drones that just barely kiss the tip. The condom stays like a hat on your penis until ejaculation, afterwards you can disable the drone from your phone app and tie up the condom like a water balloon.
  20. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    Oh I am so fucking glad I'm not a dad.
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