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Posts That Were Thanked by WellHung

  1. Helladamnleet African Astronaut [impartially tyrannize that lentinus]
    Not to burst your bubble, but I'm sure they have the resources to handle one room housing an asshole.
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  2. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    You sir are a scholar and a gentleman
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  3. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    get a bunch of space heaters and start bottling all that water in culligan jugs and reselling it
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  4. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    oh god the mental image is killin me,, flubber to flubber smackin back n forth like two wildin waterbeds
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  5. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    hes a damsel in distress he needs you to save him and share your slampig
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  6. Helladamnleet African Astronaut [impartially tyrannize that lentinus]
    Originally posted by WellHung Exactly. This probably couldn't be done in a small or medium-sized town. But I live in the Chicago metro area… which is 10 million people. It's easy to blend in. You just can't do it too much… or you might draw suspicion.

    Feel it. Sounds cool.
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  7. Ghost Black Hole
    and you're white so that must help
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  8. this is something matchew and i have been discussing for a few months and it looks like it may finally come to fruition. i got my camera for taking videos and what's going to happen is i'm going to go fly out to the motel 6 where he is residing and he's going to show me around his life. first we start the day with some adderall and weed then we go on the motel tour, as mattchew uses his expert knowledge of motel freebies we go around drinking milkshakes and hitting on bitches in their 40's. after that we get on NIS to see what's going on with all the DH female's lives and talk some shit to them/hit on them. then we hit up the craigslist free section and go around to get free stuff and when we get there to pick it up we ask them if they can spare some gas money and collect that ca$h boy.

    then we hit up the wendys with the money we made, hit on the 17 year old mexican chick with hairy arms at the register, eat 5 baconators each, then we get drunk and antagonize cheap hookers before going back to the hotel room, snorting more adderall and shitposting all night long
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  9. Technologist victim of incest
    Have fun Matt,
    It’s gonna be a scorcher today in the Midwest! I’d love to go swimming today, but I’m at work. Now that my son is in his apartment, he has a big pool I can go swimming in, yay👙
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  10. Originally posted by WellHung Keeping all of my possessions in their assigned spot, at all times, for easy access.. and it helps prevent losing and misplacing things.

    also because that makes moving in and out of different motels bimonthly really easy right?
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  11. Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by WellHung Wouldn't it have been the guy's side mirror that hit ur son? The rear view is inside the vehicle. Anyway, hope ur son is OK. That's technically hit n run…your son could file a police report. Might be a good idea… especially if he got hurt at all.

    You are correct Matt, thanks. He was pissed because his cell phone was dead at the time, but I don’t think he got the plate number. His lower back hurts pretty bad. I’m glad he didn’t have my granddoggy with him.

    He rides for a skateboard company that he helped develop here in Ohio, he get all the boards he wants, so that isn’t a biggie. He sent me pics of his board and it’s crushed.

    He’s going into work this morning, I think he’ll be ok. Thanks Matt.
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  12. Jesus Christ Tuskegee Airman
    don't pretend like you haven't jerked it to videos of girls taking the doggy D
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  13. 🐿 African Astronaut
    Having pizza hut pizza ate off my ass.
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  14. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    While most people are prone to a fear response in the presence of snakes, others tend to be drawn to them.

    One particular species of snake can even invoke feelings of sexual arousal: The majestic trouser snake.

    It enjoys slithering into compact cavernous environments.

    Its venom is non-toxic.

    It truly is a magnificent creature.
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  15. HTS highlight reel
    I mean, it doesn't have to be but that doesn't mean a person who finds it traumatic is wrong/weak/whatever. *shrug*
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  16. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    I'll SLIP my LIMP BIZKIT into your KORN HOLE. And if you don't let me, you'll get your GOB SMACKed.
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  17. Jesus Christ Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by WellHung Intelligent, passionate, analytical, eccentric, polarizing, disenfranchised with society. You are extremely caring to those u love, but u are very intolerant of People and things you don't approve of…You come from humble roots, But you want all the things that your small town is unable to offer. You are a loner, you have trouble making connections with ordinary people. However, When you do make connections with people, they are very strong and intense. You get lots of ideas about how you should proceed with your life… but you have trouble deciding on something, and rolling with it. You are more of an introvert than an extrovert. You will have trouble for a while finding your niche …but, once you do, and you mature in that role ,you will thrive in it. Your best days are certainly ahead of you. Your internal strength, fortitude, and Stubborn obstinance to bend to the will of others, and society, is your greatest asset. You would benefit from vigorous regular exercise which would help tire out your excess energy, and help you to focus and calm the storm upstairs. If you can manage that, along with getting properly medicated, You will dominate life and thrive in whatever you choose to do. With maturation will come humility. You have huge potential for greatness, But an equally huge potential for personal suffering and professional stagnation, If you do not begin taking steps toward self actualization. Best of luck to you, Jesus. I'm rooting for you, underdog. Go seize ur future, young man.👍

    That was literally perfectly spot on.
    You know your shit.

    Also thanks I really do wish I could turn my life around and put my energy into real action.
    Maybe in the next life ...
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  18. Everyday is a holiday when you live in North America. There are poor little black folk in Africa that have never had a holiday from famine.
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  19. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Mattchew, here's a link to the internet WSIE (The Sound) from the Southern Illinois Edwardsville University campus that plays a lot of jazz, blues, etc. I listen to it a lot. It's 88.7 on the FM radio dial.
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  20. Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    Originally posted by WellHung Attempting to grow and develop a pet-sitting business with my girlfriend, reading self-help books, Keeping a diary and listing all the positives that occur every day, Attempting to meditate (damn its tough), Engaging in cognitive behavioral therapy, Stopped smoking pot, vigorously exercising at least 5 days a week, (& exorcising demons in the process) and I'm practicing positive mind control.

    That’s a good start. Keep it up!
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