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Posts That Were Thanked by WellHung

  1. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Yeah those people climbing Everest are legit crazy. I'd rather storm chase.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Personally, no I would not.

    But, funnily enough, some might actually pay $100,000 for the opportunity.
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  3. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Google is kinda cucked, but I still prefer it over all other search engines out there.
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  4. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by WellHung I think hes already stuck in one.

    Yeah I get into these temporary mini ruts.

    Sadly, I think it's typically not sheer willpower that pulls me out of them, but simply running out of booze and money.

    All I know is that I do have things in life - passions, hobbies, ambitions, goals, etc - that are intrinsically valuable enough to me to keep me from winding up a full blown street corner whino.

    So it's just a matter of time before I go back to real life and responsibilities and all that.

    For now, though, I'm just going with the flow.
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  5. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    My ex father in law was a dentist.

    His license plate was OPN-YDE.
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  6. Octavian motherfucker
    Did your ugly gf not get blown away?
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  7. I find it ironic that the Dentist I go to has a bowl of sugary lollipops in the reception area for guests/visitors.
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  8. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Then that's one puppet I'd like a hand in.

    what's long, green and smells like pork?

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  9. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Firekrochfatty good point, indeed, however; i do feel, also, that some are prone to mental illness because of genetics, too.

    Exactly. We pass things on to the next of us. And when there's been hundreds of years of self abuse and absolute batshit societal contributions, it's amazing we're all not neck deep in mental illness. Or are we?
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  10. Originally posted by WellHung I'm heading over to the embassy suites for the hot breakfast buffet.

    Sounds delicious.
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  11. I always looked down on that boxed wine and thought it was shit water...until one day I bought a box of Franzia Sunset Blush Rose and lost an entire day waking up 70 miles from home in a strange place.
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  12. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    The mental illnesses are caused by the toxic chemicals the crony capitalists put in our food, air and water. Neurotoxins damage the brain and nervous system. Then there are other "mental illnesses" which aren't really illnesses at all, but rather the inevitable result of sloth, selfishness, drug use, and other methods of self-abuse.
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  13. Originally posted by WellHung Then why do people commit suicide?

    I'm sure many can handle things but don't see any point in doing doesn't always follow that a suicide does it simply because they can't go on or can't get over something...I'm sure some are just tired of the day to day drudgery and just want it to not necessarily a case of "can't handle something"...rather they instead choose not to handle it anymore.
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  14. Dregs African Astronaut [that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
    i don't have anymore cereal ffs. eating bed bugs and other shit off the floor though. damn you man you know not everyone is as fortunate as you. you should be ashamed of and just check yoself man
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  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    lol, I live in the city so chances of seeing a snake at all are pretty slim. I've seen a few copperheads on my grandparents' farm (somewhere around halfway between Sydney and Melbourne on the map) but none of us have ever been bitten.
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  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by WellHung Good job Removing the methanol. That's the biggest danger in the whole process.

    Yeah absolutely. Thank you for pointing that out because it's something you need to look into if you plan on doing something along the lines of what we did. Methanol is quite poisonous and we really did our homework with regards to it because of safety concerns.

    Originally posted by WellHung Why did u stop? Seems like a good money maker.

    Well, i moved to an apartment for one thing, no garden sadly, and my buddy went off to further his education, so we didn't really have the time or the right place to do it. I still have a lot of my kit, like glassware for testing the chemical properties of samples and bottles and other types of equipment. I'd love to brew some top tier moonshine again in the future, but scaled down a bit. Mostly because it's just really fun to do, you get to create a product from start to finish and if you do good, you can drink it and enjoy the proverbial fruits of your labor. Not much concerned with the money aspect really, but yeah, i am sure there is good money to be made if you'd want to, because you can undercut the liquor stores big time.
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  17. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Benny a small man in every sense of the word
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  18. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Error 420: out of weed.
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  19. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    It's not the skin color or the heritage, it's the culture.
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  20. Originally posted by aldra keep in mind that it's densely populated around the coasts, but very lightly populated further inland. it's not anywhere near as even as most countries

    most countries are.

    like that.
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