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Posts That Were Thanked by WellHung

  1. Jesus Christ Tuskegee Airman
    I'll post some videos of dipstick later
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Ghost Should have taken pics man.

    You are not full degenerate until you walk around stalking random women and taking pictures of them.

    He's camped out for days near someone who had a protection order against him. Someone sneaking pics on a smart phone ain't got shit on Matty
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  3. Ghost Black Hole
    Should have taken pics man.

    You are not full degenerate until you walk around stalking random women and taking pictures of them. I used to spend days chasing hookers around the neighborhood smoking meth with them and trying to start a criminal organization but they were too far gone to operate as anything beyond bag whores.

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  4. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by WellHung Only a Beta cuck like octavian thinks so. He Is probly the type of douche that asks a girl if he can kiss her before he attempts to do so…👍

    You have to ask before you kiss now. If you don't, you could get me-too'd twenty years from now and have your life destroyed.
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  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by WellHung Dad, Why are you atheist as opposed to agnostic? What makes you certain that God, or a higher power, does not exist? Not challenging you…just asking your opinion.👍

    Theists and atheists alike obviously arent CERTAIN about their beliefs, though in line with their beliefs, they have to claim that they are. Jig doesnt know with 100% certainty that there is no God or higher power, just like theists dont know that there IS.

    So these people might say they BELIEVE 100% and I guess that makes sense if they can actually do that, with zero room for any doubt whatsoever, but of course on the same token, neither group does in fact KNOW 100%, even they will likely claim that they do, especially on the theist side as their belief doesnt allow for them to have any doubt, regardless of the inherent (however marginal) amount of doubt one should have when subscribing to such a historically debatable and altogether unprovable belief.
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  6. Originally posted by CASPER I mean honestly it is weird no one has posted a pic. Anytime Ive met people from the forums, we've either gone on TC together or taken pictures. I always just assumed they were doing the long distance/ cam thing. Which is totally fine- i mean if your life is enriched by a long distance relationship with someone, theres no shame in that at all. Then again, the amount of time i spent speculating on this topic that has zero to do with me was like….22 seconds.

    Also- ive never had sober sex either, and it scares the shit out of me how thats eventually going to go down. Sitting in a room full of murderers, junkies, prostitutes, robbers…perfectly at ease. Have to give a class presentation, or do anything conventionally normal….panic attack, start shaking like a leaf. lol.

    If you live a normie live having your pic on the net and/or any personally info has a tendency to bite you in the ass at some point...without actually achieving much by posting it in the first place.

    A wise man once said "I'm here for my entertainment, not yours" - and yes, that wise man was me.
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  7. The rate of suicide is higher than the rate of new members sign up...if we DHers hadn't come along to boost the numbers there would only be 2 of them left..and by Christmas only 1.
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  8. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Lanny is a pig

    I'd have to agree with that, to a limited extent, but it's actually more because he just truly does not give a fuck. Ever notice how when there's some actual intelligent discussion, he either disappears entirely, or he posts some empty comment like "lol" or "suck my black dick"? That's because he doesn't really care if the right thing is done, or if people get hurt, or if members get banned for bogus reasons. The Fun Bunch is all about self-gratification and self-servience. They get up in the morning, don't give a fuck, and then go to bed, not giving a fuck. Take, take, take, that's all they know how to do. If there's something in it for them, then, hey, they'll lift a finger. If not, too bad, so sad, chop, chop. The only reason he even does anything at all is because he would look stupid if he didn't, which he ends up looking like anyways.
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    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III i didn't ask to be born tho

    You didn't ask to die either. That kind of logic doesn't add up.
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  11. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Boo, you're not going to join in on the Candy trolling?

    Bueno Funno!

    She's triggered and on the warpath!
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  12. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by WellHung Do you believe that marijuana was put on this Earth by God as a medicine to help humanity? If not, then why do you believe it's been so effective and helpful at alleviating so many maladies of the human condition?

    I think there's a lack of wisdom and self control when it comes to certain things. Look at the coca. A natural anesthetic and analgesic.

    But how did WE choose to use it? Not God lol but what do WE do with it?
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  13. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by WellHung Larry I'm agnostic… im not self righteous enough to claim I know what the hell's going on , in this domain. But I love hearing people's take on the matter… I appreciate your contribution …mlease elaborate as much as possible.👍

    For instance, what you mean by genetic template?

    We were put here on earth with all the resources we need to live correctly. Farm the land for a healthy diet. Work together to provide clothing and shelter for everyone. Protect each other as true brothers and sisters.

    God put everything we needed right in front of us. But that wasn't good enough for us. WE decided to kill for what the next man has. WE decided to create a system of have and have not. We fucked ourselves.

    And as far as our DNA goes, intelligent design is obvious. It's dynamic and constantly changing. So stop and think about how everything you consume in your diet and every drug you do for your own entertainment will change your bloodline's make up.
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  14. Ghost Black Hole
    It's a genetic flaw, simply a result of our mortality and flawed DNA. All life doesn't need to be perfect, according to what we know about the universe so far life is extremely rare. The universe seems to oppose carbon based life, we are nothing but fragile specks of dust compared to the greater cosmos and beyond.
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  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I actually do consider myself to be agnostic, but history seems to make it abundantly clear that if there is a god, he really doesn't care what we do to each other.

    maybe he's like a shit absentee father - has been down at the pub for the last few thousand years, but he'll get home eventually and we're going to fucking get it when he sees what we've done to the house
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  16. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Um yes they do, I was a biker till I came to the US and I still see them acknowledging each other now on the highways and byways of this god forsaken country.

    bus drivers always do it i noticed. always give each other a wave or nod when the buses pass each other.

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  17. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Dregs real question Lanny alive? dude seems to have vanished into thin air

    Alcoholism lol
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  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    "god's a kid with an ant farm"
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  19. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Bikers don't do that

    Um yes they do, I was a biker till I came to the US and I still see them acknowledging each other now on the highways and byways of this god forsaken country.
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  20. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I guess, but my mind also suggests a lot of things where society or the law is a limiting factor
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