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Posts That Were Thanked by esbity

  1. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Grimace Holy fuck. You might know code, but you don't know how to speak to people digitally or in person, you fucking power-nerd. Your videos sound like a grainy, VHS quality version of a Linus Torvalds speech.

    wow man, you've really given me something to think about. I thought between highly scripting my content, rehearsing beforehand, and generally making a strong effort to make top quality content my video about drunkenly adding a feature to forum software that less than a hundred people use I was going to really come off as charismatic and produce a polished product. But I guess I'm just really not cut out for the youtube celebrity business after all. Another dream I guess I'll never realize.
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  2. RestStop Space Nigga
    It would seem my criminal/financial activities are done quicker and with more success while being totally alone by myself. Probably because I don't have drama/bullshit outside of what other people would/do bring to the table.
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  3. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
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  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Cootehill IP addresses are a form of PI under GDPR.

    Why are you monitoring us like criminals?

    IP addresses are not categorically personal information as I don't have the necessary information to resolve them. See this decision:

    and shorter summary:

    Basically since I'm neither an ISP nor an authority that can request data from ISPs, my holding of IP addresses does not qualify as personal information.

    This doesn't really matter though since we're not talking about the GDPR, the GDPR does not prohibit the collection of personal information, the EU does not have jurisdiction over me, and the GDPR is a piece of legislation that I think does something good but is far from the definitive authority on human rights to privacy.

    It also doesn't matter because wether or not this site is GDPR compliant, or even if I respect user privacy or not, it doesn't change the fact of the matter as to wether we have a right to privacy or not.

    I think that it is possible to monitor everyone in a manner that doesn't compromise day to day activities, and only look up information on where people were and where they are when a crime happens. All such activity should be made public. I think this sort of openness would make everyone better off, safer, richer, and happier.

    How do you both make information public and only allow it to be looked up when a crime happens? If you only disclose information after a crime happens, then the vast majority of surveillance information will never be disclosed which is the opposite of "public".

    But perhaps most importantly, the empirical evidence for this (constant surveillance, review/disclosure only in the case reasonable need for it) being possible is next to zero, at least in the US, since we have overwhelming evidence of American intelligence agencies breaking our own laws to conduct surveillance without a warrant, without probable cause, and which led to the acquisition of no pertinent info. One of the more popular uses of the surveillance infrastructure in this country is the well documented sabotage of political opposition.

    You haven't produced an argument why that shouldn't be done, apart from "muh privacy".

    I just gave you a good one: our country a nice history of abusing surveillance powers and exactly zero reason to expect that's going to change. I gave you another more ideological reason earlier: surveillance inherently discourages and punishes deviance, it is a mechanism of socialization. Just as some socialization is justified, I've argued so is some surveillance, but either in excess is psychologically damaging to human beings and insults our dignity as people. Some amount of human freedom is justifiable despite it's potential for abuse, both for human wellbeing and for social wellbeing as societies do require some degree of social deviance to ward off cultural stagnation.
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  5. Luigi, you aren't funny. This is like watching Reddit kids reference broken arms.
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  6. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    I'm on a rolling cycle of going out and getting semi drunk on Tuesdays, very drunk on Fridays then spending Saturdays in a deep depression smoking weed. Sunday I go 'out' and buy shit.
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  7. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Meth is a great stimulant, but at continuous large dosages you damage your brain fast on it.

    In addition it tends to make you desperate to acquire money fast to get more meth, and that isn't good.

    Meth is associated with high effort/low reward crimes like stealing the catalytic converters (which contain platinum) from cars.

    Meth is a valid neutropic, and a perfectly valid stimulant. If you do identity theft on it that is valid, and an example of long term thinking.
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  8. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    The idiot didn't really climb the statue. Just climbed up 30 feet from the public observation platform to the base of the statue and held a sign there for awhile. The moron officials evacuated the island to help their fellow morons in the fakestream media send their "Get Trump" political message out to everyone.
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  9. Originally posted by NARCassist why?


    75% of known serial killers since the dawn of the 20th century have been Americans.
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  10. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    is it too much to ask for a link?

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  11. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
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  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Madman You made a post saying you had alot of resources for different things and I saw some things about python and I was hoping I could get everything you've got about python. I've worked as a tech before but never learned any programming. I've heard that if you know your stuff you can get a job without a degree, is this true? I don't really know what language to start with but I've heard that python programmers are in demand so that seems like a good of a spot to start as any.

    You can get a job without a degree. Historically self-learners have been well respected among programmers and generally considered to be completely capable of competing with degree holders. Often because the norm for a number of years was that degree holders had programming experience before entering college and considered themselves self-learners at heart. There's various stereotypes of scrappy kids teaching themselves to code, being "unpolished" but smart, good and bad but I think it worked in your favor in general if you knew what you were doing.

    The advent of "bootcamps", non-accredited and highly condensed programs somewhat reminiscent of trades schools, have muddied the waters somewhat. I think one criticism of the bootcamp phenomenon is that it's made the situation for actual self-taught programmers more difficult since non-degree holders are now split between some official training (with no promises as to quality) in the boot camp case and no official training. Instead of being viewed as a kind of parallel path to professional programming, self-teaching is now the bad end of a spectrum of certification (unfairly, if you ask me).

    That said I still think you can make it as a self-taught programmer, you just need a bit more hustle than you used to.

    If I spent 10-20 hours a week learning do you have any idea how long it would take before I would be able to handle anything an employer could throw at me?

    You're never going to be able to put a good timetable on learning. Even in colleges where there's a formal scheduled curriculum there are people who could work as professional programmers their freshman year and people who graduate without being able to really put together a program. 20 hours a week is a lot, 10 hours a week is probably still a lot. I don't think most people can stomach that much of practicing something they're garbage at (and everyone's garbage when they start, naturally). You sometimes hear two years of regular practice tossed around, but no one seems to have any particular evidence for that number. It does seem uncommon to find someone who can go from no experience to being a reasonably competent professional in under a year. It was probably two years for me between starting to program seriously and realistically being able to hold down a job, although I was lucky to have a job I didn't really know how to do where I was allowed to learn as I went.

    There's lots of resources for learning to program, which you choose really doesn't matter too much. I do like to plug How to Think Like A Computer Scientist. It's a bit of a difficult pitch to people looking to learn since what you think you want to learn is python. But actually you want to learn programming, and this book will do both for you although its title suggests neither.

    The reason I suggest it over the many other excellent introductory resources on Python is because it goes through language constructs a sequence that's "natural" in that they reflect complexity and dependence of ideas within the language. That probably doesn't sound very meaningful, but contrast it with the typical approach where an author sits down and says "I want the reader to be able to do X by the end of the book", they think "they need Y and Z to do X, so we have to include chapters on Y and Z before the chapter on X" and repeat the process for Y and Z until they run out of topics. On the other hand TLACS asks "what's the smallest next thing you can learn exhaustively from what you know right now". The downside is that the very first chapter is a somewhat painful discussion of the expression/statement distinction which is something you typically handwave around until it becomes relevant to do the big X the book is building up to. The upside that you as a reader can go off-script and not get bitten in the ass by previously hand-waved material. There's also the fact that the exercises don't treat the reader like a retard who's terrified of math, which is always a plus.

    I think the closest analogue is probably The Little Schemer which is an absolute hidden gem of computer science education which has tragically fallen out of fashion half because no one likes scheme anymore for some reason and half because the socratic method sews the seeds of social upheaval.

    Originally posted by esbity The best way to learn Python is to Learn Python the hard way.

    Putting the fact that Shaw is an asshole, I think there are some real flaws with LPTHW. The biggest being that it's woefully unambitious, it's not a small resource and the capstone project is a textmode adventure game. Shaw handwaves a bunch of stuff and, at least the last time I looked at it a few years ago, it was downright deceptive in how some of the more subtle language constructs operate. You can tell he's far more comfortable as a C programmer than in Python, which is curious seeing as he decided to write his python book before the C one (I have no idea how LCTHW turned out)
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  13. apt Tuskegee Airman
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  14. Archer513 African Astronaut
    How do you gain weight in the summer!?!

    It’s 95 with 90% humidity around here

    I’ve lost 5 lbs just by existing this week

    This shit keeps up,I’m gonna look like man on Fire by the end of summer...
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  15. Paying the $420 to abort them.
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  16. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Since you're already here and not have to walk away empty-handed...

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  17. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by esbity There you go again. Trolling my thread. Attacking people and derailing the peaceful conversation.

    Stop it Lamy.

    "Don't do as I do, do as I say." ~ Lamy
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  18. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Tits aren't level. The right tit is way lower than the left tit. One staring off in one direction, and the other staring off in another.

    do you want to really know whats wrong with that picture ???

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  19. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    yeah being a fucking sheep and doing what you're told like a good little boy is way more hardcore.

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  20. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    you should not encourage them
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