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Posts by esbity

  1. esbity African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny also suck my fat dick

  2. esbity African Astronaut
    Originally posted by joerell But morons like yourself will date these women for a free Happy Meal every 2-3 days…so who is more depressed and pathetic.

    Im lost. What are you speaking of?

    I go to strip clubs and plan on using prostitutes in the future. Im completely normal.
  3. esbity African Astronaut
    What do you all think about me?

    Am I a douch bag, a faggot, a cool guy, someone with problems, normal, strange, or what?
  4. esbity African Astronaut
    What percentage of females do you come across on a daily basis that you're actualy attracted to?

    For me, its like 1%. But I live in Oregon, so maybe that explains it.
  5. esbity African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Manonfire
    Oh this one was taken this WEEK


    Whats that little thing by his hand?...
  6. esbity African Astronaut
    Every time I start typing a post, my phones keyboard changes, causing me to submit the thread/post prematurely you mother fucker.

    Fix that shit you fuck!
  7. esbity African Astronaut
    Originally posted by 🐿 You lucky sons of bitches.

    Dont worry, a lot of guys provide for females and allow them to use and walk all ovwr them. Child support, spousal support, free drinks, free meals, free compliments, free ego boost.

    I personally don't as I have self respect.

    Bill Krozby does though. He pays child support. lol. Sucker.
  8. esbity African Astronaut
    Originally posted by jer3552 I lost 23 lbs the first month and 17 the second month and 15 the third and 5 so far this month

    Sounds like your losing it too fast. As long as you feel healthy.
  9. esbity African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ajax Why?

    It matches my quality....decent but not junky.
  10. esbity African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rock_N_Rollover Good answer.

    Just put some tape over the camera lens.

    It would be better to detach the camera cable and the microphone cable.
  11. esbity African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Red_Woman Fuck off, you pathetic creep

    I like you too.
  12. esbity African Astronaut
    Originally posted by 🐿 What about the males?

    They dont count since males tend to be happier since they dont have periods, menopause, purchase makeup, shave legs, and other social things that make our lives more enjoyable.
  13. esbity African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Siouxsie_Q Not a good choice, lol. Surely you can afford these items…?

    Of course. But if I can save that money, I can spend it in other places, like brewerys and other events. Plus, I like decent brand named items, no cheap shit.
  14. esbity African Astronaut
    We see it all the time, a fat girl that is disgusting, gets a job that isnt minimum wage and they act all bitchy but the real observation is that they still aren't happy deep down inside.

    This is proven by their overeating which is psychologically proven to be a mental defense mechanism and likely is to fill a void deep within their corrupt souls.

    These females suddenly have an attitude which must be a venting of frustration in their low quality depressed life.

    But what happens to them in the long run?
  15. esbity African Astronaut
    I sure hope you're within your BMI range. That would make you NOT the typical American...
  16. esbity African Astronaut
    If you encountered a person at a job that required a clean criminal recoed and you knew that this person had committed a lot of crimes and was a shitty person in general, along with the fact that this person was healthier(slimmer) and happier than yourself, would you be piss about this person?

    What would you think about this individual?
  17. esbity African Astronaut
    The number was some lady that called me.
  18. esbity African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson They are both acceptable methods if you don't get exposed.

    But which is worse?
  19. esbity African Astronaut
    Lying and cheating to move up at a job but abiding by all laws.

    Being honest at a job but committing crimes.
  20. esbity African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Manonfire No sympathy for cheaters
    Can't believe ud cheat on that anway

    Must been some good pussy u chased drunky

    Lie, cheat, steal.
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