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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Thanks awarded to all 3.
  2. Originally posted by ohfralala You don’t even know what my stance is. I just offered the term.

    Yes, I agreed with your suggestion as more fitting than listing it as a phobia and further added that "philosophy" should also be applied to a dislike of faggots too rather than suggesting it's a phobia...that's not arguing. lol
  3. Belgians...says it all really.
  4. Originally posted by ohfralala You argue just to argue lol

    Um...I agreed with
  5. Originally posted by ohfralala I believe the word you are looking for is…racist.

    Right...You can be prejudice/discriminatory without actually being afraid of it..hence homo"phobia" isnt' accurate and homo-ist would be more fitting.
  6. Originally posted by ohfralala Jig is just pissed bc he couldn’t cut it as an alcoholic.

    Or rather I saw the weakness in being one and so stopped, cold turkey. ;)
  7. Originally posted by cupocheer Is this an adult site?

    I don't think there is an age specification so no.
  8. Originally posted by Kinks Unless you have experience on this matter, your opinion is moot

    Agreed, but it's pretty impossible to get through life in this pill popping society without gaining that experience. lol. It's exactly that experience both direct and indirect that should tell you it's a weakness, a negative, not a positive.
  9. Originally posted by NARCassist well i know i got a half decent looking chick just gone to score me an 1/8th and when she gets back i'll be controlling her pants, lol.


    Yup, misery loves'd feel better if those chicks were interested in you for you...rather than what drug you can give them. lol

  10. a substance cannot control you

    Your need/desire/addiction for it can though...

    but at the end of the day you are the one that makes the decision to allow the substance to influence you.

    Indeed, and that is a weakness.

    that's just being a faggot and not taking responsibility for your actions is all.

    Well taking responsibility would be not relying on a drug to get through your day or make it a more "fun"...there are plenty of "fun" things to do that don't involve harming yourself, being weak and breaking laws that could inpact your life in all kinds of negative ways (criminal record, jail time, etc etc)
  11. Stigmatizing a stigma...makes perfect sense...
  12. Originally posted by NARCassist oh for sure its even better when you control it.


    You don't control simply take them to feel good for a little while. Those that control it control you.
  13. Originally posted by NARCassist what the sheep don't get coz they're too busy doing what they're told and listening to the bullshit from their masters

    Those masters want you drugged, up...congrats on being a sheep and complying with the shepherds. You can't be an independent thinker if you are compromised by drugs.

    You'll learn at some point that following social rules makes sense if you want to be successful in is about compromises, the overall good/gain rather than the short term gain.

    Grow up.
  14. I understand you drug addled idiots like to try and justify your weaknesses..but that's all it is, a weakness.
  15. Originally posted by Kinks If you aren’t abusing it, it isn’t any different than the other mind/body altering substances people use daily, like coffee etc.

    Ummm if you are taking pain meds for anything other than a real is abusing it...if you are addicted to it to the point you ask for tips how to get off are abusing it...if you are buying them are abusing it...

    Coffee lol...
  16. Originally posted by Kinks We all have different hobbies. As long as you’re not hurting yourself or anyone else I don’t see what the issue is.

    well that's the point, it is hurting yourself...and others indirectly.
  17. .
  18. How is calling a fag "homophobic"?

    You don't have to be afraid (phobia) of homosexuals to think of them in a negative way.

    If that's the case why is niggaphobic not used more often.
  19. Originally posted by NARCassist yeah being a fucking sheep and doing what you're told like a good little boy is way more hardcore.


    Ummm not really relevant.

    If you need pain meds to get through your day (for anything other that actual injury recover) you are a pussy.
    Abusing your own body (re taking drugs you really don't need) isn't hardcore by any stretch of the imagination.
    Drugging yourself up, IS being a sheep...big pharma loves you.
  20. The BIG game today...

    Columbia vs England. I should have called off sick to watch it, especially as I am actually sick.

    Oh and 2 other teams of no interest are also playing.
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