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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by Cootehill

    Ummmm doesn't look transgender...looks like it's still packin, small and flaccid but there is something in the pants there that shouldn't be.


    Jesus and that face..looks like The Joker.
  2. Yup, I rebuilt a Compaq Contura laptop battery a few months ago using a dozen cells I bought on Ebay.
  3. Originally posted by joerell Miss Universe Spain.

    Makes perfect sense, Miss Universe...Spain. Almost as much sense as the Baseball WORLD series...
  4. Originally posted by Cootehill How do you all know each other's names?

    We ask or they tell.
  5. Originally posted by Archer513 Treason 👍🏻

    Now that “empire” is reduced to a pussy,socialist little island where you can’t own a gun,carry a pocket knife,report the news and the princes marry negroids…

    Oh…how the dainty have fallen.

    Hey at least they had an empire...US is already on the downslope without ever getting one...lololol

    US policy, bomb the fuck out of a place then spend a trillion or 2 rebuilding it and handing it back...rere

    And as for the socialist shit...the US has the #metoo #fataccepance #BLM #toliets4trannies thing...and San Fransisco. lolol
  6. The US has that ship with a rail gun on it I believe, those are more impressive than the laser guns. EDIT: oh wait, looks like China beat the US to the punch on that too...lololol
  7. And yes STL1, the Holiday is called Independence day, not 4th of July day...please learn the names of your own holidays.
  8. Originally posted by stl1 According to your logic, Good Friday should rotate days of the week???

    Um no, according to my logic (re: not having a holiday midweek) good Friday should be on Good Friday..on the date that makes it on a Friday...and is...duh.

    Same for Independence day, the official "holiday" day could be on the nearest Friday or Monday (after all the holiday is "independence day"..NOT '4th of July day" Easter. Clearly they think celebrating treasonous behavior is more important than the death and resurrection of Jesus though...lololol
  9. Originally posted by joerell BTW, did you read about the Chinese ZKZM fiber laser rifle. 2,600 feet range and goes through glass. Lol.

    Set fire to, you know someone will take an eye out with that.
  10. Originally posted by stl1 So…only stupid people would recommend celebrating the Fourth of July on any day other than on the fourth.

    Yup, Easter for example, good Friday never happens on a Wednesday.
  11. Ones that fall on a Friday or Monday...only in stupid America do you have a holiday mid week.
  12. I remember the good old days when Tennis wasn't gay. The era of Jimmy Conners, John McEnroe, Bjorn borg. And when you could wear sweatbands as a fashion statement.
  13. Originally posted by aldra wut

    gay advocates manufactured the word 'homophobia' to stigmatise people who don't agree with them

    Yep, agreed. I was saying they are guilty of what they are whining about. by Stigmatizing another persons beliefs.
  14. I do find revolting revolters revolting.
  15. Originally posted by ohfralala Cut your dick off. You’re not using it anyways.

    I could then use it block my asshole preventing any homosexual intrigue in that area too, I see your thinking.
  16. Originally posted by ohfralala Your dislike of the word homophobic stems from the fact that you don’t like to be reminded that you’re afraid of your own homosexual urges.

    What do you suggest I do Doctor?
  17. Originally posted by ohfralala You’re arguing about agreeing with me.

    I agree...but I'm not enjoying it.
  18. Originally posted by tee hee hee And dont forget the goatsee

  19. Originally posted by tee hee hee The only drug I've ever quit is sugar…and I'm back on it now. Sigh.

    That way only lies fatness, I mean madness.
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