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Posts by gadzooks

  1. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    30th faggot.


    Originally posted by GGG 28th faggot

    How u doin fokes

    Not bad, how's about you, fellow faggot?
  2. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    29th faggot.


    Originally posted by mmQ Is a disease the same thing as an infection? I'm REALLY stupid, you see. When I think of infection I think ofnlikex you have to get a wound and then it might become INFECTED, but you don't just get the INFECTION.

    But of course i mean if you get a THING in general I guess it's like your infected by it, so maybe everything is an infection.

    Well, the whole idea I guess is that the "holes" that our sex organs possess are really points of vulnerability to attack - much like that hole in the death star from the original Star Wars trilogy. If either party involved in the sex act is a host, then they are essentially depositing their fluids into a "natural wound" inside the other person.

    So it's still the exact same concept, just different vector of attack, basically.

    Originally posted by mmQ But then what's an affection? a sexually transmitted affection what is that? I want one of those.

    Now although a sexually transmitted affection might be desirable, you kind of risk putting the cart before the horse...? I say that with an upward inflection, because it isn't always the case (although you might want to try to go for the affection before the sex - but your mileage may vary); but I also say it with an upward erection (because it's hot).
  3. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    27th faggot.


    Also, I just wanted to point out that I find it kind of funny that Item 9 is somehow the only non-faggot in this thread.

    I assumed at the beginning that 🐿 was calling OP a faggot, and that I was calling her a faggot (to continue the cycle), but somewhere down the line, it seems that the meaning has taken new form - apparently each of us are declaring ourselves to be the nth faggot.

    Unless we are counting starting from zero (as a programmer, that's pretty much how I always count - arrays/"lists" always start at 0).

    But in regular English verbiage, it seems kind of weird.

    Maybe the lesson, at the end of the day, is that it really doesn't matter which particular position you take in the congo line - a faggot's a faggot.
  4. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    25th faggot.


    Originally posted by mmQ What's an STI?

    It's funny you bring that question up, because I found myself asking the exact same thing to someone before...

    Apparently, although this may be a regionally-specific phenomenon - Sexually Transmitted Infection is considered less positive/shameful/optimistic than Sexually Transmitted Disease, and is thus used more commonly.

    I grew up calling them STD's, but found a lot of people referring to them as STI's, and it gradually just stuck with me (much like the herpes, gonorrhea, and hepatitis C I contracted over the years*).

  5. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    23rd faggot.


    Originally posted by mmQ As the kids say, 'faggot til you maggot.'

    This reminds me of some good advice for any of the closeted "false faggots" in this thread...

    If you want to avoid introducing a surprise STI into your heterosexual relationship... Make sure you "Bag it while you faggot".
  6. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    22nd faggot.


    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III forcefed myself with
    blow but now i settle for sedatives.
    no longer in the street. i belong in
    the crevices
    positively negative
    popular ive never been
    hard to be a person when you lack the mental requisites
    emotionally deficit
    consumed with all the wretchedness
    not optimist or pessimist
    my politics are in exodus
    spouting countless fountains out while drowning in the brine
    my life is the foulest algorithm science can't define
    they trap you in these systems that are phallic in design
    because they fuck you in the mind, boy. they fuck you all the time
    i fell apart and took my mind with me
    being strung up at the ligaments with cultural derivatives
    i fell apart and took my mind with me
    pronounced dead by a nemesis
    a doubt without a benefit
    i fell apart and took my mind with me
    just a cluster of atoms thrust deep in a chasm
    i fell apart and now your mind is with me
    smoke in your eyes
    the worlds a joke in disguise

    WTF? I don't know who Lil Ugly Mane is, but I could only find a "text-to-speech" audio version of these lyrics (on YouTube).

    Way too obscure of a reference.

    But it was kinda interesting though.


    Also, quoting a false faggot.

    If you can't admit to being a faggot in the series ITT, you have not effectively assimilated, and thus must be outcast; like a leper.
  7. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    20th faggot.


    Originally posted by Erekshun You can't be first and fifteenth. I faggot per person.

    Ah, yes - I, Faggot - The unpublished Isaac Asimov science fiction thriller about gay robots taking over the world.
  8. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    It took me a few minutes to really get the analogy, since there's a lot of things going on in this scene (which I haven't seen - I love the Simpson's but kinda lost touch with it years ago).

    But, despite not having been around for the invasion of the DH hordes (no offense DH-folk, you know I love you all too), I can imagine it probably went down something like that.

    There would have likely been all kinds of "shock-gum" trollery and attempted watermelon-attack trickery under the false pretense of "free beer", but, despite giving NiS the lowest possible score out of 10, a 6, they did end up staying (I don't know what percent of the initial total migrants), thus causing the analogy to veer ever so slightly.

    But either way, that was fun, it's been a long time since I've seen an unfamiliar Simpsons clip that still somehow felt canon to the 90's episodes.
  9. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    14th faggot.


    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Like every time you drink?

    Coming onto NiS? Pretty much... There's something about either this place, or the effects of alcohol, that make me come here after even just a couple drinks.

    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III

    One of my favorite albums of all time.
  10. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by AngryOnion Just wait for the full blown psychosis to kick in.

    Yeah I've read/heard about that.

    I'm hoping that if I taper things just right, and can maybe get a prescription to deal with some of the symptoms (low dose benzos or even just valproic acid or something like that to just take the edge off), and a bit of time/perseverance, I'll probably be fine (or at least here's to hoping...).
  11. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Ghost Addiction clinics are pretty cool they will give you drugs for stop smoking and alcohol withdrawal.

    If you feel like there are psychological issues you need help with they are good for that too.

    Luckily, the psychological component this time around is surprisingly manageable. I've been through various chemical dependency programs. I was on methadone for almost two years, which required all kinds of withdrawal medications (the methadone for one thing - but they also gave me valproic acid and a tapered benzo dose for benzos and alcohol as well). I was also in a program (for the psychological component) called "DayTox" - an outpatient detox kind of thing where you do group therapy sessions and acupuncture and that kind of thing.

    But really, right now, the only symptom of any concern to me is the (relatively infrequent and almost entirely inconsequential) muscle contractions. Like, psychologically, I feel fine, I feel ready to stop drinking (etc); I do have a bit of trouble falling sleep, but even that's pretty manageable too.

    If I was like, lying on the floor, convulsing uncontrollably, I would most definitely have visited the E.R. by now.
  12. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Mewsik Is there a good reason why you would not go to the hospital? I hope you go to the hospital and get some help. Asking an online community for health diagnosis might be a good reason to go. JS … take good care.

    I'm gonna go to a walk-in clinic, at the very least, tomorrow morning.

    However, if things get out of control, I will definitely go straight to the E.R.

    But honestly, right now, things aren't quite as bad as they might sound.

    If they do get worse tonight, though, I'm not totally averse to hospitals or anything. I will go if necessary.
  13. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Ghost You should go to a clinic

    I will be going to a walk-in clinic tomorrow.

    To be honest, though, these symptoms have actually motivated my interest in organic chemistry exponentially.

    I was researching, first of all, the particular cluster of symptoms I am experiencing and all preceding (potentially contributing) events, and valproic acid arose as the best possible (pharmacological) solution, which inspired me to start researching how I could possibly synthesize it...

    As it turns out, it consists of a fatty-acid component, making it a pretty complex molecule.

    But oh man it sent me down this fascinating path of dependent syntheses... It ultimately led me to a nifty synthesis of benzaldehyde, which, as it turns out (although you probably already know this), is a very common precursor in organic chemistry.

    But yeah, I do see the medical necessity in getting some expert/professional help with things. I'm like 99% sure they're just going to prescribe me either a long-lasting benzo, or maybe valproic acid or phenytoin, or maybe baclofen or neurontin.

    I prefer going into the doctor's office with some research prepared, whenever possible at least.

    The symptoms aren't as bad as they might sound. I just find various muscles in my body kinda moving somewhat involuntarily - but not to the extent that I feel the urge to call for an ambulance right this second - at least, not yet.
  14. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    The last woman I slept with (wait... second last) was half my age (well - I was 33, she was 19 - close to half).

    I found her attractive, but to be honest, when she told me how old she was, it kinda made me feel just a little bit gross.

    It wasn't enough to put me off of her entirely. I was still attracted to her despite the radical age difference.

    But every time I looked at her, there was like a 50% chance I would see a teenager - which would kind of weird me out.

    The relevant point here, though, is that it wasn't until she told me her age that I started seeing her as a teenager.

    She was absolutely stunning, in terms of physical appearance, up until then. But once I knew, it kinda made me think about things in a different way.
  15. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING III: The Quest for 911 Truth Yeah take a month or two to taper off. Alcohol is a sediative, and you deserve to take a while to taper down, especially with the wild geography of Canaedia.

    In a month or two judge yourself again.

    Thank you.

    And yes, I do plan on tapering, but I don't think I'll necessarily need a month or two, luckily.

    I mean, I made it almost 48 hours after New Years Eve. I was able to fall asleep two nights in a row without a single drink or any other drugs.

    However, the second time I went to sleep, I was only able to stay asleep for like an hour - after which I could not fall asleep no matter how much melatonin I took or how "hard I tried" to relax. Plus I started having these muscle-spasm type things that kinda freaked me out.
  16. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Cold turkey is the only way if you're that hooked.

    From a psychological perspective, assuming no physical withdrawal issues, I would totally agree with you.

    It's how I usually stop drinking after any kind extended (i.e. binge pattern) usage.

    But this is kinda something different because I was drinking way more than I ever have, AND taking benzos and GHB as well.

    Apparently GABAergic drugs can be especially dangerous when it comes to withdrawal.

    Luckily, my attitude/motivation are in the right place. I am able to get through most of the day without taking anything psychoactive. It's only when my muscles start jerking or the intense insomnia kicks in that I feel any kind of need to drink.
  17. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Mewsik WELLLLLLL …. Where is the new and improved room photo?

    and zooks how come you posted 15 year old photos .. how does your place look now?

    This is probably the most recent picture I've taken inside my place recently - I posted it in a thread (on here) entitled, something like, "What do you see right now?"...

    Maybe once I've cleaned my place up a bit I'll post some pics of the whole apartment. I'm currently in the process of doing a massive cleaning and redecorating of it, though.
  18. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by GGG I used to pee in gallon jugs to avoid stepping in trash/spiders/dog shit.

    Super convenient till you forget to leave a hole for pressure

    I have done the whole piss jug thing when I was living out of a Dodge Caravan. Sometimes I was just too lazy (or cold, or drunk/hungover, etc) to get out and find a suitable bush to relieve myself.
  19. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Lanny 6/10 on the hikki scale, kidna ghetto but there's not nearly enough clutter and shit all over the place to really make the grade. Here's some real high level shutin shit:

    Yeah I can't say I've ever let a place get quite that messy, although I did come close back in my opiate addiction days - especially when I got hooked on the (prescribed) methadone - that stuff has a long half-life, so I would chug like 3 days worth right when I got a week's supply, then the following two days I was just an absolute wreck, and had zero motivation to clean up, like, at all.
  20. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker OP is still here and still drunk.

    Well, I'm only drinking right now to stave off physical withdrawal symptoms.

    I know that totally sounds like an excuse, and I would probably be just as skeptical of anyone else lobbying such a defense.

    But I was legit having weird muscle spasms and other symptoms that kinda scared me into pouring a (diluted) drink.

    But I'm actively researching possible DIY solutions (because I don't want to check myself into a hospital just yet).
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