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Posts by gadzooks

  1. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    I saw the statue of David in Italy once and now I have PTSD, partial blindness, and intermittent psychosis.
  2. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    So did that fat naked guy on that Zoom call intentionally display his penis, or did he forget he was on Zoom?

    Also, why are human bodies so traumatizing to people?

    If he was jacking his beanstalk, that'd be cause for concern.

    But are people turning him into some kind of monster over what might have been an (incredibly stupid) lapse of judgement?
  3. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by netstat onlyfans is a symptom of deeper societal problems related to atomisation/loneliness. i don't really blame the women pursuing an easy entrepreneurial opportunity. if western civilisation wasn't so diseased in general simps and the whores who exploit them would be less of an issue.

    I absolutely agree with your first sentence. The second one, kinda. The third, not entirely.

    But you do raise a good point about loneliness being a root cause of the issue.

    And the sad fact is that there really isn't a simple solution to that issue.

    If a particular segment of society is especially afflicted by this problem, they are naturally going to be more vulnerable to any looming siren calls.

    I mean, I've seen it first hand.

    A part of me just thinks "wow, what a pathetic simp", but I can't help but feel for them. They're literally just trying to satisfy the most fundamental human need (acceptance and approval from another person).
  4. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Archer513 Trump has an unfair advantage,being that he can complete coherent sentences…

  5. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    And lol @ wrapping the name "Cohen" in triple parentheses.

    Like we're gonna think it's an Irish or Japanese name or something...
  6. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Not gonna lie, this is actually pretty significant for a run of the mill movie stunt.

    Is the scene in the actual Borat sequel movie?

    Has it officially been released yet?

    I actually really wanna see it.

    The original one was a pretty significant piece of pop culture.
  7. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Number13 There is only one god

    I converted to Hinduism so I've actually got like 6,000,000 of em (give or take).

    And they train at a UFC gym so shit might get real in the ring.
  8. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Technologist



    Has the fly declared themselves as Democrat or Republican?

    What's it's stance on immigration?

    Does it have any plans for achieving affordable health care?

    Does it have a campaign motto?
  9. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Legit question: how many (US) presidents have thus far been impeached?

    I know that Clinton was for that most egregious transgression of telling a fib.

    And Nixon... Did he actually resign instead?

    Was there anyone else?
  10. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal The fly

    As in Jeff Goldblum?
  11. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.-.-.-.-----.-----.-.-.--.-.--.-----.-.-.-.-.--.----.----.-.-.-.------.-.-.-.----.------.----------(bĀ­anned) you are literally insane

    and a nigger loving whore

    I would pay cash money to be able to watch finny take a mandatory 8 hour Corporate Sensitivity Training seminar.
  12. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.-.-.-.-----.-----.-.-.--.-.--.-----.-.-.-.-.--.----.----.-.-.-.------.-.-.-.----.----.-.----------(bĀ­anned)

    Also, we're getting so off topic from the general thread idea.

    Even if jedis themselves invented OnlyFans, it's virtually irrelevant.
  13. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.-.-.-.-----.-----.-.-.--.-.--.-----.-.-.-.-.--.----.----.-.-.-.------.-.-.-.----.----.-.----------(bĀ­anned) focus.

    at no point did i mention anything about poland or anything that happened in poland. that is not the topic of conversation.

    Some sources consider all of Hitler's destructive actions as parts of the Holocaust.
  14. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.-.-.-.-----.-----.-.-.--.-.--.-----.-.-.-.-.--.----.----.-.-.-.------.-.-.-.----.----.-.----------(bĀ­anned) kikes have demonstrated for the last several thousand years that theyre compulsive liars

    provide a shred of evidence that the holocaust isnt yet another example of kikes making up more fake stories.

    One thing I want to clear up from the get go... Are you denying the invasion of Poland and massacre of millions of Poles?
  15. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.-.-.-.-----.-----.-.-.--.-.--.-----.-.-.-.-.--.----.----.-.-.-.------.-.-.-.----.----.-.----------(bĀ­anned) the holocaust is a myth. fake news. everything about kikes is fake news.

    Ok I've heard of Holocaust revisionism, where the numbers are claimed to be a bit inflated.

    But outright denial?

    That's as loony as believing the Earth is flat.
  16. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Meikai I'm not going to say it's a guarantee but Tim Stokely is "the son of a banker" and he runs a porn site. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck…

    Lol. I suppose I wouldn't even be all that surprised really.
  17. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    If I see pics like that that aren't hidden in spoiler tags while I'm on the bus or some shit, I'm straight up buying a plane ticket to China and will find Vinny and throw a few hands his way.
  18. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Maybe a solution is to establish a rule where if someone is an inconsiderate nonce that feels the need to post a pic like that, they can wrap it in a specific type of spoiler tags that indicates what it is.


  19. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Billy teh Block Head fuck you, nonce defending piece of shit.

    I guess i'll just spam this place with CP since you all think it's so cool.

    Even though that picture made me shudder and puke a little bit into my mouth, it's technically not legitimate child porn since no human child was exploited in making it.

    But I sincerely hope I never see it again.
  20. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.-.-.-.-----.-----.-.-.--.-.--.---.-.-.-.-.-.--.----.----.-.-.-.------.-.-.-.----.----.-.----------(bĀ­anned) im making the case that kikes are always at the forefront when it comes to ethically questionable industries or practices.

    I want to bring up the Holocaust, and more specifically the medical experimentation that was done, but I have this feeling that you're going to suddenly become overcome with an acute case of denial.
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