2018-08-24 at 2:21 PM UTC
Trump in deep shit now
African Astronaut
[my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
I thought Canada was busy building housing for violent animal Somali refugees?
Even in Nairobi I remember the Somalis been regarded as the lowest of the low. The most violent, the shittiest people imaginable.
There is a Somali slum in Nairobi. I was advised by the locals to avoid it, and so I did so. I didn't feel like losing my phone, my bank card, my iPad and change of clothes. That would mean I'd have to go begging to the British Embassy, and fuck those cuckolds.
Somalis did the Westgate massacre, where they went around a quite nice shopping centre - Israeli owned of course - and everyone who wasn't able to recite a particular Islamic prayer got shot.
I seen Muslims in the Westgate, at the KFC, and I thought to myself, "you fucking bastards". Don't you feel any sense of shame.
I seen jedis as well, but at the time was too naive. The locals weren't and warned me about them, even though I didn't pay attention at the time.
I used to think jedis were just smart and hard working businessmen. Idiot me.
2018-08-24 at 2:06 PM UTC
windows is dead
African Astronaut
[my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
I still have a Mac OS9 computer exposed to the internet.
2018-08-24 at 2:05 PM UTC
I hate niggas, but...
African Astronaut
[my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
Genuine devil's advocate here : the idea of turning off javascript just seems so nuts that it's not even worth mentioning.
Javascript is the worlds most secure programming language - it has had exponentially more attacks written for it than any other language.
Yes, if you're doing something deeply illegal in tor, like bennyvader shit, just maybe, maybe, turn javascript off. Even though I don't know why you would bother with a late version of tor browser.
But for everything else, even white nationalist publications, it's perfectly safe, and doesn't pose a threat. I don't care if weev and dailystormer.name have my IP address. They already have my name and my bitcoin address. And I couldn't care less, I'm more or less open WN, and it's not against the law in Ireland, and if it ever comes up I'll oppose it publicly in the Irish Parliament.
What proportion of tor is simply censorship resistance, and what part is CP and DMP(drug buying market/deep market place) friendliness? To be honest I don't care, but I suspect it's 5% compared to 95%.
That doesn't mean abandon tor. That means you should support tor. 5% of the traffic is genuine. One in twenty. A very high ratio. Support it with all your might.
2018-08-24 at 1:45 PM UTC
I want a Japanese gf
African Astronaut
[my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
Your bow was not deep enough.
You have offended my family honor.
Sadly, we must katana-duel, Enter-sama.
African Astronaut
[my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
The only real way to camp for long periods isn't to bring more kit.
It's to change your body.
You need to stop showering every evening. You need to stop relying on 3 carb heavy meals a day. You need to become more muscular, less fat. You need to stop worrying about entertainment/distraction every second of every day. You need to become lighter, hardier, smarter. You need to brown up a little, so the sun doesn't burn you. You need to learn to adopt a diet that doesn't rot your teeth.
You need to learn to sleep with nothing more than a light cotton blanket over you. You need to learn to get up early, to catch the abundant food available in early morning. You need to harden your hands, so you no longer get blisters from a walking stick. You need to harden your feet (for instance with methylated spirits) so you no longer get blisters on your feet.
You need to become accustomed to the cold. You need to use your sense of smell to sense game in the forest. You need to become accustomed to going a day or more without food. You need to become accustomed to going a day or more without water.
You need to learn how to sense a spring, and dig for it. You need to be able to taste the poison in the local bushes. You need to be able to boil water without having a pot. You need to be able to kill and skin an animal, and choose the most valuable organs for your own. You need to go without coffee, tea, nicotine, or any of the other pleasures of civilisation. You need to force your intestines to sense and to harden up against the protozoans that inhabit many rivers.
You need to acquire a sense of place, and a sense of space. You need to be able to know north, south, east, west, instinctively. You need to know the land. You need to settle into nature, and not be bothered by those harmless bugs or animals that aren't worth killing and eating.
You need to have boundless energy. Even if you do not eat, you need to be alert at all times. You must not sleep fully, ever. You must be eternally vigilant.
You need to become a tool of survival. You need to be harder and more valuable than steel. If you cannot do this you deserve to be dead.
2018-08-24 at 1:23 PM UTC
Trump in deep shit now
African Astronaut
[my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
This is the end of Trump.
Said the increasingly bored man for the 70,000th time this decade.
2018-08-24 at 1:21 PM UTC
The strong dollar
African Astronaut
[my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
Anyone pissed off by this? It used to be 1.3 or 1.4 to the Euro, now it's barely 1.1
I get ripped off anytime I buy anything from China.
It's due to the jedis at the Fed raising interest rates repeatedly in an attempt to sabotage Trump, despite leaving rates at 0% during the reign of Emperor Obama.
As well as that Republican presidents seem to result in a strong dollar first term - look at George W. Bush for instance, the dollar was worth more than a Euro for a while.
Even Trump is whinging about this shit.
How can the US, with the world's largest trade deficit, have a stronger currency than the Eurozone, with the world's largest trade surplus?
Goddam fuck this shit, I should just buy bitcoin, except I'd get totally jedied on the price by some yank.
2018-08-24 at 1:05 PM UTC
My waah thread
African Astronaut
[my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
Interview went OK I suppose, but I don't think I got the job. They were impressed with my degree and higher diploma in programming, but I think I blew it by underselling myself.
Even though the role is technically accounting, they seemed more interested in my computer coding skills, and I totally failed to sell myself there.
I might email and post my github to them for Monday morning. It's got some OK projects. I'll upload more and do out a website outlining my skills this weekend also.