Originally posted by Lanny
Not to be a dick but aren't you, by your own description, a fat depressed tech worker of some sort that doesn't leave the house (not that there's anything wrong with that)?
Originally posted by cupocheer
So, what Trump was doing yesterday was threatening his jedi money counter (Trump said he only wanted jedis handling his money.) Alan Weisselberg, CEO Trump Organization, huh?
Weisselberg knows where every Trump penny and all the tax records info are. LOL
Weisselberg has received immunity and has flipped to the prosecutors case. LMRAO
So this site is associated with a fault in a completely different service which no one associated with this site has the damndest thing to do with?
Do you have an android phone? If you enable precise location sharing it should pick up where your hot spot is located to within a few metres. And then it should use GPD to detect an even more precise location, and whenever you associate with your own wifi it should track you to being within your own house.
It works perfectly for me, obvious invasion of privacy notwithstanding.
Isn't it interesting how no one argues about how beautiful their OS is anymore.
Back in the OS 10.1, 10.2, 10.3 days Mac fags had a beautiful, ergonomic OS, and bragged about it. I know, as I was one of those fags.
But not any more.
Nowadays the most you can brag about is how little your OS impedes your workflow. Like "Windows/MacOS/Linux isn't so bad. It doesn't slow you down THAT much".
And that's about it. All modern OSes are complete shit.
Lol, I have had my location as much as 50-100 km away, from Louth (where a cell tower my phone often connects to is) to Dublin(where my ISP's backbone provider is), but I guess no one gives a shit about the asshole of the united states.
What geoip service are you using to resolve your location?