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Posts by Cootehill

  1. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by joerell I know a petty jedi girl…interested.

    Yeah, a pretty jedi, one in a trillion, the first this millennium. A unique archeological treasure.

    Originally posted by Mewsik A dating forum is for idiots

    But how do I attract the female idiots? As far as idiots go they're the only marketable ones.
  2. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by ohfralala Lol @ trap a male. The pudding is for ME!

    But hmmmm pudding cups are just pudding…in little snack cups.

    Yeah, but you're almost the same age as me. If I caught a woman I'd regard it as catching her.
  3. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by yum Here is one that makes infinitely more sense within this conversation. When your mother goes to buy your groceries she goes to wal mart. Over the course of the year she spends 90k feeding your fat diseased ass. She has paid ask mart 90k for groceries and wal mart has not given her any money. Is that totally unfair? Is wal mart taking advantage of a fat mother and her fat son?

    Let's say your mother makes icing sugar from your tears. She sells the icing sugar to some Chinese people who refine it and sell it to wal mart. She makes 100k from this but since were not counting value added services from countries it doesn't count.

    What's your bmi?

    Regarding IS, not even I believe that his mom feeds him.

    However just considering location >=35 is reasonable.
  4. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by Mewsik Unless you are in the porn industry, the friends you make and help online are nothing but tomorrow’s trash!

  5. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by DietPiano If those estimates are to be believed, (they have been saying we are at "peak oil" year since the 70's) then yes.

    Although with new shale oil extraction techniques and more natural gas implementation, I'm not sure how much more life the fossil fuel actually has left. It could be quite a bit more than previously expected.


    Obviously this is a giantic problem, but until there are proven energy solutions that are economically self sufficient, new oil extraction technology will continue to dominate the energy sector.

    My dad's a farmer and he agreed to be paid to let this windmill company survey his land. If they decide to actually build one on his land, he gets quite a bit of money, I forgot how much.

    The problem is, windmills aren't sustainable without government subsidies. They're expensive to build and maintain, they're very inefficient, and they lose money. They aren't viable large scale.

    Most of the corn my dad grows goes to an ethanol plant where it's then sent out to be mixed with gasoline up to 85% (E-85 goves you poor mileage though). This is techinally self-sufficient because it turns a profit just above break even, although in reality it's subsidized pretty heavily as well because the profit margin would be so low otherwise.

    Every politician that comes to Iowa has to brag about how much money they want to give to ethanol subsidies, because they know they aren't gonna set a good tone for their campaign if they lose the first electoral state because the farmers turned on them. Ted Cruz miraculously got away with it by a few votes, but that just doesn't happen.

    At the current price for electricity wind is uneconomic. But if it doubles it is.

    We missed out on some wind turbines on our land in Ireland, even though we own a few hills. Big massive shame. We will have the wind stolen from over us.

    We even missed out on getting paid for the overhead power lines, as our paranoid schizophrenic neighbour wouldn't let them put a pole on his land. Fucker.

    Corn ethanol, from what I hear, is only a sleazy con that serves to raise the price of Mexicans' tortillas.

    Biodiesel is slightly better, but even then I don't know if it even breaks even, when calorie of mineral oil is compared to calorie of plant oil.
  6. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by infinityshock i will literally fuck up your asshole by stuffing my fist into it

    Maybe he can just shit into a plastic electric pump bladder, and he can post it to you so you can shove your fist into that as much as is your wont?
  7. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by infinityshock now tell me about the ice core samples that showed atmospheric gasses at several orders of magnitude higher than what they are now before any human technology…and there were 3-foot wide dragonflys and trees that were nearly 1,000 feet tall.

    No problem.

    Does that sound like fun to you?

    Not to mention that that sort of increase in CO2 level is also associated with massive increases in acidity?

    Like unpleasantly low pH seawater and lakewater? How does a beach where the water burns sound to you?

    I hate shitlibs too, but I'm not going to let my hatred for those few jedis and weak minded goyim destroy the planet.
  8. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by Solstice

    This fucking jedi, putting fake glasses on on his big slippery hook-nose. Goddam.
  9. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by ohfralala You don’t like pudding cups?

    What are they?

    Like Christmas pudding?

    Yeah, seems simple enough for you to trap a male.

  10. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by infinityshock women dont need dating forums. men in RL provide more than enough suitable candidates. ie, online dating sites are useless to men.

    That's a bit like saying "I don't need to look for a job, I'm a suitable candidate, I'll just let the employer find me".
  11. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by RestStop I'm an evil piece of shit. I tell people that right off the bat. As for relationships I avoid them like city cops.

    Originally posted by ohfralala I’m about to stock my fridge with a bunch of pudding cups cuz fuck you nigga I can

    I (seriously) bet this sort of shit draws people right in, like flies to shit.
  12. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Anyone have any recommendations on how to attract girls to a "dating forum"? It seems easy enough to attract guys to one.
  13. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by joerell I know a petty jedi girl

    As if there's any other kind?


    Yeah sure. Maybe I'll become a despicable kike hypocrite, excusing genocide and playing up genocide, at the same time.


    I don't have the mental fortitude to be a jedi.

    I can't live on multiple mental levels of make believe at once.

    I have a conscience goddammit!

    I am Irish!
  14. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by DietPiano If we are in fact at "peak oil" right now then the effect of burning the remainder of the supply would be doubling whatever polution has occured from oil products in the past 100 years. Not likely to significantly harm life.

    I have no doubt that burning fossil fuels contributes negatively to the earth's atmosphere, but I don't think the damage of continuing to burn is outweighed by the damage of discontinuing to burn by an incredibly large margin.

    So if we are at peak oil right now, then every year from now until 2118 or so we will have progressively less oil to burn?
    What will that do to the oil price? What will that do to economic growth?

    By 2118 we will have as much oil to use as we did in 1918, meaning barely any at all.

    In 1918 petroleum was sold from pharmacies. A resource exclusively for the rich.

    There was enough sold to run a few hundred boats and a few thousand cars. None for heating or the like.
  15. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by DietPiano It's somewhat of a snowball effect, so the more is released now, the more will be released later.

    Whatever happens will be inevitable, but yeah, I'm sure we're speeding it up ever so slightly.


    The media has been saying "There's only 40 years of oil left!" for the past 40 years now. For the past 10 years that I've been interested in peak oil, they've said we are roughly at the "peak year" every single year, including this year.

    I don't think they understand just how much oil she holds. They find new reservoirs ALL the time, and they aren't exactly small

    Yeah, but each new find is another stab into the back of Mother Nature.

    Because from the oil you burn pretty much all the CO2 will stay in the atmosphere long term, for future generations to enjoy.
  16. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by HTS Man-made aspect is trivial but that could hypothetically lead to more greenhouse gasses escaping from permafrost and ice reservoirs and trigger a cascade shift in climate.

    Except that the man made contribution in terms of water vapour is quite large.

    Without naturally occurring greenhouse gases, Earth's average temperature would be near 0°F (or -18°C) instead of the much warmer 59°F (15°C)
  17. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by DietPiano Yes you can.

    The vast majority of C02 in the atmosphere comes from soil and plants.

    The manmade aspect is trivial.

    Then why has atmospheric CO2 doubled in the last century?

    And what happened to the massive amounts of coal and oil we burned? You can actually see some oil fields on maps or from space, like Ghawar in Saudi Arabia. What happens when all a planets natural carbon reserves, accumulated over a billion years, get burned in the span of 100 years?
  18. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by infinityshock good boy…ive trained you well. now get your tongue down there and start thieving the klingons, you shit fiending ass wiper.

    Originally posted by EllariaSand image

    These two posts go together. Poor Infinityshock will never get over his fetishisation of shit, his own or other people's and that is sad.

    I wonder if he's one of these people who saves all his individual shits in bags to go back over later? I mean he clearly knows his shit, and shit I mean literally, not as a synonym for stuff. Can he smell high glucose from a shit? Maybe even cancer, the way some dogs can?

    I liked all of my exes, even the ones that I dumped. It is very beautiful the way men and women can combine and ease each other's psychological insecurities, and make each other feel good, even after a long day of work. We are natural allies. It is very important to society, to the individual, and to life as a whole.
  19. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by DietPiano I appreciate that all of my jobs I've had require some kind of movement.

    I remember my boss at one stage (who asserted to be a fully qualified accountant) looking out at some guy power-washing, and being like "I'd love that sort of job, all you do is do your powerwashing and go home."

    Of course the guy he was envying was earning about 1/3 his wage.

    And it was a sunny day. No office worker ever envied anyone working outdoors on a rainy day.
  20. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by joerell Some of you females really need a life.

    So you think that dating forums are only good for attracting loser/fatty/autiste females?
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