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Posts by Xlite

  1. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fox Paws Yeah I know I was just trolling him

    You’ve been gone a while though I guess you don’t know that 90% of the shit he says is plagiarized verbatim from people way smarter than him. It’s been proven

    But are those people wrong though?

    I didn't read the science about the plants, but i've done my research on mycelium and mycelia in fungi are capable of collecting intelligence and transmitting it to their corresponding plants and neighbors — whatever they’re connected to, really. This intelligence includes information about how to survive and fight disease, warnings about nearby dangers, and guidance in raising a host plant’s defenses. Mycelium also act as a kind of “mother” that allows the transfer of nutrients among interconnected plants.
  2. Xlite African Astronaut
    We're all morally handicapped to some extent. Its to be expected when you give a kid a fucked up life.
  3. Xlite African Astronaut
    What was your username on totse tho spectral?
  4. Xlite African Astronaut
    Why am i the only one who's had the same avatar for 900 years?
  5. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fox Paws Oh my fucking god you’re a solipsist

    After all these years i sure as hell hope he's not.
    If he is then all hope is lost for our dear obbe.

    I'm pretty sure he's just playing devils advocate.
  6. Xlite African Astronaut
    Its not whores you gotta worry about, its succubuses.
    Females that age likes to lure in a younger bloke and slowly suck out your soul after she fucked you senseless.
    But yeah, let us know how it goes.
  7. Xlite African Astronaut
    Wish i remembered when i was on totse.
    Its been so many years.
  8. Xlite African Astronaut
    Yeah, that sounds kinda like the way we all should die.

    Smoke shit and bail through window.
  9. Xlite African Astronaut
    Here's how i see it.
    Gamers gets far more adventure in life than the average citizen. We've killed several thousand of people, flown on dragons, killed mutants, gotten safely out of raccoon city, been taken hostage, wielded the force and killed jedi masters and sith lords, removed kings from their thrones, taken their daughters and "raped them" (skyrim mod). We've divided and conquered many worlds, realms, countries. We've been involved in serious ingame political issues.
    We've spend hours on end trying to build our home etc.

    I often reminisce about the most noticeable events in my gaming history. What comes to mind is the games that challenged my moral values, such as mass effect, or the kotor series. You often find yourself in a situation where the only choice is the wrong choice. If you actually had the time to sit down and be completely immersed into these games, the payoff would be huge as far as entertainment and emotional conflicts goes. You will actually discover things about yourself.
    Those are the kinda games i miss, but even if there still was some i wouldn't have time to properly immerse myself into them.
  10. Xlite African Astronaut
    pics or gtfo.

    Use shades if u will.
  11. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Enter why dont they like me? :(

    Well it could be because you give too many fucks about them.
    Pretend not to give a fuck, but don't be rude. Just be occupied, even more so if the chick is a 10.
    If there's one thing 10's can't take, its a dude who's hardly noticing or acknowledging them.
  12. Xlite African Astronaut
    Try to say n i g g e r then lawl
  13. Xlite African Astronaut
    The best way to live is to not give a fuck about shit.
    Once you leave worries and fuckwits behind, your life will start to improve.
  14. Xlite African Astronaut
    Honestly i don't really give a nigga.
  15. Xlite African Astronaut
    Some bot Zanick developed a crush on.
  16. Xlite African Astronaut
    Whats up with you two and david?^
  17. Xlite African Astronaut
    Whats this about exactly?
  18. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WhiskeyPhoenix I got 96% introvert and 92% turbulent, can't remember the rest.

    You can't that i believe. Post pics or gtfo
  19. Xlite African Astronaut

    It fits to some extent, although a more thorough test would do wonders.
  20. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fox Paws That's weird every time after I orgasm I just feel overwhelming shame/guilt and a sense of impending doom. It stresses me right the fuck out. I thought everyone was like that?

    Its also called la petite mort in french, the little death.
    You're most likely experiencing a dopamine dip which is normal to some extent after having a huge release.

    If you have it every time then you should probably see a doctor or somt. Maybe depressed?
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