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Posts by Xlite

  1. Xlite African Astronaut
    Lets all post pics of ourselves and our families while we're at it.
  2. Xlite African Astronaut
    Put the juden back into the chamber where he belongs.
    All politicians will be punished for corrupting my country over the years. I'm thinking death by acid, in public.
    The educational/school model will be updated because its old as fuck and full of flaws.
    Religious people will be converted to non-religious people, if that fails they will join the jedis in the chamber.
    Niggers will once again become slaves of the white man. They will work for food, or die in the chamber.
    Remove all laws except thou shall not harm others (self defense is still allowed)(also punishment) And a few more.
    Females will have a forced abortion if they are carrying a sick child. (i ain't got no time for freak babies)
    No more censorship, instead i would promote knowledge and understanding.
    Only 1 kid for each female.
    Make a special unit to seek and destroy nuclear weapons worldwide.
    Spics goes into the chamber.
    And the list goes on..
  3. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock what the shit does that mean?

    He's probably referring to a first person shooter or somt
  4. Xlite African Astronaut
    Well that was refreshing. Any moar?
  5. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by benny vader describe ???

    this isnt the 90s.

    we have live streams now.

    Well the problem is that if he smokes enough dmt, he won't be able to talk till its over.
  6. Xlite African Astronaut
    The major thing about this game in my opinion is that the whole world is actually destructible. Including the ground itself.
    I remember using explosives to create a giant hole in the ground and then build my base bellow it.
    Good times.
  7. Xlite African Astronaut
    If their goal is to stop the drug market they are doing it the wrong way tho.
    If there's demand there will always be supply. Killing people is kinda like treating the symptoms, not the actual illness.

    If they want to win the war on drugs, they gonna have to dig into why people do drugs in the first place.
    I can answer that though, the world is a shithole to exist in and taking drugs makes it manageable.

    However, as always the usa will aim to kill its people rather than improve the general quality of life for its people.
  8. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock more likely their dicks in his own asshole.

    I'm pretty sure i saw a dude get fucked by a horse once.

    He died.
  9. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ No it's Horse.

    You prefer the assholes of horses?
  10. Xlite African Astronaut
    Assuming you test your shit before you sell it, then yeah. Its a good idea.
  11. Xlite African Astronaut
    I miss kinkou. Anyone still has tit pic?
  12. Xlite African Astronaut
    What the hell? she's fugly man
  13. Xlite African Astronaut
    Russia didn't do it, as you said yourself. Why leave a calling card?
    Putin is way smarter than that.

    I'm pretty sure cia is behind this false flag, just like the "hacking the election". USA knows its allies are growing tired of all the shit trump is doing, and so to prevent russia from gaining additional influence in europe, they arrange a hit that makes russia seem even worse than USA. Even tho its the other way around.

    The corruption is real.
  14. Xlite African Astronaut
    Honestly lanny is doing a fine nigger job with this place.
    I would prefer to have him as the only one in charge at all times, except when he goes mad with power. Which happens occasionally, but is usually harmless.
  15. Xlite African Astronaut
    Speaking of old, is armsmerchant/greyfox dead or somt?
    I remember a clip of the cops confronting him for selling knifes and shiet, fucking lawl.
  16. Xlite African Astronaut
    Eh, that's probably me.
    Most of my family are law abiding citizens and i seem to be the only one with an opinion of my own, that and i don't give a fuck about the law.
  17. Xlite African Astronaut
    The insanity and rage.
  18. Xlite African Astronaut
    Outlast 2. I thought the first one was fucked up but this is even worse.

    I love these kinda games tho, its really the only thing that still manages to surprise me and get me exited.
  19. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fox Paws The first one. I'm generally against killing, but would do it for the right price.

    Which is?
  20. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fox Paws Even though I think everything is meaningless, if there is a god and he put a button in front of me and said that if I don’t press it I will live a normal life and eventually die naturally and my consciousness will cease to exist, or I can press it and kill every living being in the universe but I would be guaranteed to survive forever, I would press it.

    So you would rather live forever tormented by never ending pain and suffering? or do you think killing off the universe will make you feel better?
    I kinda get what you're saying. I would totally press the button as well but i wouldn't wanna hang around for the aftermath. Being the only living thing in the universe forever seems kinda sucky.
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