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Posts That Were Thanked by A College Professor

  1. DontTellEm Black Hole
    I’m not sure that’s true. But Bill Krozby use to call me ms piggy. I hate u, fuck yourself
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Ghost Black Hole
    now thats a rape if i ever heard one

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  3. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bradley " a real transgender"

    ok soo i got a nigga wearing make up, in leggings, high heels, and panties

    and shocker

    he has an erection

    do you know how fucking dumb you soound?

    They ain't a tranny unless they use proper pronouns and have surgery.

    I support the transmedicalist faction. Get the surgery or we will hold you down and force you to get it. All penises will be removed except for mine and I will breed the next generation of transgender humans for I am Genghis Scron, king of the mongolvoid

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  4. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]

    I love you. You're so underrated as both a poster and as a person. I want to help you garden your prized ficuses
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  5. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    ur mom gettin reamed out by Doug
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  6. Nile bump
    Originally posted by A College Professor no youre normalizing it and hurting your credibility on the matter by incorrectly calling people pedos. hurrr durrt everyones a pedo!!!!

    NiS watchman's spécial rapporteurs would never cite Octavian.
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  7. Ghost Black Hole
    ew she touched her penis

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  8. CandyRein Black Hole
    Thinking about Don’tTellem
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  9. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I want to thank fona for being there for him and reaching out and talking to him on the phone I have to imagine there is some guilt there but you don't own that. I have to imagine if everyone had someone like that when they were feeling their most unsettled that fewer of these tragedies would occur. I feel a little guilt myself too

    It's a really fucked up time right now, so many people I know have passed in the last few weeks, it seems like it's taken forever for the time to pass. It's fucking terrible how alienated people have become over the last decade. This is something we can blame on the chosen ones but alot we can blame on a society that stigmatizes and dismisses mental health issues. In the last few years we have just started calling the opiate crisis an epidemic but young men taking their lives and/or mutilating their genitals has yet to be defined as one. There are also the young women who have to blame men and culture for their mental health issues because its easier. There is no easy answer for this crisis but it starts with a dialog because most cases are different. Just being open and allowing yourself to be vulnerable takes fucking courage, especially as a toxic man. I can't speak to a woman's experience but I'll ask your mother after she's finished brushing my cum off her teeth

    I can't really say anything about Doug that I wouldn't feel like a hack for saying. I wasn't the closest to him at all but I genuinely liked him and enjoyed reading his posts. He was more open than most, about his failures and shortcomings and also just about who he was in general. Nobody was indifferent to him, he was someone who had a forceful personality (insert rape joke here) and you had to feel some kind of way about him. Going back a lot of things make sense about his personality, I wish I was a little more understanding the same way I wish people were more understanding of me when I was not at my best

    Just be good to each other. You never know what someone is going through and when they're going to vanish. I've been reaching a lot of Ram Dass lately and the crux seems to be that you only matter to yourself because that's all you can control. Well, when what's inside you seems uncontrollable you need people to reach out to who will give you a smack to get your head together. I'm tired of seeing people I like go before their time. Thanks for being here for me, you've all collectively helped me alot more than you know

    Op is a faggot
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  10. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by rabbitweed Wow I'm just trying to have an Honest Conversation About Race. But I'm sensing a whole lot of hostility from the black side.

    Okay, Keenan
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  11. Bradley Black Hole
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Like 10 dump trucks falling on your head.

    2 quick mix readys
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  12. cigreting Dark Matter
    Heres the 12 i just picked up about a month ago for 2700. Has 3300 miles. 136x1.25 with studs

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  13. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by Ice Cold Fourty I hate all of you

    Is that why you’ve made 100 accounts to post here with us ?
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  14. His attacks on infinityshock is a perfect example of how wayward and out of touch Lanny really is. You have to look no further. He just "didn't like" infinityshock's posts in the meat thread, but he didn't mind all the other off topic posts in the exact same thread, including his own off-topic posts in that very thread. Then he escalated everything from there by harping on his personal dislike, forcing infinityshock to push back. He's a communist fascist far-left radical hypocrite, plain and simple.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. Now they're galvanized pipes.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. Ghost Black Hole
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. We need a new forum called "Eeeee eeee3e,.!"
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. Ghost Black Hole
    When this forum first started it was pretty dead so I stopped coming here. I was living in a house with no electricity and lost my mind for many months but when I got wifi on my phone I had messages from Bill Krozby asking what was up, he wanted me to come back and post.

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Mr happy and I are friends and he told me right when he was released on bond. From what I gathered he is just dealing with a case of the "drug brain" and what the cops think was some kind of fraud scheme. I didn't ask him to much about it because I'd like to believe in his innocence. He actually told me to tell you guys whats up after his several day stint in jail, but I didn't because I was hoping he'd be able to do it himself, but since you made this thread it reminded me of him.. so yeah..

    I would have probably died quietly in a shack somewhere in the woods if people just let me isolate myself. when you're alone, suicidal and abusing drugs and don't care if you live or die it's hard to ignore someone that's just reaching out and trying to be nice.

    I had no reason to tell him to fuck off or whatever he just asked what I was up to, how I was doing etc. Which was more than anyone else ever did for me at the time, everyone else in my life just tried to make feel bad about being a fuck up.

    I don't even know how he was able to have a conversation with me back then

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  19. pEEpEEpOOpOO African Astronaut
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  20. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by frala You guys started dying at a rapid speed as soon as the DHers showed up and I don’t think that’s any coincidence.

    \(0)v(0)/ WHOOWUTTTT
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