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Posts That Were Thanked by A College Professor

  1. i think I know who that girl is
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Fonaplats No pics?
    Let's see your tool chest.
    Post pics of the taxi.

    Why do you want to see my tool and chest. kill yourself lil homo
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  3. mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    dude who just told me that a 15 year old catholic boy got masoginized in front of his whole entire family
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  4. think about it like this

    Back in the day you could play SOME ps2 games on xbox 360 but after a few years they only made PS3 games, the games got "too new" to also be on PS2

    last PS2 game ever made

    nowadays you have a game like Fallout 4 which you can play on PS4 and PS5, and 99% of games are the exact same on newer consoles OH MAN IT'S GTA V it just doesn't feel the same to me when you can play ALL of these on PC right now

    also good luck playing any of those games in 5 years when they shut the servers down and you are left with a useless disc that only works with an internet connection, great idea when the server it needs to check isn't even online anymore lmao
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready You're gonna be the person on the news soon.

    I can see the headlines now...

    "Local man gets great deal on second-hand furniture"
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  6. Bout to call this girl an oily bitch n tell her to chode fuck my Lora
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  7. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. cryptographiccontrarian African Astronaut
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. Originally posted by BeeReBuddy Not going to lie that even living on my own for just a few hours has felt really weird.
    I'll get use to it but until I figure out a routine I am probably going to continually find myself anxious and bored.

    man I lived alone it was wild that BACHE life I would get so lit every night and dance around with my cats, I was so wild that whenever girls came over they wouldn't want to sleep over because I was so fucking sloshed 24/7 and went around my house painting runes on the walls with my blood while blaring music and snorting meth

    I lived in a house where lots of people died, the local kids thought it was haunted. I kept inviting girls over to netflix and chill. They took the free food and got the fuck out when they realized how deranged I was and that just pushed me into acting more erratic and doing more drugs YOU DON'T GET ME, IM TOO GOOD FOR ALL THE BORING GIRLS IN THIS TOWN NONE CAN KEEP UP WITH ME

    and the aggresssive ones would get all offended and tell me they are gonna send guys to my house to beat me up and actually did, they knocked on my door and told me to come outside and fight so I threw a brick through my window from the inside and the guy was like WHAT THE FUCK U FUCKING GOOF ILL KILL YOU I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE trying to open the door but I had it nailed shut so they couldn't even kick it down

    the best part of living alone you can be a complete fucking mess and nobody can stop you, not even yourself sometimes. great fun
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. Even big breeds of dog end up with a ton of heart n joint problems.Struggle is real.
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  11. it's ez to cook shake and bake meth in a hotel , if they complain about the smell just say you dropped an ammonia jug on the floor trying to clean some blood and then jump out the window
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  12. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    ill change the date if you have school

    i chose thursday so we can come back maybe on Saturday. maybe camp out Thur and Friday night. you can camp in some desert areas.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. Donald Trump Black Hole
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. One word of advice: don't try and claim an exemption on religious grounds, because that will put you on the New World Order's hit list. They intend to eliminate all religion, and if you tell them you are religious, that makes you an enemy combatant. The best thing to do is just lie to them at every turn. You have no obligation to tell the truth to the enemy. Did you get the jabs? Sure did. Do you have the proof? Sure do, just don't have it with me.
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  15. Originally posted by Lanny Yeah, private small arms ownership is really keeping the gub in check in the US right? Uncle Sam definitely thinks twice about violating my rights and privacy on account of the shotgun I have under my bed.

    You shouldnt have told them where you keep your shotgun now they can kill ur wife n rape your poodle
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  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker I warned Ausies when they gave up their guns 25 years ago they were going to be fucked. Now they are fucked.

    Did you go door to door or did you warn them over a loud P.A. system?
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  17. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by kzs

    The lithium reaction is finally done! I think its ok.

    Now I have problem with the Pse hcl pills those are very bad,, low yield. (cant clean them)
    No good pse pills here in this country…

    I tried before with ephedrine hcl powder (almost clean) but that time the lithium reaction wasnt complete (was cracked bottle, week pressure) no yield then.

    Ghost, my question is: ephedrine hcl it will work with shake and bake?? I did some research and some guys says at another forum it dosent work.

    (I dont know is it true or not)

    ephedrine hcl is my last chance..

    It will work? What do you think?


    lol@ this guy cooking meth in a sodastream jar in a barn
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  18. This one time I had a goon come knocking on my door to offer me $300 cash for something like this, and as he was holding the cash out I grabbed him by the throat with one hand and hoisted his body right off the floor and pinned his body to the wall, so his legs and arms were flailing around and he couldn't breathe. Then, while I had him pinned to the wall, I kicked his briefcase at least 50 feet down the hallway. When he started to pass out, I let him go and he slid down the wall like a booger, all slow-like, and crumpled into a ball. I told him if he comes back he's going to get it twice as good, then I just closed my door, and he finally got up and left and nothing ever came of it.
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  19. Dropped off A College Professor. We had a good time swingin our dicks around as it were, painting the town. I almost stole some dudes date at the bar. I putmy hand on his shoulder to let him know he had taken my seat. He turned around n saw the size of me and wanted no smoke but his tiny lil latina date was being SPICY AYE AYE AYE 🌶 n was tryna bump chests withme but in the end they both liked me and she started rubbing my back saying i should come more often. My aura is undeniable im like jesus if he was a fat exjunkie. Then just before dropping off ACP the cherry on top of his LA experience was at a red light there was a flaming heap of trash and some hispanic dude with a baseball bat yelling that some faggot niggers on bicycles set his tuff ablaze. SO LA. Ill upload the clip if i can figure out how to. I like meeting up with my kinfolk. Too bad most of u faggots are cowards too lame to ever actually do shit.
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  20. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmG Shut up idiot.

    You don't wanna go down that road, son.
    Just tell me who u are.
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