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Posts by stare rape

  1. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box im moving to venus, where TRUMP isn't president

    Joke's on you, he bought Venus in the early days of the "Buy A Star" program when it was only known as "The Morning Star"
  2. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box the only "common" one I can think of isn't really common at all, is PCP. some of my friends claim to have tried it but I'm pretty skeptical of even that. you really rarely see it, except maybe in certain areas.

    I've wanted to try it but I'd probably be too scared unless I knew the chemist personally

    I had a couple of friends over the years that would talk about getting bad joints, and their experiences sounded a lot like what 3-MeO-PCP felt like to me

    Even my grandmother talked about a time when she smoked a joint that she was told was "laced with THC" that made her unable to move, and caused hallucinations. I've read that PCP was often sold as "THC" or "Peace Pipe" in the 70s, so it's a possibility
  3. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby its not about "getting over it" its just i knew someone would try to make a stereotypical youtube family guy esque comment in an attempt to be edgy, but thats what i expect from op because he's fairly boring just like his whole shtick about being a broni

    That wasn't directed at you specifically, but more at Americans in general
  4. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby i knew a retard was going to make this predictable thread

    Eh, I thought about it but I'm pretty sure I did it some other year already and it's starting to get old

    Next year, people who weren't alive during 9/11 will be graduating high school. It's time to get over it

    The only way 9/11 should be remembered is as an example of how a government can take advantage of a tragedy (false flag or not) and use it to goad an uninformed populace into supporting both legislation that takes away their own freedoms and a massive war on false pretenses

    Not to mention the massive spike in approval rates Bush had afterward
  5. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    I know everybody gets upset sometimes, but pulling the race/gender/gay card when you get in trouble for your own stupidity will instantly make me lose all respect for you

    Then there's the idiots that actually believe it. I don't know what's worse, the millions of braindead fans that go around whining about it, or the judges and managers and such that occasionally give in to their demands
  6. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Night shift is best shift

    Funniest part is going to a convenience store at 6 am after work to buy a 12 pack, and hearing someone say "bit early for that, isn't it?"

    Are people really retarded enough to think the world just stops every time they go to sleep?
  7. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Lanny I'm happy to question any narrative, be it official or not. In particular I find the "pour so much time into finding arbitrary things that point to conspiracy that it takes a correspondingly monumental amount of time to debunk" style narratives and the "meme based argument" class of narratives the most questionable of all.

    Debunking 9/11 conspiracies was my bread and butter for years, a few people I lived with were totally convinced of literally anything that contradicted the "official narrative", including many mutually contradictory conspiracy theories. My favorite flavor was the one where someone would make up some story that was supposed to be part of the "official narrative" and then refute it. I remember once being told 9/11 was a coverup because the official story was that the hijackers were identified by their passports fell out of the planes during collision and that's obviously impossible.

    I'm just 100% done with taking it seriously. At least the proof-by-meme strategy can be amusing.

    ha, I think my personal favorite is "the planes were holograms" followed closely by "the towers were shot with directed energy weapons"

    No, I just don't want to TSTM accounts anymore and any discussion of it ends with people hounding me about it. I regret making the feature, in retrospect I realize it's just an invitation to either abuse it periodically or generate more work for me with minimal benefit.

    Translation: Assume a third party has access to the database, which you all should've been doing anyway
  8. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Anderson Cooper is a wonderful example of everything wrong with CNN

    He should get married to Bill o Reilly so we can blow them both up at the same time and then watch the average American IQ jump 25 points over the next ten years
  9. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    How exactly did "Patron Saint of Pedophiles" come about?
  10. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Sophie Pirate music is pretty great guys.

    Probably not what you're thinking of, but this is what I think of when I hear "pirate music"

    This whole album is amazing. They don't have too many songs like that one though

  11. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    I don't think I'd ever be able to trust someone enough to marry them without some sort of prenuptial agreement
  12. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Lol, yep. But after those topics are exhausted, they bitch about the person they just married nonstop

    It's absolutely hilarious for a couple weeks but after that it makes you want to stab them

    But it's easy to get them to shut up about that. Just say "wait, he/she didn't do that/tell you about that before you got married?"


    "So why is it any different now?"

    Too many people of both genders see marriage as a way of trapping someone into financially and/or emotionally supporting them
  13. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Corona IS available in the US.

    Right, but from the way he worded that it sounded like he thought we were saying Corona was made in the US

    Maybe I just haven't gotten enough sleep yet
  14. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Sophie Corona is Mexican import you niggers. Budweiser is shit. In fact, all American beer is shit. If you want some fancy high proof beer get a Belgian one, or if you want a good solid beer with great taste you can't go wrong with a good Dutch or German beer.

    Yeah, but we were talking about beer available in US, not made in US
  15. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Meh, nothing good can come out of posting about that here
  16. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by aldra I do that sober though

    Yeah but yours are actually relevant to current events and have a lot of important information most people won't know

    The ones I've posted here the last few days were mostly just personal history which I guess isn't AS bad

    But three seperate times on other sites I have caught myself spending over an hour typing whole pages about shit nobody has cared about (on a phone ffs) in over a decade and going over them a hundred times.

    Then I'll usually end up not even submitting it because I realize the last comment on the page was from 2009
  17. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by DietPiano I'm beginning to see the downside of illegal drugs.

    Everything I post and have posted on this website, besides this specific post, is in jest, or is otherwise not indicative of my character, or beliefs.

    Every story or personal account I write or have written is fiction, including the accounts of ficticious character(s) that may be misunderstood as accounts or records of myself and activities I may have performed. They are not pertinent to me or my character.

    I'm for sure remembering why I quit taking stimulants. Almost every time I try to post it turns into a fucking wall of text that has been proofread and edited fifty times

    When I finally do submit it, a fucking hour and a half has passed
  18. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by a shitload of people did. does this website mirror like a netsplit?

    go-between - Lan0y prolly knows

    We didn't make fun of you for 9/11 truth, we made fun of you because you posted about it in every single thread on the site
  19. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    I don't even remember what his posting was like on zoklet, but I remember hating him

    I was also one of those "no sympathy for the pedos, burn them at the stake" types back then, but I don't think it was JUST that

    I also remember thinking his posting was very much improved when he finally showed up here
  20. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    I feel like I've found something I've been looking for all my life and didn't even realize it

    Can't believe I've never heard of them, they've apparently been around for a while
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