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Posts by stare rape

  1. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    That's what I did. All I did was go in every three months, answer a bunch of stupid questions and got my mediations

    Every now and then I consider going back to get gabapentin but I always end up thinking it's not worth it
  2. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box inject everything

    I tried injecting the free acid once

    I didn't feel much from it and I could almost feel my heart telling me "What the fuck is wrong with you? Don't do that again"
  3. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by RisiR † Please don't shoot Tpain.

    That was the only time I've done it, and it was a decision made in a very bad state of mind that hopefully won't be repeated
  4. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box are you Australian?

    Nah, American night shifter
  5. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by aldra ves

    not going to sleep because I ran out of tramadol so I'll just keep hammering F5 on south front, RT and colonelcassad hoping to see Netenyahu get punched in the fucking neck

    What a coincidence, I just ran out of T-PAIN and won't have more until at least Thursday

    Definitely regretting shooting my last half gram now
  6. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    I've stolen drugs, but only because the people that had them weren't using them
  7. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by aldra I want to short circuit my soul

    I want to format my C drive
  8. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2.0 - The GMO Reckoning

    No, it's not realistic to assume that a woman of 1990s Nicole de Boer's beauty will ever be born again.

    I think I preferred 90s Rachael Leigh Cook

  9. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Glad to see people are still falling for our resident troll

    I guess someone had to take up the position after Falco left. He was actually convincing though
  10. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    I have one plate, one bowl, two forks, two spoons, and five knives. Dish washing is done before or after every meal and takes 90 seconds at most
  11. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    OP is a faggot
  12. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by RisiR † You guys fucking suck. That would have been hilarious.

    True. He probably wouldn't have gotten the results he was looking for though and wouldn't have posted it
  13. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Only thing I can remember about that games music was

    "gotta wash your ass, if you must
    you gotta wash your hair, if you must
    you gotta brush your teeth, if you must
    or else you'll be FUNKY"

    Or was that pro skater 3?
  14. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine like I could walk up to them and try interviewing them and ask them about loli life

    That could only end badly.
  15. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by playingindirt

    Originally posted by playingindirt

    Did you just start these songs, post them, and then immediately switch to a different song?
  16. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Sophie Dang, loyal mom. I'd like to think my mom would stick up for me like that. Fortunately for me and her, i never put us in such a position.

    I don't know. Maybe it's because of the fucked up way I was treated by family, or the fact that I've never been in that situation myself, but I feel like I wouldn't allow that person to stay with me, even if it was my child

    If I didn't know what was going on and was raided and they were after my kid, I probably just wouldn't say anything and let them search the house for themselves

    Thinking about it that way, I guess it makes sense. Maybe she'd convinced herself that she didn't know what was going on and did the same thing
  17. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
  18. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by RestStop Man..feels…….

    This is the one that's been getting me lately

  19. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    I actually posted the entire story here while under the influence of methamphetamine but redacted it because it contained too much personal information, it was just a massive clusterfuck that I'm glad is no longer an issue
  20. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Sophie Well, murder is bad. All i'm saying is, if you really are against snitching under any circumstance it's your only option. But luckily for you the problem kind of solved itself.

    Right. I tried to tell this person before, when it wasn't serious, but she just told on me to him.

    She probably saw more than I did, I'm at work 12 hours a day, there's no way they couldn't have. But you know how people can deny things, especially with their own children.

    Hell, even with the SWAT team pointing guns everywhere she still refused to say that he was in the house.
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