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Posts by stare rape

  1. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Sophie Also there's an alternative to snitching. You can just shoot the fucking idiot.

    I honestly considered it multiple times. With his record I wouldn't have been charged.

    But this person is...not rational, for lack of a better description. It probably would've hurt them worse than what has ended up happening

    I honestly think that what has happened is the best possible outcome for the situation.

    Hopefully he wasn't in with anyone serious. If I end up in a snuff film I'll make sure to give NIS a shoutout
  2. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Sophie Protect those you care about takes precedence you fag.

    I told her when I first became concerned, but she pulled the classic "elementary school counselor" on me and just asked him about it. He denied it, and then I caught shit from both sides.

    So from then on, I didn't say anything. Once things started getting serious I just starting packing my shit and trying to find another place
  3. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Sophie Luckily i've never had a SWAT team busting down my door. The owner's family member sounds like an absolute dick though.

    I try not to judge because I've done some fucked up shit, but at least I've had the decency not to put other family members in danger with it

    That was honestly one of the most difficult things I've ever gone through, trying to balance "no snitching" with "protect those you care about"

    Thankfully the local special forces took care of that for me before it got severely out of hand
  4. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Sophie What genre is this? Doesn't illicit any "feels" as far as i'm concerned.

    Used to be a pretty good metalcore band. Never could get past the name though. Seems like every band that used to be decent has dramatically changed their style as soon as they got noticed
  5. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    It's unstable, spectral is retarded
  6. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by RisiR † What happened?

    The owner of the house I'm staying at allowed one of their family members to stay there because he was going through hard times

    He started selling drugs out of the house, stealing shit like lawnmowers right out from in front of home Depot, and being a jackass in general while not bothering to cover his tracks

    Either somebody swatted him or the authorities got wind of it

    So Thursday at 10 am I got to wake up to the SWAT team breaking in and clearing the house

    Thankfully I was suspended from work so I didn't have to go in, and what little shit I had they either didn't find or didn't care about

    Thing is, I was freaking out because I was starting to revert into my old paranoid as fuck drug addict self, and realized it, so I started packing all my shit to leave and then that happened.

    Still planning on leaving but at least I don't have to be in a hurry now
  7. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Sophie Hahaha, oh man. Did you know he uploaded like 5 hours of him talking some bullshit as a "manifesto". The clips where he is practicing with his shotguns are hilarious as well. You can tell this limp-wristed faggot ass was afraid of the recoil. Also, he thought he'd look pretty cool with a pair of stockless shotguns. No wonder of all the 59 shots he fired he only managed to kill 4 people and that's including himself. What a loser, who the fuck gets stockless shotguns anyway?

    I prefer my shotguns stockless. Makes follow-up shots much easier while making them lighter and easier to conceal
  8. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by WE SMOOTH LOL wtf is this

    Eh, different cultures I guess. They're huge outside of the US.

    Maybe it's because I listened to a lot of Within Temptation as a kid, but I've grown to love symphonic metal over most other genres. Shame that there are so few good groups there.

    At the same time, I know none of the singers I posted even sing in the same style as Mariah Carey, and are thus not comparable. Not even sure why I posted ITT, probably something to do with drugs
  9. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    I've always wondered if he left because he got too fucked up one night and admitted he liked men

    Originally posted by bling bling i luv broswing imgur adn watching rik and mordy wif my gf)_im bi deal w/ it)_
  10. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    I normally make playlists with songs that sound similar, then put whichever one I feel like listening to on shuffle
  11. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    My house got raided lol
  12. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by mmQ posting online is how when you're on one you assume maybe everyone can understand your frame of mind or even know that you're on a drug, like juicebox stare rape said earlier or whomever. stim posting, drunk posting, weed posting sober posting pill posting, when you're doing it, or when IM doing it, it feels right and l8ike everyone should know exacly what i mean.


    This is exactly what led to my text walls full of personal information earlier this week: being high on stims and thinking everyone here understood my frame of mind and was my friend/here for support

    Thankfully, something told me I was going too far and so I requested a ban until I was out of stims
  13. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Nice. I didn't think it would be that much of a pain or I probably would've left it alone, hopefully you got some sort of enjoyment out of it

    I honestly thought it was on my end, like my phone supported characters that my browser didn't or some crazy shit like that

    Thanks though, hopefully it will have more use in the future
  14. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2.0 - The GMO Reckoning Keeping down inflation means driving down wages for people who are already poorly paid.

    Wut? Inflation means the same amount of money is worth less than it was previously. How will that help people that already make shit wages?

    Why does Sweden need more investment?

    It doesn't, and we should not be enabling their behavior

    Whether you believe socialism is a good system or not, they have taken it entirely too far.

    Growth for the sake of growth is the philosophy of a cancer tumor.

    Of course it is, but executives don't give a fuck about that. If they can MAKE MORE MONEY NOW they won't care if they eventually have to lay off all the extra workers they hired when opportunities dry up

    "I know you guys and your families are starving and all, but have you seen the new Gulfstream? Fucking sweet."
  15. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by It's not conspiracy theory yet a fact. the 28 pages were shortly released but had to be resealed thanks to an American Judge who said They can release the 28 pages or take a settlement (of cash.. mediation) and the families all took cash.

    I think about a Million to each family victims next of kin. out of court can make rules like Do Not Disclose or Talk about what happened in return for a cash settlement.

    this happened in the last 8 months. it became a lost for all of Americans to disclose what was hearsay of what people were saying. Including a Senator. He said as much as he could but said a High profile family out of Arabia sent checks to the Highjackers.

    I still believe the MIC filthy wealthy, upper management had worked with Cheney and others to rig Remote control on the flight cockpits control panel.

    the recordings of "We will crash the plane" may of been real, but the fucking guy couldn't fly a Cessna 172 single engine. it would be a mind fuck to think he could fly a full size commercial plane that takes hours and hours in a flight simulator by previous existing pilots who have prior flight skills in the thousands of hours.

    you're flying a large building structure and gliding the fucking thing in on it's own cushion of air as it basicly falls out of the sky with just a tiny amount of thrust to keep it just slightly above falling speed.

    they don't glide well like small aircrafts.. they get pushed around and directed which way to fall or lift. that is what a 707-767 does. it's a large object with wings to lift and gentle decend (soft fall) from the skies.

    Flying a plane is pretty simple under normal circumstances, the only hard parts are landing and emergency maneuvers
  16. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box she's ugly? or you've just seen her without makeup?

    speaking of whamen, what the fuck is with guys and their standards? it seems like shit has absolutely plummeted. I know people that aren't even slightly ashamed of dating fat chicks (not thicc, or chubby and cute, just FAT). men I used to think were absolute players (fit, over six foot, DJs, cocaine, that sort) fight each other over chicks that are kind cute if you're drunk and you squint.

    I live mostly as a hermit and silence is sacred to me, but occasionally I go outside and reconnect with my friends in various places and everytime it blows my fucking mind. Is everyone just ugly and fat now? the fuck is wrong with people.

    They were probably hot when they first met

    At this point it seems to be almost an American women's tradition to get fat and refuse sex after you've been with someone for a couple years
  17. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box you were smart to delete all that. I didn't bother to read through it all but honestly it was a lot of personal information (a lot of shit I don't care about) and I didn't really see how it related to what we were talking about.

    just to let you know I did save your post. im not going to do anything with it but its just instinct. I would never black mail you and demand you upvote all my posts or anything.

    It's fine, I'm sure a few people saved it

    The way things have been lately, I start telling one part of the story, then feel like it doesn't make any sense without the other part of the story, and so on and so forth, and by the time I realized it, I've spent two hours writing.

    As soon as I get out of this place, there will be no more stimulants for me.
  18. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box I've known people that are so fucking dumb - and this a true story - that they confused formaldehyde with PCP (since its used as a slang for PCP). A group of friends/acquaintances were exploring an abandoned seminary (had a school and all sorts of stuff), they found an old lab and a jar of formaldehyde. They dipped cigarettes in it and smoked and, and while they didn't get high they weren't especially moved when I told them how carcinogenic formaldehyde is(so I'm assuming they're brain damaged).

    I've heard of this too. I wonder how common this was. "Embalming Fluid" was another name for it IIRC.

    And, 13 year old me very nearly did a line of actual bath salts because he heard that "people were getting fucked up on bath salts"

    not to mention the fact that even when you're dealing with something that should, in theory, be PCP, you really don't know if the chemist made it right and its not like there's a lot of competition (I can always find clean acid because there's enough competition for that).

    This is what's always scared me away from trying to find it. PCC is a common impurity caused by improper synthesis, and it's very toxic. I wonder how many of the negative side effects commonly attributed to PCP are actually due to PCC.

    Hopefully the various RCs don't contain it.
  19. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Ensign §m£ÂgØL Laced weed is a myth. Nobody is giving you free drugs.

    On second thought, that's probably not the best idea.

    Trust me, it's not totally a myth, it happened to me. It was still my decision to accept them, and it's probably rare, but it does happen.
  20. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Sophie PIRATE METAL NOW!!!!

    Lol, Alestorm is great

    When I come back from a mighty quest
    I have no need for sleep or rest
    I head to a tavern for a drink
    And get so drunk I cannot think
    A wench by my side and a jug of mead
    These are the things that I most need
    So I sit back and sing this song
    And drink and party all night long

    Hey! Hey! I want more wenches
    Hey! Hey! More wenches and mead
    Hey! Hey! I want more wenches
    Lots of wenches is what I need
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