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Posts by the man who put it in my hood

  1. We had one of those, her and my manager would hit the dab vape pen in the office and I would come in there like DAMN LADIES SMELLS GOOD IN HERE

    People would tip me in weed it was a weird job
  2. bitch it's..... ahh whats the point
  3. pics? tell us about her
  4. I have also done sex work and sold dope

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny and just look at the results.

    factories moved overseas to chinkland where safety regulations are non existent and productivities are thru the roof.

    just go youtube fast workers. none of them are in the US or canada.

  5. middle management and like a few things you can learn at a trade school you are blue collar but wear white
  6. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson wow, the weight of the world on your shoulders…how could I have ever questioned your responsibility level…

    I did accounts receivable and shit too. It was a small family business but they did a million $ in sales each year with 4 staff including the owner so it was pretty busy for us and they relied on me a lot.
  7. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ATMs take empty deposit envelopes.

    I have no qualms against burning my bank account. Pretty sure it's not even illegal it just goes to collections and as my dad likes to say "blood from a stone etc"
  8. I liked painting with my uncle that was a chill job he owned his own reno biz
  9. wood finisher
    hot dog stand
    working on a cherry orchard
    driving forklift
    working in a retail store
    working in a warehouse
    waste and recycling facility
    slaughter house
    door to door sales
    call center
    paper delivery
    industrial laundry

    and a lot more
  10. I have seen so many people show up late to interviews and it's so fucking easy to play off and nobody ever gives a shit. Maybe this country is just a third world shit hole but there is always some WOMAN that shows up 5 minutes late because of her kids.

    And then the immigrant that speaks poor english shows up late and acts confused and they hire us all and I was there early. So what's the fucking point like honestly.

    Every time I try to be normal and follow these supposed rules of society it just blows up in my face and I stand there feeling like an idiot
  11. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny safe workers are unproductive.

    everyone in the management who is competent at managing knows this.

    says the CHINK lmao okay pal even the asian immigrants when I tell them "hey man you know you can refuse the work right" they think I am trying to get them fired and get all upset.

    But when they learn about workers rights and the safety shit their eyes go real wide YES you can REFUSE WORK and still keep your job and get paid. The government is up the asses of these bitches constantly and use that as an excuse not to give people a fair shake they always blame the government instead of themselves.

    Which makes sense because literally any business or industry is heavily regulated so yeah when something does fuck up is it the companies fault? Partly for sure but government regulations can make people do some retarded things.

    I have had to stare at the wall many times knowing I could easily move around and do something else but I can't because of regulation. Gotta follow the regulation you can't be some chink that says WATCH ME BOSS MAN I BREAK REGULATION GET WORK DONE FAST YOU SEE I WORK GOOD and nobody wants that.

    You will be physically stopped be security if you try because liability exists.

    Originally posted by Sophie A couple minutes accounts for bad traffic and bad luck. Waiting sucks for everyone. Besides first impressions matter, whether they ought to or not is not is beyond our control.

    I'm not trying to hire you fam. Just saying, if you want something above an entry level corpo job there is some basic stuff it'd be in your interest to adhere to.

    I know how the corporate world works and I usually end up showing up early waiting around. I have showed up early most of my life which is how I learned it's a bad idea. I already adheared to it and learned that it was for the birds.

    I doubt you have worked as wide a variety of positions as I have in all kinds of settings and I see the same shit everywhere. Very rarely do I ever get somewhere a few minutes early and start the interview right when It's supposed to start.

    I have waited up to an hour before and even longer. I know for a fact that it's a game and by not playing it I am already a cut above most brainless idiots that only know how to bark and roll over.
  12. Originally posted by Wariat did he give lanny a reason?

    no but he gave him 20
  13. I like his goofy shit more than his doomer stuff
  14. They need more safety oriented people YES I will join the health and safety committee if I worked for Amazon because I have experience working safe, I have been injured at work and it fucking sucks so I avoid it as much as possible.
  15. I don't have friends I am not a social person I don't know anyone anywhere and I have no past experiences or entitlement and don't even really want to be there or do anything but I know when I am there I gotta keep up and I can work circles around everyone.

    Having a panic attack at work just gives you an adrenaline boost I am a literal super human and go twice as fast as everyone else. I find other people with anxiety disorders and give them positive reinforcement and tell them that anxiety is a super power and they believe me and say YEAH MAN YOU"RE RIGHT LOOK HOW FAST I AM and then i tell them to slow down because health and safety.

    I am good at making friends ( not too friendly i got written up before and learned my lesson) at work until I show up puking from heroin and miss a week and then ghost them all forever and burn the briges
  16. "I value health and safety very much and I like to be a productive worker while also being a safe one" that's the kind of shit I say in interviews
  17. Yeah that's why I always get hired ON THE SPOT I am lot different on the computer. I know how to be normal and I despise people that can't keep up that mask.

    I HATE the crazies that talk to themselves in public i think they aren't actually mentally ill and they just do it to be attention seeking faggots so I ignore them when they go HURRR DURRR LOOK AT ME because I don't look at faggots.

    I look the employer in the eye and tell them what I can do, why I want to work there and anything they need to know about me. They pick up on the fact that i'm fucked pretty easily but they can tell that I am a bit wild but have the capacity to get shit done, people see things in me and like to give me chances.

    I have never had trouble with interviews it comes naturally to me somehow, same with sales I am good with people because i'm depressed and want to die so I have no time to be rude to people I Just want to enjoy what time I have left and try to be a positive person which people seem to like
  18. aquabeads contain GBL!!!!!!!
  19. I have a good resume I was supposed to drive the company truck and be assistant manager of the store like hank hill, a trusted employee, i had my own keys and locked the store up and opened it in the mornings. I went on trips with truckers to pick up feed and unloaded it at the store past closing.

    I am a good worker I had life all laid out for me as a small town country boy that drives a truck and inherits the family farm to start my wife and kids and have a normal life.

    and then retard rodeo happened and I was never the same. Life has it's own momentum
  20. May I suggest the Chico California Support Group for Molested Preteens Charity

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