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Posts by Discount Whore 2.0

  1. Discount Whore 2.0 Houston [retell my unflavored scrape]
    So what youre really asking is "what would happen if the germans didnt invade moscow in winter?"
  2. Discount Whore 2.0 Houston [retell my unflavored scrape]
    Because your wrinkly face popped out of your mothers cummy vagina one day and scared them away :0
  3. Discount Whore 2.0 Houston [retell my unflavored scrape]
    I like how you just admitted blacks are superior infinitycuck
  4. Discount Whore 2.0 Houston [retell my unflavored scrape]
    Fuck this dumb hell mobile site

    lanny why dont you put an option at the bottom for desktop site so i can see the last poster in a thread n shit
  5. Discount Whore 2.0 Houston [retell my unflavored scrape]
    Malice Im white and ready to swap skins
  6. Discount Whore 2.0 Houston [retell my unflavored scrape]
    only slimes use facebook
  7. Discount Whore 2.0 Houston [retell my unflavored scrape]
    astrology is for tumblr fags
  8. Discount Whore 2.0 Houston [retell my unflavored scrape]
    Originally posted by infinityshock post nudes of wife.

    I have you horndog

    I'm never doing it again now because all you guys do is fight and argue over it, maybe ill pm some special ppl though
  9. Discount Whore 2.0 Houston [retell my unflavored scrape]
    eskimo master race
  10. Discount Whore 2.0 Houston [retell my unflavored scrape]
    Originally posted by Malice Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww.

    you can be the referee
  11. Discount Whore 2.0 Houston [retell my unflavored scrape]
    Originally posted by Malice What super powers? I just stated that my peripheral vision was unusually wide and detailed/accurate. I even clearly stated that there were drawbacks and it's not particularly useful in everyday life.

    Sensory, visual, hypersensitivity is a common symptom, it's explicitly listed. There's an immense amount of data on it, including specifically on the visual differences and their neurological foundation.

    For shame, for someone in the field of science.

    You said your field of vision is above 180 degrees. That has to be physically impossible

    Also Im a biologist not a psychologist
  12. Discount Whore 2.0 Houston [retell my unflavored scrape]
    wait the quote §m£ÂgØL posted is literally her calling herself fat and ugly haha

    hydro i formally invite you and Bill Krozby to a foursome with me and my wife as long as we can record it and post it here for the antics
  13. Discount Whore 2.0 Houston [retell my unflavored scrape]
    On a side note i barely avoided getting typhoid while in Cambodia ayyylmao
  14. Discount Whore 2.0 Houston [retell my unflavored scrape]
    Originally posted by Malice It was perfectly relevant. What if all 3/3 female members has Asperger's? It would be a valuable scientific finding. Provide further evidence to support the profound understanding I have of Asperger's.

    I was genuinely just about to post something related to it as I clicked this thread.

    I'm pretty sure my field of vision is above 180 degrees, the peripheral vision unusually wide. The normal range is 155. It's kind of annoying when I can see/notice the screen door, leaving the standard door behind it open to let in sunlight and air, and movement to the right and back while looking directly ahead at my screen.

    Only it's good for inside is noticing when a cat comes by for food or Ash wants to come in. I suppose it could have some benefits IRL. It's practically impossible for a normal person to sneak up on me and I can look behind me discreetly just by turning my head slightly to the left of right.

    The neurological differences that lead to this are somewhat fascinating.

    Malice I enjoy your presence but you're delusional and you dont have autism super powers
  15. Discount Whore 2.0 Houston [retell my unflavored scrape]
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Wow, perfectly normal IQ, what's the point of even living, she should end her life

    would thank if Lanny would let me
  16. Discount Whore 2.0 Houston [retell my unflavored scrape]
    Originally posted by DocFoster Just read the op. Holy shit. Sounds like evil redneck sum. Shouldn't have that babby. I hope and pray it's at cps

    I feel like anybody defending her hasnt read the op. Even if only half of it is true like she said shes still amazingly unstable.

    Also isnt hydro supposed to be fat?
  17. Discount Whore 2.0 Houston [retell my unflavored scrape]
    Enough with the autism already
  18. Discount Whore 2.0 Houston [retell my unflavored scrape]
    i identify as a black so i cant be racist
  19. Discount Whore 2.0 Houston [retell my unflavored scrape]
    Originally posted by Wasp Sugar You're with a Mexican. He seduced you with the $7,000 he made off Bitcoin that he's been living off of for the last five years.

    Don't even try to tell me litemex is white. I will laugh in your face.

    shut the fuck up spic
  20. Discount Whore 2.0 Houston [retell my unflavored scrape]
    Originally posted by benny vader rocks and bricks have textures.

    its fun for kids to see the pictures and touch the textures

    if you're a pedophile just turn around now lol
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