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Posts That Were Thanked by Narc

  1. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by I wasn't sure if this is what you meant but LOL such a dated term for Japanese?

    It's not a dated term, it's just the Japanese word for Japan.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Ghost Black Hole
    I like my men like I like my drug dealers


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  3. Originally posted by -SpectraL You would cornhole a hairy-assed black man??

    No I draw the line at hairy ones.
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  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by ohfralala Lol oh my lord.

    Could you imagine if the only way you could get aroused was by sniffing ball sacks?

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  5. Originally posted by Ghost I play life on hardmode

    Git gud then, cos so far your playing sucks.
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  6. cupocheer Space Nigga [unwillingly condescend the dp]
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  7. alcohol is by far the shittiest drug. it feels the most toxic, has little to no euphoria, loosens social inhibitions but mainly in a way that makes you act sloppy and dumb (as opposed to etizolam or some ghb which makes you chill but still thoughtful), has a TERRIBLE comedown and hangover, costs a lot if you go out, and its also the drug most favored by normie faggots. if you like drinking ur a piece of shit, no ifs ands or buts
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Narc Wasnt infrared that south american tranny that admined weapons forum on zoklet?

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  9. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by GGG Also I want to add, it's hilarious how everybody who doesn't like me in this thread likes me on my alt. All my alts are liked until the name '§m£ÂgØL' is attributed to it. Then people have different opinions about the exact same posts.

    Would it still be hilarious if it was because most people here think you're a genuinely unlikeable person, and finding out who you are provides further context to your posts and the spirit in which they were likely made? That people would be willing to tolerate your posts if they didn't know such a shitty person was making them? That the problem isn't what you say - it's you, fundamentally, as a human being? Is that... hilarious? It seems pretty sad.
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  10. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    this would be a great time for infinityshock to say something racist but alas he has killed himself and we are all better for it
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  11. Everything is actually dark. "Light" is waves, and we perceive different lengths of waves as "colours" painted over matter depending on how said matter resonates with light frequencies. Our eyes are really just affixing a physiological response to different radiation frequencies.

    We are dirt things running around on a dark wet space rock!! !
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  12. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I would have a mirror so I could see you trying to lasso me and id juke and jive and tuck and roll and you'd miss me and yell out 'dang darn it!!!' super loud it'd echo through the streets and I'd giggle and do a Bill Krozby laugh then id do a secret whistle and suddenly my daykrew of boys would appear in the rooftops around you and all hurl prepared balls of fresh poops at you until you were so full of shit you couldn't even see straight and then I'd come back and be like hey man no hard feelings just wanted you to learn a lesson and then we'd shake hands
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  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by A College Professor u did that to me id make u fucken eat it bitch ps i always use a mirror to check so i wouldnt even get pranked bro

    I'd wait for you in the bushes and when you looked down at your mirror to check and then saw I had put poo on your HAMDLE you'd look around and there I'd be, with more poo, and a mask, and I'd slap a powerful handful of shit into your face and run off. Plus you'd still have to clean off your handle.
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  14. HTS highlight reel
    We're all human. There's only one race, the human race. Stop being mean to Mexirusso Indians.
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  15. mmQtips
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. Odigo Messenger - Now With Free 911 Service Houston [back fudge my lingam]
    Originally posted by GGG That's because there's more negative shit to say about her than there is to say about me lol. If you read her rants you'll see her talk about how bad I am, but never actually say what I did. I mean I was a dick to her but I didn't threaten lives or mistreat animals or children or steal. She is a very toxic person and ends up hurting everyone around her. I mean she apologized to 1337 in her suicide post, that should really tell you what you need to know about how she behaves. I guarantee you it is exactly the same shit as me and her, and poc and her.

    I don't have this problem. I have friends I've had for 20 years. I'm on good terms with all my other ex's. I don't fight with my family by throwing and yelling, or throw tantrums, or have to apologize for my behavior on a regular basis. I've never fought with anyone like I have with hydro, and have never been treated so poorly by anybody as I have by hydro's family.

    That's why she had less to say about me. Trust me, I do not act like I do on the forums IRL. I'm nice and polite and thoughtful as fuck.

    Well this is why everyone is asking you about her.

    She was interesting. You're boring.
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  17. HTS highlight reel
    Incest IS hot though. 😘
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  18. Why did Hydro always describe you as being cowardly, etc?
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  19. RestStop Space Nigga
    I heard bangin' hookers do be fly tho!
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  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    If I told someone to leave MY apartment and they SASSED ME and sat down on my couch to watch TV I'd break a frying pan over the back of their skull and throw em off my balcony. Papa likes his privacy. FUCK OFF.
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