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Posts That Were Thanked by Narc

  1. ITT §m£ÂgØL searches for employment
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Cro Mango Why be a self-killer, when you could be a KILLER QUEEN? Just give people a SHEER HEART ATTACK when you pass them in the street, and they BITES ZA DUSTO.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. This basically answers your question.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by GGG There is little difference between the mind of a dog and the mind of a dog.

    I think I want to change my original answer to 'is §m£ÂgØL the most retarded poster on this site'
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. misanthropy Yung Blood
    nobody but a genuine rat bitch projects as hard as scron is doing in this thread
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  6. RestStop Space Nigga
    I have crystal meth and whores. No I'm not trying to be witty or facetious it's the absolute truth.
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  7. Cro Mango Houston
    What's the rush? It's not like I'm going to miss it. My bus is waiting for me, and me alone.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. §m£ÂgØL has been reading Chicken Soup for the Soul and is insipired to write his next book Chicken Soup for Faggots
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  9. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by GGG But in suicide you only need to be brave for a moment. To live you need to be brave all the time.

    this might be the gayest thing you've ever said
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  10. Rizzo in a box African Astronaut [the rapidly lightproof ovariectomy]
    you're both gay shut up
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  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Lol @ 0 thanks given

    He's given me several then taken them back because he was embarrassed to have record of him liking me.
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  12. Rizzo in a box African Astronaut [the rapidly lightproof ovariectomy]
    Originally posted by GGG Either give sources to your claim or fuck off. The CDC gets its information from 57 different jurisdictions. That information is also available on state websites.

    But yeah they're probably just making it up. You fucking retard, you're delusional as fuck. I have never met a grown adult who was as jaw-droppingly absent minded as you. Learn to think for yourself instead of buying into whatever conspiracy the 6ft nigger down the street sticks up your ass.

    are you really going to trust the CDC? don't be a rube.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Got it...

    arrested for arson I rattex'd hardcore and told the police all about the weed conspiracy insurance scam worth a million dollars while I was high as fuck on a lot of drugs and picked up with morphine and a tech pipe so they just let me go
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  14. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by GGG Damn idk how I missed this. What did scron snitch on for? I have no respect for people who talk to cops. I've never so much as called them. Mexicans aren't big on cops.

    He ratted out his friends who grew weed with him. I can't find the post because he has twelve billion accounts but it was during his Meth schizo phase when he constantly bragged about burning his house down and being a super tough homeless loser who doesn't need anything or anyone.
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  15. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Mewsik I never saw his PI before you posted it.

    You know that old saying, 2 wrongs don’t make it right?

    There are plenty of people who read these forums who don’t post. By posting his PI, by virtue you are snitching.

    I understand you don’t see it that way and never will, but him posting his own PI whether true or not (for me, it is untrue because I never saw him do it, only you) is far different than someone saving it and then publishing it on a non private forum.

    Does this mean you are not cool? Hmmmmm?

    BTW - my snitch history: I have turned in 2 sick fucks who abused their animals in public, one man who was beating their child at a mall, and one woman (my sister) who I repeatedly warned not to come home (to my house) intoxicated or on drugs, as she was disrupting my children’s lives in a highly toxic manner and I had to physically detain her several times in the wee hours of the morning 1 too many times.

    Right or wrong in anyone’s mind .. I know it took huge courage to do what I did and it was the right thing to do.

    Posting PI on a public forum of someone else, regardless of someone did it first is BS.

    KEY here for me is PUBLIC

    Shut the fuck up you dumbass bitch. You're a 60 year old alcoholic with a messed up life and nobody cares about you. Not even your own children. Speak about me again and I'll murder you. What the fuck? Who the fuck do you think you are voicing your shitty opinion? You DH sluts shut the fuck up.

    What you did wasn't snitching. You reported some petty crimes and fucked over your own family. Nobody gives a shit. You didn't snitch on your business partners and aren't a criminal. You are very much allowed to call the police. Nobody expects you to abide by the street code.

    Ratboy over here acts tough but is actually just a scummy, disgusting fucking rat. He snitched on his friends who he grew weed with because he thought they stole from him or some shit when he was high on Meth. Fucking kill yourself.

    Don't you ever talk about me again, bitch.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by GGG Animals probably don't actually think that. Only someone as dumb as you would take it literally.

    You keep talking about 'animals' and 'animal brains' but we are all animals man
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  17. misanthropy Yung Blood
    no because (((bankers))) deserve to be robbed and also gassed
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  18. misanthropy Yung Blood
    to solve climate change we just need to kill the rich
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  19. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    When I was a kid, the doctor would be puffing furiously on a cigarette while treating you, and you'd be in an elevator with 15 people and they'd all be smoking, and your teacher would be holding a lit cigarette at the blackboard, and people were smoking in churches, at funerals and on public transit. Basically, everybody smoked everywhere doing everything, and if you didn't smoke, you were frowned upon as a weirdo or a nerd.
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  20. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Ghost You're the one that posts dox you rattox

    Nobody cares. I hate krolo more than anybody and I haven't done anything with the info and don't plan to (anymore).

    You on the other hand actually snitched on your friends in real life. Real people who then had to face real consequences. Don't get all high and mighty you dumpster rat. You try and lie your way through life and it might work sometimes but at the end of the day you will forever be a fucking rat.

    You know what I did when I was caught and made the mistake of even talking to the cop at all (we all gotta learn)? I took motherfucking fall for my brothers. Where I'm from you'd have a leatherface right now for being a rat ass snitch ass bitch ass nigger. Fuck you.
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