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Posts by RisiR †

  1. RisiR † 29 Autism
    There's 3000 people on Facebook?

    I'll make a Facebook account and hang out there. See ya, you fucking losers.
  2. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Discount Whore lets other dudes fuck him but he doesn't suck cock. That's a selfish homo.

    Finny, you should arrange a date with them and lose your virginity to DW.
  3. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by RisiR † Why didn't you nuke your old account, coward?
  4. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Check out the Dr.Octagon album.
  5. RisiR † 29 Autism
    How deep can you squat? When you squat down, does your ass just naturally touch the san....ground? Huh?
  6. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by infinityshock hilarious because youd be fapping to it

    No U.
  7. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Is Finny thirsty? Hahaha. This thread is done and so is Discount Whore.

    You can move on.
  8. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Oh yeah, over 500 episodes of One Piece.
  9. RisiR † 29 Autism
    I honestly feel like we can put Naruto and Avatar in the same category. Both are shallow as fuck but Naruto has a shitload more plot twists. I liked Avatar because the fights were cool. Good animation.

    Paranoia Agent was interesting and of course the classics Ghost in a Shell and Akira. I have watched Pokemon (all fucking rip offs, as well) and Dragonball/Z/GT. I have Chin Chan and a show with a little witch that has a store or some shit. Do re mi. Fuck. Haha.

    I'm cool with all that cartoon shit but the fans are cancer and I really, really, really don't get the highschool stuff. The teenage drama animes without fighting and just mundane, slow and boring plots. Ugh.
  10. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by fag Look at this fucking mommas boy with a good relationship with his family. Nobody will care when I die so I don't have to care when any of these other fucks die, it's a fair deal but I have no other options because I just don't fucking care when people die. I'm emotionally disturbed and mentally deranged, everytime I masturbate I think "whatever" because its just not a big fucking deal. All fear is rooted in the fear of death, so don't fear death and be ok with everyday potentially being your last and you will be free. Relationships mean nothing unless you can count on them during the times you need them, how many people have to let you down before you realize that it's all up to you? And would you want it any other way? Every college educated douche bag has their family to thank for their success, when I succeed it's all because of me.

    You won't, though. Don't worry.
  11. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by mmQ I have 800 FB friends

    Are you a fucking Youtuber? 800... you are like this lonely drunk Pizza dude in the stone cold fucking nothingness of Fargo (I have only seen the movie) in my mind. Like Malice with a cat, a hat and a car.

    800 my nigga. I don't think I have talked to 800 people in my entire life.
  12. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Open Your Mind I don't know RisiR. How many people in your life would you really miss if they weren't a part of your life anymore? Do they know how you feel?

    I'll answer the second question first. Probably? I'm pretty outspoken with the facial expression of a gorilla. I also have a twisted sense of humor, though. Maybe people think I'm just an asshole like that, y'know. Feel me?

    First question. Probably all of them to some degree. Except the ones I can't stand. I wouldn't miss my dad as much as my mom. I'm pretty sensitive, though. My postman's son died and shit really got to me and I didn't even know the dude.

    I'd kinda miss you, too for a while but to be honest I don't really miss Mark anymore and that's pretty fucked up.
  13. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Why didn't you nuke your old account, coward?
  14. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Ohh yea,I forgot to mention that I experienced all your symptoms, as well. I had a heavy psychosis from all the drugs but it went away and now I'm just suicidal depressed and kind of a piece of shit. Eh.
  15. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Been smoking since 11, am 27 now. 16 straight while my brain developed. Also started psychedelics at the age of 15 and hard drugs with 17. Then came the RCs.

    I'm addicted to Benzos and that kinda sucks but to me it's on the same level as Cannabis. I do not give A FUCK if anyone says that stuff is not addictive. It is pretty terrible.

    I haven't smoked THC rich Cannabis for about a month now. Even the high CBD strains like Harlequin and Sour Tsunami have too much THC for me at the moment. I smoke the strains Finola and CBD#8. They both have under 1% THC and Finola has about 10%cbd and #8 19%. There are also over 100 Cannabinoids in the plant nobody seems to care about. It is terribly hard to get some true landrace seeds nowadays. Even niggas in Swaziland are growing Cookies and Kush. Anyway...

    I'd highly recommend the use of CBD both pure and with those strains. I seriously feel like I still got so much THC in me that the CBD fucks me up. It really does. Good stuff.

    Arome therapy with Terpenes is also a must. You could eat a little nutmeg here and there or take some Paracetamol. Just mix it up and don't sweat it.
  16. RisiR † 29 Autism
    I need someone to Photoshop Bill Krozby dumb face onto the whore. That would be hilarious.
  17. RisiR † 29 Autism
    You guys are acting like she's some kind of model but I can literally go to every pornsite on this planet and find amateur videos of sluts like that actually showing some OR, I could leave the house and see hundreds of women in the same class as her and approach them for a fuck.

    The fact that she is married to a faggot downgrades her to subhuman scum, though. Something Bill Krozby should fuck.
  18. RisiR † 29 Autism
  19. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by mmQ Surely there's a German version of totse.

    Wow... that was rude.
  20. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by fag Great thread, don't forget to update us on all your asinine problems.

    Baby donchu worry. Erry little ting is gonna be alright.
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