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Posts by RisiR †

  1. RisiR † 29 Autism
    To his defense. It sometimes takes a little longer to get pregnant than a day.

    Not with my super sperm, of course. You, my son Scrawny, were probably concieved when your mother sat on a crusty toilet seat in a gloryhole booth I jizzed over 3 days earlier. I'm really sorry, your dad should have swalloed you but I was on a seafood diet and my cum was probably pretty nasty. Can't blame him for spitting you out.
  2. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Open Your Mind I have superior nostrils.
  3. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Open Your Mind Right so how do we get to that ideal society from where we are now? I never disagreesd with you that taxes are not moral. But taxes don't bother me that much. Should they?

    Utopia won't happen with shitstains like you that butcher every topic over semantics. Tax is theft. You are a jedi. Fuck your mother.
  4. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Stop making this thread about you, ego cunt.

    Explain your position on taxes.
  5. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Open Your Mind You must think it's worth it though, you said you file your taxes every year. I mean, you don't have to pay taxes. You could move somewhere else. But you must think it's worth paying taxes to live where you live and enjoy the benefits that come with that, otherwise you wouldn't be doing it every year, right? You must believe it is worthwhile, because if you were doing something everything single year that you didn't agree with morally and didn't think was worthwhile, year after year, well what would that say about you?

    Originally posted by RisiR † What's more important to you Obbe, the computer/cellphone screen you read this sentence on right now or the lives of children without water?

    You could always stop living in luxury and actually change something instead of contributing to the poverty of millions by default of being born into a society that exploits other nations.

    You could (and should) always kill yourself so you stop contributing to the poverty of millions by default.

    Orrrrrr, you could just keep not giving a fuck and being a hypocrite whenever you get the fucking chance. Yes, that seems perfect for you.

    Originally posted by Open Your Mind I have superior nostrils.
  6. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Open Your Mind I have superior nostrils.
  7. RisiR † 29 Autism

    He's been trying to at least finger hydro as last resort but even that failed. Now he's gonna claim that he doesn't need sex because he has so much money and maybe another G of Meth in a couple of months.
  8. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Open Your Mind I have superior nostrils.
  9. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Open Your Mind I totally agree, except I don't think I'm as egotistical as you think I am. You and RisiR and basically everyone trying to "call me out" here post/blog more about yourselves and your lives than I ever have.

    Not everyone points at the dogshit on the sideway and acknowledges it. Most walk by in silent disgust.
  10. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Open Your Mind Actually now that I think about, pretty sure I'm superior to Darth.

    How? I can't see it. Is it because he doesn't pay taxes?
  11. RisiR † 29 Autism
    I might have to battle you Psycho. That was good.
  12. RisiR † 29 Autism
    And you absolutely made fun of Sophie you passive aggressive little shit sissy. FUCK YOU.
  13. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Open Your Mind I don't actually care about Germany that was just a good time getting a reaction from you. I didn't make fun of Sophie. I just like discussing interesting topics like this. If you don't like it, don't participate. Are you seriously trying to guilt trip me for living nearly an identical life as yours?

    No. I'm trying to get you to admit that you are a hypocrite without empathy.

    You not caring and just arguing a pretty fucking serious topic to get a negative reaction out of me is EXACTLY what I'm talking about you delusional fuck. You aren't trying to better the world by "being a better person", and if you did you failed because that's some sissy shit, you are trying to show everyone how great morally superior you are. Oh, and so aware and open minded. My ass.

    Eat shit, Obbe. I'm back to ignoring your bitchass like I do with the other delusional fucks. Be thankful.
  14. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Open Your Mind You could always move to somewhere where you don't have to pay taxes. Are those your only options, move or die or pay taxes? I guess when it comes down to it, you value your life/area you live in more than you value your moral philosophy.

    What's more important to you Obbe, the computer/cellphone screen you read this sentence on right now or the lives of children without water?

    You could always stop living in luxury and actually change something instead of contributing to the poverty of millions by default of being born into a society that exploits other nations.

    You could (and should) always kill yourself so you stop contributing to the poverty of millions by default.

    Orrrrrr, you could just keep not giving a fuck and being a hypocrite whenever you get the fucking chance. Yes, that seems perfect for you.
  15. RisiR † 29 Autism
    You seemed really invested in Germany's refugee policy at one point. Actually even to the point where you made fun of it and me personally.

    What have you done since then? Nothing, of course. You just like to play devil's advocat all the time because you are infatuated with your own posts you delusional fucking nigger.

    "It's so hilarious that you make your taxes instead of leading the revolution against the establishment! Hahaha. What's a soul?"

    This was a topic about how taxation is theft and you make fun of the people who are aware of that and "challenge" them to change the system or they are a bunch of clowns to you yet you seem to lack the mental capacity to apply the situation to a topic you care about as much as Sophie cares about taxes.

    "The people make it happen, maaaaan." No. $$$$ did. Cocaine will never be legalized because that would empty out all US prisons real quick. Do you think Cocaine should be legal? Do you think it should be taxed?
  16. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Fuck it.

    Why is it a dickmove? Providing scientific data that supports ones' point on such a critical issue isn't something negative in my opinion. I understand not wanting to be lectured about shit constantly like if a certain person doesn't stop telling you that smoking is bad and you should stop and shit but facts are facts.

    You are right about the possibility about the flawed study, though. I'd have to read more into this specific topic but I don't think it's a dickmove. Smoking is bad and we should all stop.
  17. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Can you PM the drama shit and keep it out of TRT? I don't want be a dick on accident.

    Hmm.. yea. I will not talk about this.
  18. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Open Your Mind Does it really bother you that I suggested you try to change the system? Wow, stop being a bitch.


    It bothers me that you don't practice what you preach. You can't even stop being a negative contrarian piece of shit.

    Your "open minded positivity" image you have of yourself is delusional as far as I can tell. You always have to argue every topic to shit. You make everything personal, all the time. Fucking stop that shit.

    Your passive aggressive bitchness is pissing me off. Can you answer the motherfucking questions I asked you and tell me..

  19. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Open Your Mind I try to better the world by being a better person. Taxes don't really bother me at all. It's the system I was born into, it seems to work well enough. Maybe there is a better system. I am willing to hear your ideas on what that ideal system would be and how we could achieve it, if you guys are willing to explain that.

    As far as drugs go, honestly it seems like legalization is happening as we speak. At least where I live, at least with cannabis. This change didn't happen magically, people made it happen.

    I feel the same about taxes. You are just a hypocrite as usual.

    You claim it's hilarious for us to make our taxes instead of rebelling(?) against a system we can't influence without giving up our complete existences yet you du the same even when it comes to topics you really care about.

    "The people made it happen"... where you among them? I won't go into details but I'm actually actively involved in changing things I'm interested in. Taxes aren't involved. This is just a thread on a nigga forum and you are a fucking bitch as usual.
  20. RisiR † 29 Autism
    What have you done about terrorism or pedophilia? We have discussed both. What actions did you take since then?
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