Tell him. He's a fucking idiot. 19th century France isn't relevant anymore and in no way comparable to the situation Europe is currently facing.
If the dumb nigger believes that education and knowledge and skill are more important than faith and culture when it comes to integration he must surely believe Osama Bin Laden would have made a wonderful European.
I think having the believe that the people who take you in are in fact not even human and deserve to die because they don't believe in Allah might be a bit more important than he thinks.
How often do people ask if your parents are siblings?
2017-07-27 at 8:07 PM UTC
Tranny Fags: GTFO
Shut the fuck up. "Modern combat" my ass. It weakens the troops to be mixed. There is no reason to have a female soldier that can maybe replace a man when you still got men who are willing to do the job.
Your "why should women be punished for something men do" logic is also flawed in its roots. Why should we punish men because women get upset when they get raped? It's not the man's fault that the woman has feelings. What about HIS feelings? Huh?
Fuck that.
2017-07-27 at 7:06 PM UTC
not eating dairy products
Fat is essential and has very high nutritional value.
Also, Casomorphins.
I am German. Are you retarded?
I can't find 2 fingers 1 dick. It was fucked up and looked real. Two fingers in a dickhole and the bitch didn't go easy on it.
Do you speak multiple languages? How can you translate something you don't know?
German grammar and structuring are completely different than English. Some sentences are hard to translate.
You look tall. Why don't you do sports?
2017-07-27 at 6:49 PM UTC
Tranny Fags: GTFO
I agree.
I like the Cote d'azur in general. Nice climate, great landscape. Too many fucking gypsies and French people, though.
In regards of sexual crimes the group of refugees from Afghanistan, Irak and Syria were 8 times more criminal than Germans, 4 times more criminal than other Foreigners and 25% more criminal than North Africans.
In regards of general criminality the group is with a factor of 5 under the average of all refugees but still 5 times as criminal as Germans per 100,000.
The second part was a nightmare to translate.
2017-07-27 at 5:25 PM UTC
Tranny Fags: GTFO
What was the name of the ship? Was it in 1979? That's still Pretty long ago.
It must end in .jpg etc. Image files. The imgur links are fucked up because they don't want hotlinking. Try view image or what it's called and look if it changes the url to something with an image file ending.
They do.
"Die Gruppe der Afghanen, Iraker und Syrer war dabei nicht nur acht Mal krimineller als Deutsche, sondern auch knapp vier Mal krimineller als alle übrigen Ausländer und fast 25 Prozent krimineller als die Nordafrikaner (aus Marokko, Algerien und Tunesien).
In der Gesamtkriminalität bewegen sich Afghanen, Iraker und Syrer mit einem Faktor von knapp fünf zwar unterhalb des Durchschnitts der gesamten Gruppe der extrem kriminellen Asylbewerber, aber auf 100 tatverdächtige Deutsche kommen immer noch fast 500 tatverdächtige Afghanen/Iraker/Syrer (bezogen auf je 100.000)."
The PDFs go into great detail and are sometimes conflicting. There is also the problem that there is often no way to tell if someone is actually from Syria etc. when they don't have papers and just lie.
I agree about the bad politics, by the way.