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the last warrior to take out all of islam and destroy all muslims and defeat mohammed. our last hope

  1. #81
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by RisiR † A wut?

    i'll do this slowly this time :

    how. is. it. nightmare. to. translate. a. something. you. already. knew.
  2. #82
    RisiR † 29 Autism
    Do you speak multiple languages? How can you translate something you don't know?

    German grammar and structuring are completely different than English. Some sentences are hard to translate.
  3. #83
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by RisiR † Do you speak multiple languages? How can you translate something you don't know?

    German grammar and structuring are completely different than English. Some sentences are hard to translate.

    i thot you deutsch.

    anyway .... google does translate you kno ???
  4. #84
    RisiR † 29 Autism
    I am German. Are you retarded?
  5. #85
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by RisiR † I am German. Are you retarded?

    and hence :

    how the fuck it is a nightmare to trans-fucking-late a something you already know (german language)????

    the second paragraph is in german, your a german. you already know german.

    vat der fukc ish your problem ???
  6. #86
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    Originally posted by cerakote death to islam

    Squeeze it, lemon.
  7. #87
    cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mashlehash Squeeze it, lemon.

    among my people, referring to someone as a citrus fruit is unforgivable. the only way to atone for a slight as severe as yours is to engage me in a pokemon card duel, so you better get your holofoils ready or your ass is mine, friend
  8. #88

    Originally posted by aldra what post number? my PPP is different to yours so page links fuck up

    ***oh 41 I'm guessing. I agree for the most part, though I'm not sure about the EU even needing immigrants in an economic sense - there are plenty of countries in the union that are relatively poor and could provide a substantial low-moderately skilled workforce; even if immigration is required it'd make more sense to encourage migration from Eastern Europe rather than the Middle East and North Africa… Culturally they're a lot closer

    Post last edited by aldra at 2017-07-27T04:05:01.783524+00:00

    I emailed my professor friend. Here was his response:

    Regarding your question, first it depends on the cases. For example Germany needs immigration for its workforce since its population is getting old. The situation is very different in Spain or Portugal, for instance, where the economy is not as good as the German one (to say the least), and where the national population is younger. Second, I don't buy the argument according to which Eastern Europe immigrants would integrate better than those from the Middle East would do. Integration depends on socioeconomic backgrounds, on skills, on language knowledge more than on "ethnic", religious or cultural origins. The history of immigration in western Europe shows it very well. For instance, in late 19th century France, Italian immigrants were regarded as impossible to integrate. Still, they were European and Catholics! Most people have forgotten it. Last, we should not only think in terms of the needs or interest of the incoming countries. Migration is just a normal process in the history of humanity. We should think of it as such, rather than asking if its desirable or not.

    Not sure how I feel about that last bit but there it is, unedited.
  9. #89
    Originally posted by RisiR † In regards of sexual crimes the group of refugees from Afghanistan, Irak and Syria were 8 times more criminal than Germans, 4 times more criminal than other Foreigners and 25% more criminal than North Africans.

    In regards of general criminality the group is with a factor of 5 under the average of all refugees but still 5 times as criminal as Germans per 100,000.

    The second part was a nightmare to translate.

    Hmm interesting

    Do they mention the methodology behind collecting these crime statistics? I know for a fact that German police logs all reports as "incidents", and the classification of sexual criminality is weird.
  10. #90
    RisiR † 29 Autism
    Tell him. He's a fucking idiot. 19th century France isn't relevant anymore and in no way comparable to the situation Europe is currently facing.

    If the dumb nigger believes that education and knowledge and skill are more important than faith and culture when it comes to integration he must surely believe Osama Bin Laden would have made a wonderful European.

    I think having the believe that the people who take you in are in fact not even human and deserve to die because they don't believe in Allah might be a bit more important than he thinks.
  11. #91
    RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Hmm interesting

    Do they mention the methodology behind collecting these crime statistics? I know for a fact that German police logs all reports as "incidents", and the classification of sexual criminality is weird.

    Those are my words. There is no literal translation possible.

    "crimes against sexual independence" would be the closest translation but it's an umbrella term for sexual crimes. (?)

    The collection of data in this regard is already screwed to be honest because the states don't have to give out their data so three states aren't included in the statistics. Nordrhein-Westfalen, Hamburg and Bremen didn't give out their data so the infamous New Year's Eve rape incidents aren't included for example. Those three states have 25% of all the refugees so yea... bad, bad politics.

    I assume the collection is done on an incident based, regional level and then forwarded to the state by the districts (counties?) and than to the BKA. No idea how else it could be done. I probably misunderstood you, all this German makes me retarded.
  12. #92
    Originally posted by RisiR † Tell him. He's a fucking idiot. 19th century France isn't relevant anymore and in no way comparable to the situation Europe is currently facing.

    If the dumb nigger believes that education and knowledge and skill are more important than faith and culture when it comes to integration he must surely believe Osama Bin Laden would have made a wonderful European.

    I think having the believe that the people who take you in are in fact not even human and deserve to die because they don't believe in Allah might be a bit more important than he thinks.

    I know this sounds insane but I'll take the university professor who deals with sociology and political science... over my beloved RisiR
  13. #93
    RisiR † 29 Autism
    Then you choose Fake News.
  14. #94
    RisiR † 29 Autism
    Germany is in fact in a declining state due to its age problem but importing literal enemies of the culture won't help that problem. It would be the same vice versa.

    Millions of Germans that replace Saudis in their homeland wouldn't help Saudi culture.
  15. #95
    Originally posted by RisiR † importing literal enemies of the culture won't help that problem. It would be the same vice versa.

    Millions of Germans that replace Saudis in their homeland wouldn't help Saudi culture.

    Who gives a fuck about Saudi culture or German culture? More importantly, the fact that you think they are in fact enemies of the culture is just retarded. Makes no sense. Everyone is a fan of food, a roof and safety, and an enemy of whatever will deprive them of those. That's why they're fleeing their shitty countries. The question is of integration, not of whether or not you want to preserve your own culture, because nobody gives a fuck about that.
  16. #96
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon I know this sounds insane but I'll take the university professor who deals with sociology and political science…

    western superstition
  17. #97
    Originally posted by Helladamnleet Not all muslims are jihad just so you all are aware

    I just posted that above. I'm not apart of this retarded think tank.

    "Love Arabs and Love jedis. they are cousin anyways.

    its the people who go off and form a new secular version because they're not satisfied with being chill."

  18. #98
    Originally posted by cerakote among my people, referring to someone as a citrus fruit is unforgivable. the only way to atone for a slight as severe as yours is to engage me in a pokemon card duel, so you better get your holofoils ready or your ass is mine, friend

    Oh dude yur a jedi, huh?
  19. #99
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 "Love Arabs and Love jedis. they are cousin anyways.

    Originally posted by Hadith The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the jedis, when the jedi will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a jedi behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (the Boxthorn tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the jedis. (related by al-Bukhari and Muslim)
  20. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Who gives a fuck about Saudi culture or German culture? More importantly, the fact that you think they are in fact enemies of the culture is just retarded. Makes no sense. Everyone is a fan of food, a roof and safety, and an enemy of whatever will deprive them of those. That's why they're fleeing their shitty countries. The question is of integration, not of whether or not you want to preserve your own culture, because nobody gives a fuck about that.

    Millions do give a fuck about their culture and reality proves that there is no utopian "together". Again, I live in the city with the second highest Muslim population in Europe. Most of them are western "Muslims" who are very vocal against the refugees and their savage behaviors.

    Tell me, when you watch a nigger video with niggers behaving like niggers, do you feel an urge to interact with that culture? Do you want them to be part of your life? Do you want to join them niggering?


    You care about your civilized culture and you value it over monkey lives.
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