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Thanked Posts by NARCassist

  1. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    notice how the nigger quickly disappears once he realizes we not stupid enough to believe he smart enough to write that op himself. fucking hilarious how he tried it on tho.

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  2. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    lol, i totally forgot i shopped a cats ass onto malices wall haHa.

    also kinkou you look fucking cute on there.

    also check out tacho, lol.

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  3. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by NARCassist too plagiarized;didn't read


    op got pwned and fled

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  4. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Galaxy Kitten Just chillin its my bday hbu fam?/

    happy birthday pal, here a present for you

    and i'm good yeh, just chillin myself.

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  5. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    gee folks, it looks like we got ourselves a good ole fashion aspieoff

    Originally posted by Captain Falcon I simply want to contextualise what's going on here; a terribly ineffective autodidact has leveraged a 9th grade vocabulary to impress some incredibly stupid and easily impressed people with surface level knowledge of a subject that people usually have zero knowledge of.

    Let's just be clear about that; I'm no psychologist, but if I'm not then you SURE AS SHIT aren't

    Originally posted by Malice I'm not going to make in depth posts, citing studies, for a casual post on You almost never post anything of value. Why should I be judged to a different standard? Why should it be assumed that my posts here directly correlate with true levels of intelligence and knowledge?

    Originally posted by sploo your interests are basic and pointless

    Originally posted by Captain Falcon I never claimed to be super duper intelligent. I'm not the one fronting. You, in particular, post about your IQ over and over while not being smart enough to not live in literally your mom's messy, filthy basement.

    I just speak my mind and call out bullshitters, and bullshit eaters.

    Originally posted by Malice Sploo, didn't you recently split open Roshambo's head by hitting him with a glass bottle? What does that say about your mental state, decisions in life, character, and intelligence? What does your entire past, every fucked up thing you've done, say about you?

    You honestly believe you're in any position to talk down to anyone? The most you've ever done was finally begin college, and you told us you were only taking one class at first so you "wouldn't get overwhelmed". You're a complete loser and retarded in your own way, you know it.

    Do you hate me because you see me as a reflection of your own shortcomings and failures? Because you felt let down, having hoped you had finally found affinity with another person's mind? Your minds are clear to me, I can contain the complexity of a human being and reach a correct analysis every time with people like you.

    Originally posted by sploo no because you're a mentally disabled person who doesn't seem to realize the impact of it on his own "knowledge"

    and your interests are really rudimentary. i'll go with one: pharmacology.

    step 1. look up nootropics
    step 2. read about it on reddit
    step 3. google "nootropic name" + "pubmed"
    step 4. skim over studies

    that's all you really seem to know how to do

    Originally posted by sploo your understanding of human nature is nothing more than assigning things to a few different categories

    Originally posted by Captain Falcon You're not going to make an in depth post… Ever. You're not capable of it. I'm not judging you by the standards of an academic professional, or your posts by the standards of a Masters' thesis.

    I'm judging you and your posts by the standards of a pseudointellectual kid who reads a couple of Wikipedia articles, and not even completely, because you're too intimidated of the technical details; you meet those standards precisely.

    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Malice, you are literally Sploo cranked up to 11. Literally. The exact. Same.

    Originally posted by sploo you hardly understand your own mental state let alone anyone else's. you have a profound lack of basic self awareness. that's why you're so dispensable as a human. you lack redeeming qualities. your ignorance is coupled with complete egotism to produce a machine that always outputs the wrong answer. you have nothing to contribute to the world, so your hypocrisy of other's decisions is laughable. we're both in shitty situations, but i have some things you lack: basic social awareness, a future, reasoning ability, looks, friends, family, i could go on and on. i have opportunities to create and get better. you'll sit around in a state of depressed, meaningless limbo for eternity only preventing suicide by anesthetizing your emotions with Nardil and probably opiates.

    Originally posted by sploo you hardly understand your own mental state let alone anyone else's. you have a profound lack of basic self awareness. that's why you're so dispensable as a human. you lack redeeming qualities. your ignorance is coupled with complete egotism to produce a machine that always outputs the wrong answer. you have nothing to contribute to the world, so your hypocrisy of other's decisions is laughable. we're both in shitty situations, but i have some things you lack: basic social awareness, a future, reasoning ability, looks, friends, family, i could go on and on. i have opportunities to create and get better. you'll sit around in a state of depressed, meaningless limbo for eternity only preventing suicide by anesthetizing your emotions with Nardil and probably opiates.

    Originally posted by sploo if malice is at 11 where am i

    Originally posted by Malice You're doing nothing but making assumptions.

    I could say the exact same thing based on your general posting style. If you could be helpful by providing information, make interesting threads on topics you're knowledgeable about, contribute something of value to the forum, why don't you?

    And you've constantly lied about your own life as well. Was that picture with 1.5 million in your bank account supposed to be a joke? If you are trolling and not admitting it, how are people going to be sure about who you really are? What are you hiding?

    Completely false.

    Why don't you list your own faults, to prove you're objective?

    Originally posted by sploo extremely neurotic with ocd/depression/anxiety, lacking empathy, impulsive and irresponsible, emotionally unstable, self-obsessed, drug addicted, socially withdrawn, prone to mild psychotic experiences

    am i missing anything?

    Originally posted by sploo you posted 900 times in 3 days

    time to nuke the forum

    Originally posted by Captain Falcon No, I am simply stating the null hypothesis.

    I'm not sure why you think that has absolutely anything to do with anything. I'm not claiming to be an expert on anything whatsoever. I have never once asked anyone to take me at my word in an argument or a discussion where any support is warranted. I provide either sources or fleshed out, coherent logic for my points… Or at least it stands as such until someone knocks it down, which unfortunately doesn't happen often, but I put it out there. But I try to be as self aware as possible. That's the difference between you and me.

    Your incredulity does not constitute evidence of falsehood. Which is what I'm talking about; somehow you've convinced yourself that you are actually well informed or authoritative on… [Best]anything. Now, you might say that no you haven't; you haven't ever said "I am an authority" on psychology… Congratulations, my àutistic friend, you have just learnt the difference between implication and declaration.

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  6. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Malice We should really have a thread where we speculate about the mental health conditions of other users.

    One of the main discussions should be: What's wrong with Scronaldo, why does he act the way he does?

    I'd guess either meth, schizophrenic mania, or severe OCD.

    Hahaha, as annoying as he is, as much as he lowers the quality of the forum, his very existence is hilarious. What an absurd person.

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  7. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    the thing with david icke is a lot of what he says is spot on truth. but then he goes banging on about shapeshifting inter-dimentional liserd people and so everyone realizes he's nuts. so of course they then assume anything he says is nuts. i think icke is in the employment of the elite to use reverse psychology on the population so that everyone just relates what is really going on with a bat-shit crazed conspiracy-theorist lunatic on acid.

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  8. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I had 35,000+ posts when zok deleted my account, even though it broke no rules, and it merely criticized the stupidity of the staff, which was well deserved. Once my account had been deleted, constantinople was able to surpass my post count.

    OMFG spectroll that's awful, no one should ever have to go through that. you have my full sympathy.

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  9. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by RestStop Not that this is going to help but I usually take a good 7+ day break from my drug of choice. Lately I've been able to do 2-3 weeks at a time. When I do indulge I go all out for 3-4 days then resume another break. Don't know how sustainable this is with opiates I've never been addicted to them to know. Not really sure where I'm going with this just a suggestion on what has worked for me.

    it took me nearly 20 years using heroin to figure that as long as i only use occasionally i'm ok. once a week/biweekly at most. its how you look at drug use that is key, i've found. i've been on many prison/probation/drug clinic drug courses and what they preach is that there is only two options, total abstinence or full on junkie mode. this isn't true, but when they put that 'war on drugs propaganda' bullshit into your head, as soon as people start using they just go into full on junkie mode, just like they've been programmed to think. they get that cop-out idea in their head that the drug controls you, when the fact is the drug is an inaminate object, it can influence your thinking but you have the ultimate decision making ability, the ability to override in your head the influence of the drug.

    i look at heroin now like a recreational pastime, just like going to the cinema or a ball game or a restaurant or a hobby. you wouldn't go to the cinema all day everyday, just like you wouldn't spend all day everyday sitting in a restaurant or at a ball game or fishing by the river. you do it now and again as a form of recreation when you've got the time and money spare. just like most good things in life, heroin is fine in moderation. when you get greedy and do it all the time its at the expense of every other part of your life and your life will quickly go down the shitter. especially making a living has to come first. it really is how you look at it that is key.

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  10. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i keep reading the fred title imagining a toothpaste commercial where they say 'dentists say plaque is the number one cause of tooth decay'.

    'experts say sexy kidz is the number one cause of pedos'

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  11. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Thug-Street No it isn't. You are either with the "in" crowd of users who will gladly share it with anyone but almost never do.

    A tweaker will get a kid high if they know they can get away with it. And a person high on meth is intoxicated enough to do all sorts of crazy things…

    You can slow the descent into such a lifestyle but every time you take a hit it costs your soul.

    what kind of a fucking loser would want to be in the 'in-crowd'? lol. to be in the in crowd you got to do what all the rest of the crowd does, like fucking dumb sheep. i've got a mind of my own, so i do what i like to do, not what i and all the other sheep have perceived what everyone else is doing. which is generally what the media tell you all the others are doing but is really exactly what they want you to do, like buy X brand for example.

    what a fucking loser lol.

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  12. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by RestStop I'd totally bang Haley from Modern Family…

    You can practically hear her whisper…"come here RestStop you big boy, tease me, touch me, fuck me".

    that looks like a really nice fuck.

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  13. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Purify your soul in the nigga confessional. just confess your sins and as a penance you will receive a number of 'my nigga' and "wagwan's" that you must mutter to the trianglist lord.

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  14. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 gross!

    that dude in your av looks like a serious weirdo. does he do being a weirdo for a living or just in his spare time?

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  15. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I actually like Lanny, and I do have a certain amount of respect for him, but to be totally honest he doesn't have a clue what he is doing, as far as running a BBS. If you look at all the member registrations to date, we've had at least a hundred good posters come here, make a few posts, and then disappear, because they don't want to bother wasting any time on a site that promotes spam, kidiots, garbage posts, flooding, pedos and non-conversation. People come to a BBS for honest discussion, not to associate with 12 year old clowns and the like. Zok never understood this concept, and Lanny doesn't either. Eventually, the inmates gain control of the asylum, they chase off the majority of the productive users, and you end up with one practically empty BBS, populated by a handful of the same clowns who emptied it. Does not anyone take note of history? Totse got as big as it was, not for handing out slaps on the wrists and offering hugs to rule-breakers, but for being brutally focused on the mission. So, go ahead and continue on your present course, but I can guarantee you it will not prevail.

    so why you continue to post here if that's really how you feel? it doesn't make sense. there are millions of super cereal discussion boards on the interweb. you constantly moan about how this one is full of kidiots and all the good posters have gone, yet you continue to post your shitty posts here on a daily basis. just admit you're as big a loser aspie as the rest of us and shut the fuck up with your moaning.

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  16. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Kinkou Yeah, sounds accurate really

    who is that in your av? he looks like a major faggot.

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  17. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    you'd prolly like the shield too, very gritty sorta stuff.

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  18. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Just got myself a nice little friday night treat. post your friday night treats here, lets dee what you got.

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  19. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I've had him for a year a now, I got him for my b-day present to myself I donated 40 bucks to the austin animal center. All the other cats were obese and had 15 nipples and were uninterested.

    His name is Archie, and I like that I got him because someone else adopted him before me for 3 weeks and brought him back because he beat up their toddler, which im sure the deserved it.

    He's pretty chill for the most part and girls seem to like him

    before i got busted and went to jail i got this little fella..

    he was only a year old, the women i got him from had his mother too, but she also had some bastard little 4 year old kid that had been abusing norman since he was a kitten. this had fucked norman's head up and made him very vicious. he had started attacking the 4 year old(lol) so she had to give him away. when i took him he was fright to fuck. he hid behind the couch for the first week and avoided me at all cost. it took ages and hundreds of bites and scratches but i was making progress and he was gradually starting to trust me. just before i went to jail i had the pigs keep arresting me and searching the flat. i reckon this must of freaked norman right out having a bunch of control freak wankers invading his new home while i wasn't there. i'd just gotten to the point where he would come onto my lap, he even slept on my lap once. he was definitely fucked in the head from the abuse tho, he would let me stroke him one moment, then out of no where would just go for my hand. i never known a cat that could whack so hard with his paw and bite so viciously. apparently my landlady gave him to a farm, i reckon actually that prolly the best place for him. lots of space and places to hide, lots of rats to hunt and little human contact should be ideal. i doubt i'll see him again, just hope he's cool and happy now tho.

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  20. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by -SpectraL You are just so witty, son.



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