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Thanked Posts by NARCassist

  1. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Dargo This was fourth place. FOURTH. (T_T)

    i bet she's now cutting herself as we speak

    i wouldn't mind getting access to her in her current mental state right now.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    like i said before, its the risk that attracts people to having sex with kids. illicit sex, the forbidden, always makes sex more exciting. some people just go for the extreme forbidden to get their jollies. when everyone wakes up to this fact maybe we'll all see sense and stop making children a target of those who seek the thrill that comes with the extreme forbidden.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i touched up the photoshop for y'all.

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  4. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    should i completely shop out the mouse pic and replace it with an image of a human?

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  5. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    what you saying? too pointed?

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  6. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    well the nail isn't totally exact, it was a very quick shop job. on a real prototype you wouldn't have it so long so as to prevent it bending out or breaking on impact. just make it as reminiscent of a real firing pin as possible.

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  7. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by infinityshock that

    well you could always get a real firing pin and attach that if it makes you feel better. you're free to do whatever you like. besides, that was only intended as a guide for educational and entertainment purposes only. i take no responsibility for what others may do with the deadly trap i designed.

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  8. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Dissociator

    lol, they want $7 for that shite.

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  9. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by NARCassist
    Originally posted by Discount Whore 2.0 Granted, but now they zap you up the dick.

    I wish my wife had two vaginas

    granted, but now she's fucking twice as many other guys as she was before.


    was that^ the best corruption tho or what?? he really did walk straight into that one, I think.

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  10. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Discount Whore 2.0 Haha yeah, I got owned. Jokes on you, I'd love it if that happened.

    i'll bang your missus for ya, you can even watch. i'll even do roleplay where i climb thru the window in a balaclava, tie you both up and brutally rape her.

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  11. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    did we scare her off?

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  12. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    she'll be back, they always come back.

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  13. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Malice Literally just spent 21 hours masturbating. Beat that motherfuckers. Do I have the site record? I wasn't even on drugs! (Well, except for Nardil.)

    Reason? Mainly complete inorgasmia from Nardil. I noticed it before. I don't need to do it often at all, normally I literally do not have thoughts of sex throughout the day, develop erections, watch porn, or even feel sexual attraction IRL. I only do it when it's been long enough that sex drive arises, which is pretty minor, because I see it as a mild nuisance and it's easier to just take a few minutes to do it than attempting to subdue it via willpower or Buddhist techniques I'm unaware of.

    IIRC last time I may have taken 5 hours of so at most because I was on modafinil and fell into this dilemma:
    There may have been an instance or two before that, although I did eventually manage to come during one or the singular instance. That was a lot of semen.
    After the modafinil instance stupidity, the drug can trigger getting trapped in a cycle like this, as can (Other? Not sure if it's classified as one.) stimulants. A sort of OCD evocation or exacerbation, along or alternatively with the increase of attention span, motivation, cognitive endurance and energy (I think that's all.) After that incident I decided to set some simple rules. If it's taking longer than 5 minutes and you repeatedly experience a loss of erection or interest, it's not going to happen and you should stop. Along with, and I think this was a previous rule from a long time ago, although I may have set it due to the effect on pleasure when masturbating used to be considerably more enjoyable, seeing it as a waste, not doing so in a half assed manner, if I'm not sure I really want to, don't feel that strong of an urge.

    Anyway, why did this latest incident occur from 3AM Tuesday to Midnight Thursday, with very short breaks? Well, I wanted to drain my balls, for one, and didn't seem willing to give up. Amazingly, I didn't seem to give it much thought beyond that and wasn't keeping track of time. I suppose at some point it had just been so long and my sleep cycle would have been so messed up that I decided to keep going. It's not as if I have any obligations, anything important to do.

    Amazingly, other than the difficulty with keeping erections and the lack of lube (Used coconut oil, which I had to keep reapplying, and later added in sunscreen. The oil made a fucking mess, but I needed to change my sheets anyway.) (I really need to buy more, something thick and long lasting this time, like anal lube), it was actually enjoyable and fun! Amazingly, I didn't lose my ability to experience pleasure after all that time, so it was just never ending, as long as I could get it up. At least it was an interesting experience, of indulging in pleasure and fantasy for such an extended period. Toward the end I was on the verge of falling asleep, having to repeatedly battle it, and it really fucked with my visualization ability because every time I would close my eyes I'd go into the pre-sleep mildly dreamlike state where these visualizations, like minor weak dreams, start coming out and you begin drifting to sleep, along with my visuals being distorted and the quality diminished.

    This was terribly dysfunctional and a ridiculous/moronic waste of time. Only time I can really remember doing something like this. Well, I learned my lesson.

    Oh, and I was genuinely afraid of what might occur if I did actually manage to orgam/ejaculate after all that time. Hopefully I'll just have a wet dream if the inorgasmia doesn't subside soon, having perpetual blue balls would suck, I can't remember the last time I experienced that. Prostate stimulation doesn't work for me, so that isn't an option, although I did notice I had leaked a bit of seminal fluid after defecating on Tuesday.

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  14. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Malice I'm thinking about using my newfound sexual prowess/powers to become a sex legend in the bay area, using a viagra spray to rapidly achieve and maintain rock hard erections. My plan is to start of small, relying on word of mouth, particularly at college, possibly targeting the girls optimal for this, then move on from there, possibly locating and joining/participating in sex clubs, networking with swingers and other sex centered individual arrangements, as long as there isn't a serious risk of STDs (Stick to middle class or higher educated whites and east-asians, don't go full homo, avoid super-sluts and nutjobs).

    Then I'll launch a extensively planned and detailed marketing campaign online, utilizing certain subreddits to attract or seduce the highest quality women I can find, and finally creating the harem I deserve, living the anime protagonist dream IRL. I damn well deserve it after 27 years of complete celibacy and isolation, never so much as having held hands or gone on a date (By choice). If there's anyone who should be given the blessing of other men, not elicit jealousy, insults, or attempted sabotage toward, it's me. I've had such a joyless life filled with suffering. Do you know how terrible it is to be a*utistic? You've observed me for years, can you imagine what a horror it would be to be me?

    just a word of advice mate. girls are creeped out by weirdo's. very few want to fuck them.

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  15. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by cerakote >not using your phone for porn so you can jerk off in bed like a real person

    do people literally unironically actually really sit in their desk chair when they beat their dick??

    i put the laptop on the chest of drawers next to my bed.

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  16. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by RestStop Also this :

    damn fine

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  17. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by greenplastic you know what, fuck it. You obviously don't know the answer to my question or you would have said it by now. You just want to troll and argue.

    yes §m£ÂgØL, we done him pal

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  18. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Maybe it's in your nature to drop your pants, get on your knees, push your face to the floor and let a gang of nigger shove their cocks in your anus with no resistance, but I live in Florida because it's the least assrapiest state that fits all my needs and wants.

    The fact simply remains that as someone in the highest tax brackets, I'm paying a fuckload more than you whiny niggers, and I support the raising of taxes (yes, even on me) and expanding social programs

    Post last edited by Captain Falcon at 2017-07-06T02:18:57.408374+00:00

    oh boofuckinghoo for those poor little rich fuckers.

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  19. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by RestStop

    Anyone know what type of shoes these are? Things is lit af fam.

    that's what the taliban wear when they go out on patrol.

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  20. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i can imagine scronaldo's room completely covered every surface in postit notes with usernames and passwords, prolly all done in a 24 hour meth binge.

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