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Thanked Posts by NARCassist

  1. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Post, like a association pussy bitch bully, has friends so he won't get his ass beat. He's actually a scrawny little bitch NIGGA.

    yeh i been dealing with little shits like that my whole life. they can't always have their friends with em. and if they do all come at you, as long as you keep cool and don't push it, they'll just wave bats and shit and put on their little displays of aggression. yeh ok boys, i'll be back when your 'big man' boys alone. see how 'big man' he is then. they never are tho.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    can't believe none of you mentioned that rita ora did noods while i was away. i only found out yesterday ffs.

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  3. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    this is a common myth that has been misconstrued. pigs have often caught people who were smart enough to use latex gloves which will not allow prints to be left thru the latex. but then have gone and counteracted their smartness by being stupid enough to take the gloves off and throw them away nearby where the pigs have then found them and taken the fingerprints from the inside of the gloves.

    people then hear half the story and conclude 'derp, he wore latex gloves and they still got his prints so those gloves must let prints thru the gloves herp derp'.

    this is typical mentality of the majority of thieves and burglars tho.

    take the gloves far away and burn them. the police will usually check the likely get away routes as far as they can for stuff like this. also, latex gloves often have dust or oils that will leave traces at the scene. don't be smart enough to get rid of the gloves you used only to be stupid enough to have a whole box of the same gloves at home which they can match the dust/oil to. this will still be evidence, albeit not as strong as if they found the actual gloves. but circumstantial evidence can still be enough to sway a jury.

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  4. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Sophie Same is true for all humans period. I think i read somewhere that around the latest great extinction event the total human population globally was reduced to about 6000. Bretty inbred.

    its not going to be inbreeding that will cause the next extinction, its modern medicine and healthcare. in nature those with weak and defective genes would normally die off leaving those with the stronger genes to survive and procreate, passing on their stronger genes and keeping the species strong and enhancementing out the defects. modern medicine is now enabling those with the defective genes to not only survive, but procreate. this is passing the defective genes on into the mix. further down the line defective genes will mix with other defectives causing even worse defects. we are already seeing the results of this in increased cases of cancers, altzheimers and many other genetically based diseases. chances are its already too late to repair the damage that's already been done. besides, as if the human race is just going to stop treating defective children and babies. that will never happen.

    edit: the best alternate solution would be that any defective children who are treated would be sterilized. that would help solve the problem with unwanted children also as the only option for them would be to adopt.


    Post last edited by NARCassist at 2017-07-10T17:40:32.852303+00:00
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by 霍比特人 The dog?

    which one?

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  6. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    might even ask kinkou to join in

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  7. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i'm out of here before i get scratched in the crossfire.

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  8. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    scrawny is a TIT tho. a Triangle Infatuated Tard. we shall launch a campaign to encourage more posters to become TITs. once we tell everyone how awesome it is to be a TIT, i'm pretty sure every nigga will want to be a complete TIT. i shall see if i can find us some funding for our 'make every nigga a TIT' campaign. i'm sure there are already plenty of TITs out there that would be happy to donate to the TIT cause.

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  9. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    they got a beer for that

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  10. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by twistquest Alright, I have a confession to make: yes, it was me, I was the OP from reddit. It's something I'm very concerned about, and I thought it was relevant to this forum, especially since the member sploo seems to have been in a similar predicament in his life.

    Basically, can you understand why I'd be so concerned about IQ as an autistic person?

    Good news is, I've managed to find some clarity on the matter from certain sources.

    It's funny, I actually slightly modified my text/grammatical structure and worldview/viewpoints to try to make it look like I was a different person on this forum. I guess I have a tendency to overthink things (or should I say, overfeel).

    you should talk to malice. i think you two would get on.

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  11. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    you guys trying to tell me about a pie is like me trying to tell you about a corndog.

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  12. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    you think i'm stupid like i'm just gonna send moar coin? fuck off an try some other mug pal.

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  13. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Kinkou Pasties are like meat filled dumpling things they have here in northern Michigan. Am I just thinking of the wrong thing? Lol

    kind of like a pie but different shape

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  14. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by cerakote commence blog

    so i eradicated a small civilization of mold that was occupying my shower today. a few years ago, we had people cone fix and paint over a bit of water damage in the cieling caused by the apartment above ours. well, when these fuckniggers came and did all of that, they didnt lay a cover down over the shower. so whenever i used it for the first time after coming back from visiting family, there was a fine layer of paint, sheetrock dust, and whatever other miscellaneous grime they left behind all the fuck over my shower, which had already hardened at this point. and this wouldnt be so bad if it werent for the fact that our buildings foundation is FUCKED, so what was once a properly graded bathroom that didnt have problems with moisture is now the ideal spot for mold to grow. the lightly textured surface of the dust and paint residue served as a good place for the mold to root as well. so eventually, after growing up enough to start to care about the way my shit looks, i started to notice that this wasnt just my shower's appearance, it was actually a niggerload of mold in it. in my inital attempts to combat the problem, i started running through tilex like its nothing, which wasnt as effective as id hoped. cut to thursday, the day i decide enough is enough. i got a steel wool pad from work (not the shitty crackhead tier ones either, i got steel rawhide nibba) and an extra pair of cutter gloves to outfit myself for my impending killing spree. mixed up some white vinegar and blue dawn soap, which buttfucks mold by the way. its no bleach, but i was going to be in there until i was finished for better or for worse and didnt want to fuck my shit up with the fumes. anyway, there was such a layer of soap scum on my shower door that instead of being clear like plexiglas should be, it was opaque. finally, after sustained jihad against the mold menace, i prevailed. the cutter gloves i had were trashed by the end of it. i had 2 of them on each hand and the mold still managed to saturate both layers. my shower went from a greenish beige mixed with grey color to clean eggshell white again and the fact that i ever let it get this bad makes me disgusted with myself. at least now that ive finally completed the mold crusade i dont have to worry about showering in what looks like a gas chamber

    Post last edited by cerakote at 2017-07-09T06:12:49.292564+00:00

    for when it comes back

    which it will.

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  15. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Zpacepantz

    i got the window open coz its hot. just heard some little kid outside fall over and start crying, couldn't see it just heard it, as did the whole neighborhood most likely. am i bad because in my head i'm smiling?

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  16. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    here's a rough shop to give you an idea how it works.

    fix that on the outside of the targets front door during the night at head height, attach the tripwire to the door frame with just enough length for the door to open right by his face. call him about 5am and tell him his car is being broke into.

    btw: that is a nail soldered to the mousetrap bar to make a rough firing pin.

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  17. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    science is truth. at least its supposed to be. but like everything else it gets manipulated to suit peoples own agendas.

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  18. NARCassist gollums fat coach

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  19. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by RestStop If you've seen "Limitless" a huge theory is the "clear pill" was in fact nothing more than a placebo the belief that taking this magical pill was enough to turn one into a over 9,000 level grand wizard in every aspect of your life was enough to in fact make it true. Dare to take the clear pill fam? If so…just put $800 in my hand.

    well that's bullshit coz the russian mafia dude first took the clear pill not knowing what the fuck it was. he thought it would just get him high, but went off and found the potential it gave him. that's why he came back demanding more so badly. if it was just a placebo it would not have done that, at best he might of imagined being a little buzzed off it, but there's no way he would have gotten the same effects as bradley coopers character did.

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  20. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Sophie Nah, tactical gear bruv. I live in the counsel estate init.

    say hi to bling for me

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