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Thanked Posts by NARCassist

  1. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by BeigeWarlock I never got the ending of it. I tried. everyone I talk to does the same thing. They say "OMG It's so obvious.. are you that stupid" or rewords it with that connotation of sort.


    Was Patrick imagining it and no one died. Or did he actually kill everyone and there is something there I still didn't pick up on? Or did Paul do the killings but Patrick was thinking he did it. Or is everyone pretending to know while stumpped themselves. Is it an open to self interpretation? And why in the fuck did William Shatner ruin a Classic or Future classic film with AP2? he should stick to comedy or overly dramatize stage shit.

    PS I love William Shatner and this has nothing to do with Jeffry Hunter/Jeff Hunter goof you guys use to add one of the 7 burrito layer trumps to hiding 9/11

    And that's no Joke.

    if you're gonna post here you should give everyone a copy of the totse2001 public key so we can decrypt your shit.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    why is this even a thing?

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  3. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by RestStop There will be fuckin blood.


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  4. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    if you don't remember heart to heart then you weren't there dude.

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  5. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by -SpectraL There's no high horse. It's getting to the point where several of you are trying to drive off members through constant harassment. That cannot be allowed.

    stop lying spectral, you know full well what this community is, we all know full well. we all agg the fuck outta each other, its what we do, we all enjoy it, both agging and being agged. nobody is trying to drive anyone off, its just the site operating as normal.

    so what was the point of that lie? surely you musta known nobody was ever ever gonna fall for that, the agging on this site is literally our prime directive, like anybody is gonna think otherwise for a moment.

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  6. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Fox Paws That’s not a drug bitch.

    Tell us about the first time you tried smack at age 11

    err yeah its definitely a drug. funnily enough tho it was at 11 years old that i first tried a recreational drug.

    Originally posted by Enter then whyd you bring it up and make me waste all this time asking you this shit

    fred said first time you took a drug.

    the first time i took a proper dangerous recreational drug was just after xmas in 1984. i was riding my new bike around the estate and rode down this little alleyway that was about halfway down my street. in the alley were some of the slightly older kids that were my neighbors who i used to hang out with sometimes. i was already well down my little rebellious path by this point and when i see they were smoking this really naughty stuff and then they offered me to have a few drags i was totally down for it. they passed me one that was already halfway smoked and i didn't hesitate to put it to my lips and take that very first ever drag. it made me cough of course and these older kids of course had their obligatory laugh at my innocenceness showing through, but i still took a few more tokes and hung around while they smoked a couple more. it felt awesome doing something so forbidden and i knew right there that i would be doing more of this at every opportunity from then on. and i did, for a while sneaking down that alley with the older kids became a regular thing, we were this ultra cool little clique that were participating in something nobody else knew about and was totally against all the rules. but of course it wasn't long before i was hooked, and just going down that alley once every day or so wasn't enough. and by this time just a few pulls of somebody elses wasn't enough, i was smoking whole ones to myself. of course supplying my dirty little habit had now become a small problem and as an 11 year old who was only on around £1 per week in pocket money, this was no where near enough. so i was spending my school dinner money on it. and when that wasn't enough i quickly resorted to stealing to fund my addiction. at first just stealing some out of my moms handbag but even that couldn't supply me for long. there was a kid at the top of my road who was about a year younger than me and i used to go round his house regularly to play atari with him and they had soda stream which was pretty cool. i was playing pacman one afternoon in his conservatory when he went off to make us a soda stream. while he was gone i noticed there were a load of bags stacked up behind the couch i was sitting on. in one of them it was full of my current drug of choice. his family had been away to spain on vacation recently and they had obviously smuggled a load back with them. i couldn't resist, in fact i didn't even have to think twice and automatically just slipped one of the smaller packets of this deadly narcotic into my pocket. after i left his i went down the local youth center because it was wednesday and they had a disco on in the evenings. i hooked up with my pal lee down there that evening who also had developed himself a nasty little habit as well. we went into the public toilets by the park and got greedy smoking shitloads one after the other. we'd never had so much in one go and we got totally carried away. pretty soon i was spewing my guts up as was lee, we had consumed way too much and i felt sick as dog for the rest of the night. my head was spinning and i couldn't stop being sick for hours. still after this i was unperturbed and continued smoking more and my addiction just got worse and worse. soon i did away with the weaker stuff and got onto the real hard stuff, benson and hedges, that smooth gold box just made it look so elegant and it just seemed like everyone else was doing it. i would get a pound for my school dinner money and was able to buy in the local shop a pack of 10 B&H for 71p and a box of matches for 9p. that would still leave me enough for a bag of chips and a can of drink which is all i lived on for the rest of my school career. but pretty soon that wasn't enough and i would resort to stealing once again. and i became pretty professional at it too, soon climbing the criminal ladder. my parents would often buy theirs in bulk and leave sealed packets on the side unopened. but i had developed a way of very carefully opening the cellophane at the bottom of the pack, sliding it up till i could open the lid, carefully lift the inner foil and i would remove the two back corner cigarettes and then do it all back up again neatly, sliding the cellophane back down the box and using a small strip of scotch tape so that you would never notice unless you were looking for it. i did that for years and there was many a time when it would get me by when i had nothing to smoke at all. anyway eventually doing baccy led onto other drugs, some of which were as much as a quarter or even a whole 50% as deadly as smoking cigarettes was. the next thing i knew i was 45, still hopelessly addicted to tobacco and sitting here at my computer telling my story in the hope that some other 11 year old will read it and maybe, just maybe it will make one of those 11 year olds stop and think before taking that first drag, thinking it was really cool to be doing that forbidden shit with those cool older kids. if we can save just one kid it will be worth it.

    my name is NARCassist and i am an addict.


    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    lol, she didn't block any of my alt accounts tho

    Cassie **** added 2 new photos.
    March 21
    So, our Creep of the Day decided it was a good idea to send me his ugly ass, shriveled dick.
    Why? Why, Jerry ****? Does that make you feel better to assault my eyes with your pathetic excuse for a male appendage?
    If you have a daughter, how would she feel about someone sending her their dick? Hmm?
    Go fuck yourself.
    Link to the profile in the comments.

    Jerry **** Sorry get off my friend list not mean no disrespect intended u Liz just leave as friend
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 2d
    Jessica ****
    Jessica **** Sick fuckkkk
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 2d
    Arthur ****
    Arthur **** Ya nasty old,bitch !!!!!!!
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 2d
    Rob ****
    Rob **** “no disrespect intended”
    *proceeds to send pic of his dick old as WWI*
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 2d
    Mike ****
    Mike **** Hashtag his work in the post.
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 2d
    Rob ****
    Rob **** Lucy **** Get your father in check.
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 2d
    Cassie ****
    Cassie **** What's a Liz?
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 2d
    Hernan ****
    Hernan **** Lol
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 2d
    Eddie ****
    Eddie **** Lololol
    What a fkn joke that guy is
    Guess thats the ONLY way he can get someone to look at his lil pecker
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 2d
    Melaney Cramer
    Melaney Cramer Nasty dumbass
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 2d
    Melaney ****

    Write a reply…

    Lucie **** Register as a sex offender!
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    Cassie ****
    Cassie **** I just feel like that might be hard to do, because this is the internet.

    I don't know where this guy lives.
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 2d
    Lucie ****
    Lucie **** Facebook should really take people exposing themselves seriously. It would be easy if we reported them and Facebook asked them for their ID to confirm their identity and then contacted the appropriate authorities. But that requires that they be committed to protecting the victims of sexual harassment/abuse. Who knows if we'll ever see that day
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 2d
    NARCassist i don't get the dick pic thing myself, not something i would do myself. but on the other hand i don't get why you girls can't just ignore it and move on. its just a part of the human body, seeing it doesn't constitute abuse, lol.
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 2d
    Lucie ****
    Lucie **** So a man exposing himself in public or to children is cool too then
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    Lucie ****
    Lucie **** Cos it's no biggie
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    Allison **** ****
    Allison **** **** For me there is an inherent difference in sending a dick pic vs a full nude.
    I can accept that argument if I see a photo of the person completely naked.
    Just showing your genitals randomly is NOT the same
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    Lorelei ****
    Lorelei **** NARCassist it is an intrusion. The fact is we have "just ignored it and moved on" so much so to the point where unwanted random dick pics have become a norm.

    I'm not a feminist so please don't make this a sex issue

    If women were sending me unwanted nudes I would feel the same damned way.

    It is sexual harrasment and it is harmful especially to those of us that have been sexually abused and struggle with intimacy to begin with.

    This kind of intrusion makes us feel unsafe and violated.
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    Cassie ****
    Cassie **** Lorelei **** exactly.
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    Cassie ****
    Cassie **** NARCassist fuck you, and the horse you rode in on.
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    Cassie ****
    Cassie **** I'm not gonna just ignore some asshole that does that. They need to learn.
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    NARCassist i'm just saying its not like you never saw a dick before. why such a big deal?
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    NARCassist i mean if you think about it really, as a heterosexual male i should be more offended if a guy sent me a dick pic, it would be like he was suggesting something. but i would just think 'meh', shrug it off and forget about it. you get me?
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    NARCassist i certainly wouldn't post on fb moaning about it
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    Allison **** ****
    Allison **** **** It’s a big deal because she didn’t ask to see it. It’s like… you’d be offended if were on the street and a random guy pulled is dick out, shoved it in your face and was like “SEE MY DICK”
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    Allison **** ****
    Allison **** **** That’s kind of what it’s like
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    NARCassist real life is a bit different to a picture tho, its just a fucking image of something we all seen before.
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    Megan ****
    Megan **** Pictures are still real life and you saying it would be more offensive for you to get a random pic simply because it could be "implying something" is super disgusting and off base. Wtf.
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    Allison **** ****
    Allison **** **** But not THAT persons. Like, i get the point that we’ve all seen a dick. And like i said, if you were to send me a full nude i might be put off but not nearly as upset as randomly showing me your dick. Like, you never gave me the choice you just forced me to see it. And just showing genitals is a sexual act, so it’s even more disturbing
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    NARCassist its not a sexual act, its just human anatomy, lol
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    Allison **** ****
    Allison **** **** No, showing genitals is a sexual act. Genitals are a sexual part of the anatomy. It’s about sex.
    Or dominance. But mostly sex.
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    Allison **** ****
    Allison **** **** IN FACT, in the DSM there is a sexual disorder in regards to showing your genitals to unwilling or unwitting people.
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    NARCassist well there shouldn't be
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    Allison **** ****
    Allison **** **** Of course there should be. It’s abnormal behavior to have an extreme desire to show your genitals to unwilling and unwitting people.

    If you have that as a symptom I’m happy to point you to a competent counselor in your area.
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    NARCassist what on earth would you have done if you'd been born before clothes were invented. you'll literally die from neuroticism, lol.
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    Allison **** ****
    Allison **** **** Before clothes were invented? So… when we were apes and covered in hair?
    Or do you mean biblically?
    1Because like I said there is a difference between being nude and being like

    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    Allison **** ****
    Allison **** **** I struggle to see why you don’t see the difference between nudity and being like

    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    NARCassist you know i hate that term 'snowflake' coz its really over used, but in this instance??
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    Allison **** ****
    Allison **** **** Because I don’t want someone to make me BEHOLD THEIR PENIS
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    Allison **** ****
    Allison **** **** Really I slay myself
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    NARCassist you should just laugh at how pathetic the guy is for sending it to you. don't you get it? this is the reaction he is after, he's a fucking troll ffs.
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    Allison **** ****
    Allison **** **** In my experience they aren’t trolls.
    Usually I respond back with a dick pic and they get horribly offended.
    Or you know you could just ask first.

    If someone asked me “would you care to BEHOLD MY PENIS” I might be amused enough to say yes.

    If I’m interested in your penis I would enthusiastically say yes.

    If I’m into you and you ASK ME, I’ll probably say yss
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    NARCassist would you care to behold my penis then? haha
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    Allison **** ****
    Allison **** **** Don’t you get that we just don’t want to see it?

    It’s clearly as hard for you to accept that we are sick of them, as hard as it is for us for us to accept ignoring them. That snowflake can go both ways
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    Allison **** ****
    Allison **** **** Lmao no because I no nothing about you, nor do i know if I’m attracted to you, and you actively tried to upset me with the “snowflake” comment
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    NARCassist lol, you would never get mine anyway.
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    Allison **** ****
    Allison **** **** It’ll never work out between us 😂
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    NARCassist agreed
    LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1d
    Cassie ****
    Cassie **** Behold, NARCassist
    Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling

    she posted^^ some random pix from my mobile uploads and then blocked me. i think she assumed they was of me the dumb bitch, lol.

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  8. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Fox Paws BUT you can’t see a personality or bank account with your eyes, that’s where being good-looking gives you an advantage up front. Enter needs every edge he can get

    yeah women can, its all in the body language and how you compose and carry yourself, also in facial expressions and shit like that. its the same that i've become very good at spotting the arrogant dickheads with the bad attitudes who always have to turn everything into trouble of some kind, which helps me ignore and avoid the fucking idiots.

    and i would bet good money that this is where enter is going wrong. fucked before he even opens his mouth in most cases.

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  9. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    malls just make me want to go full malice and start doing a mass shooting on all those fucking retards. its like they've all been fucking hypnotized or summing.

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  10. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    what is it about shopping malls that turns everyone in them into mindless zombies all wandering around, none of them paying the slightest bit of attention to where they're going or who else is around them or where others are going. you have to work ten times as hard in a mall trying to avoid people walking into you, you walking into them when they stop suddenly. or they just stop right in a narrow passageway or whatever. its a literal nightmare to navigate around all those total sheep consumerist mentalities all with their faces melting into their iphone screens or yabbering away to their partners without a single thought going thru their tiny little hollow minds. a fucking freight train could run straight thru the mall and all the ones who didn't get mowed down would never even notice it ffs.

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  11. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Dick is 2 inches from the floor, but 8 inches long.

    oh my god, what the fuck? you actually remembered how big my dick is? how fucking gay are you? jesus fucking christ spectral, that's so fucking creepy dude.

    go away.

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  12. NARCassist gollums fat coach

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    was it the apostrophe in the word 'i'm' in my post on reddit?

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  14. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Something Squirrel It's not even about the sex, it's more than that.

    Sometimes I just wanna cuddle and chill, watch stupid stuff with my girl, smoke weed, play video games together, listen to a podcast, cook meals for each other.

    She's just lucky she found a good old fashioned country boy out there that doesn't mind the whole tranny thing. I've dated girls my entire life, I have a kid. I'm pretty fucking normal. I just happened to be very attracted to Lucy, her charm and personality drew me in.

    I would have never even noticed she existed if it wasn't for her transitioning so I'm glad she made that choice. I think she's very brave with everything she's been through and im proud of my girlfriend and don't care what anyone says about us, She's unique and special to me.

    We hold hands in public and I treat her like a proper lady cuz she is one. Maybe it says something about the quality of females these days that the only one I found that doesn't disgust me is this 'horrible person' you all call names and like to torment.

    I just think she's more of a woman than anyone else I met since I started dating. All girls these days try to act like the guy, masculine trying to control your life and tell you what to do, it's bullshit.

    Maybe that's why I went so long without a girlfriend because I don't buy into the whole feminism check your privilege bullshit.

    I just want a woman who cooks, cleans, fucks, goes out on dates and is smart enough to understand at least half the shit I do and have some kind of life of her own and exist for more than getting pregnant and sitting at home all day with a kid.

    yeah but dude?

    Male definition, a person bearing an X and Y chromosome pair in the cell nuclei and normally having a penis, scrotum, and testicles, and developing hair on the face …

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  15. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by 杀死所有的白魔鬼 I liked you up until you pretended to leave over some petty forum lulz.

    Originally posted by 杀死所有的白魔鬼 I liked you up until you pretended to leave over some petty forum lulz.

    had a little taste of real life with hydro for the first time in his pathetic little life and totally freaked and couldn't handle it. set about blaming everyone but himself for what is essentially just normal real life. tried to write a book to get a better understanding of the situation for himself, but mistakenly thought he'd been through some unique and extreme experience, but because he was literally crying over nothing and making a mountain out of a molehill barely sold any copies. now he just sits at home getting all 'holier than tho' with people over the internet who are living real lives. has let this little experience make him super bitter and occupies his time jumping at every opportunity to attack the one woman who was good enough to let him get his fat little cock wet and gets more and more bitter when every time he see's his efforts have no effect and she just gets on with her life regardless, like a trooper. the experience will probably drive him to suicide in the near future and many will actually be relieved when he does.

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  16. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    is that dream market link a phishing site something squirrel? are you trying to rob our bitcoinz?

    dream market allows you to encrypt your address just by ticking the checkbox when making a purchase and when sending pm's to other users btw.

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  17. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by A College Professor no one likes gettin flattened down by a authoritarian steam-roller, that's why America is so great

    what like the PATRIOT ACT?

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  18. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Id be willing to help the fbi with my services to help bring this sicko fucko down

    you know you are way more likely to get wrongfully shot by the cops than blown up by some random self styled "terrorist" in your country right?

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  19. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by lempoid loompus liberal arts

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  20. NARCassist gollums fat coach

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