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Posts by NARCassist

  1. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    fuck i need to chill. the novelty of being out is really starting to wear off now.

  2. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Sophie

    lol, whatever happened to that faggot? prolly died of aids ha. do/did you get ready steady cook in the netherlands?

  3. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Malice athletic abilities fail.

    who the fuck cares, this is an internet bulletin board, i'm not writing an article for fucking GQ.

  4. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Malice How old is falco, really? He acts like someone who might still be in his teens or early 20s, or just never really grew up.

    who the fuck wants to 'grow up' and become an old fart anyway?

  5. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    ok, so this was back in about 02 when i was a total fucking junkie, literally doing a good £100 a day. at this time i was in and out of jail like every other month or so. anyway at this time i was due in court for driving whilst disqualified on the monday coming, and this was back before they gave you methadone or subutex in jail so you were left to just rattle it hard. i didn't like the thought of that so for the week preceeding the court appearance i was going extra hard to get as much gear in the bank as poss to see me through it. somebody told me that this big marks and spencer superstore about 20 mile away had boxes of mobile phones out on the shelves in the store and were easy to get, so i took a drive over there on the tuesday. i blatantly filled a shopping cart with 20 of these phones, threw a few things on top and brazenly walked out the store. i had parked literally right outside the door and quickly chucked them in the motor and went. nobody come after me or fuck all, easy as shit. if i remember i think i got about £800 for the lot, so i invested in a half ounce of smack and still had enough to keep me going for most of the week without even touching the 1/2 oz.

    on the saturday i bumped into my pal gary. he's a good pal since we were kids and we always had each others back and went robbing and shit all the time. gary was on his ass and was looking to earn. i told him about the score i'd had the other day and he started agging me to take him over there to get a load more. so off we went. i liked working with gary as he knew what the fuck he was doing and just got the job done, which is exactly how i liked to work. we get to the store and had a smoke in the car park before we went in. now i had split this half oz up into 12 separate wraps which i had sealed and kept on me ready for the monday. i had it all in a cigarette packet and kept it down my pants at all times. i also had a lighter in there and any gear i was using as well. so in the carpark i chucked a whole 20 bag on the foil which was about 1/2 gram in them days. i smoked about a 1/4 of that and then wrapped it up, put it in the cig box and shoved it down my pants again ready to get on.

    so me and gaz goes into the store, we both took a hand basket and separately filled up the baskets with the phones, about 5 in each. we then shoved the baskets under a rack of clothes by the doors and took another basket each and did the same. we rendevous'd by the door and i told gary to hold up here, i'll go check we ain't got a welcome party waiting outside the doors. i go out and look around and it all looked cool. i dashed back in and gave gary the nod and we both picked up two baskets each and dashed out. we were'nt even 5 yards from the car when we had blokes coming from everywhere grabbing at us. i think we both managed to get halfway in the car and these guys wrestled us both out. there was literally fuck all we could do, we were caught.

    but coz we'd put up such a struggle with them, they had us both on the floor sitting on us, like 3 or 4 guys, so we couldn't move, till the pigs came, which was pretty quick. the cops cuffed us at the back and we were put in the car and i had a pig sitting right next to me all the way to the pig station. now i'm thinking, fuck, i got this half oz down my pants, and what's more its all split into smaller wraps which would defo be intent to supply. and that makes the 2 or 3 grand theft we're getting nicked for look silly. and as a known heroin addict at that time i was always getting strip searched as soon as they got me to the station. but i can't do fuck all but pray.

    so we get to the station, they book me in and put me in a cell. i can't believe my luck that they never stripped me. as soon as i'm in the cell i set about plugging all 12 wraps away. i still got the gear on the foil and the lighter, so now i'm safe i start having a toot, while i resign myself to the fact that i am definitely going to jail on monday now without a doubt. now in these days they would let you keep your cigarettes but not let you smoke in the cell, but they would let you out in the yard sometimes. so you had to be careful smoking in the cell in case they clocked the smoke. a little while later and gary had been taken for interview. when coming back he had wandered off ahead of the cop and opened the flap on my door. give us a cigarette he says, so i gave him one. i asked if he had a light and he said yes, so i explained i got my gear but my lighter was fucked. he said he'd ring the bell for the toilet in a bit and leave it hidden there for me to get.

    so gary, like a div, goes off to his cell and locks himself in. he's in the cell next to me and i can clearly hear the pig come now to lock him up. i hear the cop open his flap and immediately he says 'are you smoking'. gary's hasn't even waited to light the cig i gave him and got busted. so the pig is now asking how did you light that, and i hear gary trying to bullshit him that he found a match on the floor, lol. the cop is like 'bollocks, either you or your pal has got a lighter'. with that a load of other cops come, my door opens and they take us both off for a strip. i thanked my lucky stars that i had plugged the 1/2 oz away already but of course they find the gear on the foil and the busted lighter. but that was fuck all really compared to what i'd just escaped.

    anyway two days later and me and gaz are locked in the same cell in prison with half oz of gear, smoking ourselves silly for a week, and then we were so fucking sick, lol. but yeah, adventures in heroin addiction, its all good fun, haha. i dodged a good 5 to 7 years that day so fuck it, lol.

  6. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i got a story but its gonna be prolly longer than anything malice ever posted, lol. will get back when i done typing.

  7. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by benny vader no no, you got that wrong.

    dogs are pretty clean and hygienic animals, they always bury / attempt to bury their shits when they shat.

    if anything, it was that human who should be ashamed of himself. why did shit around like that, and then not taking care of it that doggs have to come and take care of his shit for him ?????

    no, it was years ago when i was about 16/17. this guy that lived in our street had this 12 year old girl that was a total little bitch. about 5 or 6 of us were standing around at the back of his house one evening when out of nowhere the girl at the upstairs window threw a turd at us but totally missed(ikr? lol). my pal had this little jack russell thing and it immediately dived in and gulped it down without even a thought. we were literally heaving watching the thing.

    anyway, if dogs were so clean pooper scoopers wouldn't even be a thing. also notice how you know when you're going into a dog owners house the moment you walk through the door coz of the dog smell. i dunno how the fuck anyone can bear letting a dog in their home, that's fucking disgusting.

  8. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    ^so true, lol

  9. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    for a year i had about 4 or 5 different squirrels climbing up to my window to eat the food i'd put there in the frame. they were pretty brazen as i'd be like a meter away on the bed and they would just sit there between the bars munching. 1 or 2 of them built up enough courage to take biscuits and pieces of cake out of my hand after a while. it was pretty cool, would help wile away the long boring days in jail.

  10. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i started withdrawing on acid once, it was fucking horrible.

  11. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    saw this only yesterday, you reminded me kay

  12. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    so take your own advice and kill yourself right now.

    on cam for proof.

  13. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon idk man, that's not for me to decide.

    well i do know so i'll decide. no, you're definitely not on your list.

  14. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    yes they are licensed. from what i've heard when convicting people for cp the court or jury do not even get to see the images and often police will exaggerate the ages of subjects in the images. the court convicts solely on the statements made by the police in their testomony which is just descriptions of the images.

  15. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    do you count yourself in this non-list cap'n?

  16. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    some of us urinate and fornicate

  17. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    some people urinate

  18. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    some people masturbate

  19. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    some people appreciate

  20. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Dogs are considered unclean and are prohibited by Islamic Law.

    considered unclean yes, prohibited no.

    to be fair, dogs are pretty disgusting creatures. i saw one gulp down a human turd once like it was a fillet steak.

    not my turd btw.

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