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Posts by NARCassist

  1. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    unless you're epileptic, then don't watch.

  2. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon I'm so stoooooked.

    This weekend gonna be lit as fuck.

    Can't wait to drop acid with my fesh either.

    watch this

  3. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Didn't read

    prolly best, its way too hetero for you anyway.

  4. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by mashlehash I read it. To be honest, you sound like…a fucking tool.

    like i give a fuck what you think

  5. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    so is donald trump

  6. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    actually hold on, is this a sleepover with you and HTS? fuck that shit, lawl, no thanks.

  7. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Panthrax Sorry narc u cant stay over unless u pitcha tent

    what if i pinky swear i won't do anything fucked up?

  8. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery You probably just got yourself put on some sort of list with some of the shit you said there.

    i haven't actually done anything, lol, didn't need to hah. its not like i haven't been nicked for just as worse shit in the past anyway, lol.

  9. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by mashlehash Not reading.

    Demanding TL;DR

    trust me its pretty fucking epic shit. best fred on NIS, lol.

  10. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    but seriously, i just can't get over how fucking brilliant this situation has turned out, fucking epic lolz right now hahaahahahaahaahahh

  11. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by bling bling i thot it come from a cows dung

    its not that cow or sheep shit makes them grow, its that grazed fields have shorter grass and makes them easier to find. when the grass is long they are near impossible to find as they are hidden under the grass.

  12. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    didn't read

  13. NARCassist gollums fat coach

    i can't get over how fucking awesome this is. not only am i now almost certain that god exists, but the guy is actually on my side. i can't even find the words to relate to you guys just how fucking amazing this is, trust me its totally the best thing ever. i'll get to the miracle in a minute after i fill you in with something. something happened with this girl i been seeing, the day before she went to rehab a few weeks ago which was kinda fucked up. i never mentioned it before because it was looking like i was gonna have to do some fucking real shady shit to deal with this problem. basically it turned out i had a bit of competition in the shape of this dirty horrible little junkie cunt. this guy i've done a lot of digging on now and he's your total stereotypical wannabe bad boy, arrogant, selfish and nasty total cunt. it turns out that she's known this mofo for a couple of years and i don't know exactly what history they had but it seemed like she was a bit taken in with his little 'bad boy' routine, but then she is still pretty young and is very sweet, the type that likes to see the best in everybody which can make her pretty naive at times. the first time i see this cunt was the day before i first fucked her. we'd gone down the the town and she went and stole a t-shirt in a shop and they did challenge her as she was leaving but let her go. i was waiting outside and just after she went in a pig come walking round and stood right across the road. but then he walked further down. now i was starting to get a bit nervous coz i'm still on license from prison and being caught up in that could be enough to get me sent back. so we started walking further up the road coz she had to go get her methadone from the pharmacy. as we was getting near the pharmacy this cop was standing right across the road again. suddenly this little cunt appears and starts talking to her, right in front of me he's giving it all the shitty little 'player game' bullshit, like straight off of some pua website or something. he's going to her 'oh i need to spend the day with you to see how i feel about you and if i like you or not', and shit like that. and she's like giggling and going all gooey eyed at him and she's going 'oh yeah yeah' and shit. i'm getting a bit wound up here and feel like knocking the cunt out but that cop is right across the road. so i just said 'come on, we need to keep moving'. and we moved on and he fucked off. so i was just taking the piss out of him about him using the oldest tricks in the book and how obvious he was trying to be a 'player' to her and shit. but then she's just making excuses for him, saying 'oh that's just danny, that's how he is', and 'i'm sure underneath all that there's a really nice boy'. so i'm saying to her 'can you hear yourself, you could say that about anyone, you could say that about hitler ffs'. anyway she was with me the whole day the next day so i know she didn't go and meet him, and we hooked up then so i figured it was cool.

    anyway, fast forward to the day before she left for rehab and she had given me the 'i want to cool us while i go to rehab', which i agree was a good idea. i want her to quit and get out of doing all that shit really. she had an appointment with the doctor that she see's for her methadone which is at this local day center for homeless losers and shit. she asked me if i'd walk down there with her, so i did. when we got there i went for a piss while she went up to the front desk and booked in. by the time i came back she was gone. i found her out in this back yard where they all go to smoke, and she's talking to this same little cunt danny again. so i goes up and start having a smoke with her. he's going on about how he fucked her lesbian mate on the train the other day and saying this shit about how he likes all these girls but can't make up his mind which one he wants. then he's said 'can i have a word with you a minute' and pulls her off to the corner of this yard. now i'm only like 5 meters away and can hear most of what he's saying still. i'm fucking fuming by now and wanting to tear the cunt apart. its all i can do to stop myself, especially as i've noticed there are two cctv camera's in this yard and i know if i get dragged off to jail till the end of next year then i would definitely lose her for sure. i can hear him saying 'i need a girl like you in my life' and bullshit like that. next thing i see him look at me proper slyly out of the corner of his eye and notice i was watching him. as soon as he see's this he leans in and kisses her. i'm about to lose the plot now but then i notice she isn't exactly pushing him off. so i walked out before i did something really fucking stupid. i walked out of this center and booted a car that was parked outside the door and put a big dent in the wing. then i walked about 50 yards down the street and thought 'fuck it, i'm gonna do this cunt anyway'. but as i turned round to walk back i saw all the staff had come out and was looking at the car and up at me with WTF looks on their faces. so i turned and walked on.

    i'm literally fucking shaking with rage at this point and i texted her 'are you for fucking real?'. anyway she's texting to me all this 'it was just a kiss' and 'i thought we were just friends' and shit. anyway she gets back to the house about an hour later and we talk for a good while. i dunno, for some reason she didn't even see what the fuck i was pissed about and i said it felt like you asked me to walk you down there just so you could then say 'oh can you wait there a minute like a fucking mug while i go and kiss this dirty trampy cunt right in front of your face'. she knows how i feel about her and that felt like such a kick in the bollocks. anyway i don't know if she was just testing me or something but the biggest problem i really got is that i've been dealing with little cunts like this guy my whole life. i know exactly what a prick like that wants with a girl like her. but she just seems so naive to him and just can't see that he just see's her as a meal ticket. what he is really interested in is the fact that she can make £100 in an hour, so that's an ideal situation for him to just sit at home and send her out to suck cocks all day. but there's no fucking way that is happening while i'm still breathing.

    so we kinda sort shit out and she goes off to rehab, but i'm now figuring that this cunt isn't gonna give up just coz she is out of rehab and clean coz his plans for her don't involve her being clean. and if he gets his hooks into her when she gets out he could easily tempt her into slipping up, and i'm not about to just sit back and let that happen. so i think about how to deal with this situation. i figure beating the shit out of him isn't a good idea. fuckheads like him are so arrogant and stupid that you could threaten and beat them all day and he'll still think he can carry on and just dodge you or whatever. plus if she finds out i beat him she'll likely hate me for doing it and then she'll feel like she was kinda responsible for him getting beaten and prolly feel like she has to make it up to him or something, so he gets to play the sympathy card. i might as well tie a big ribbon on her and deliver her to his doorstep on christmas morning, it would be the same effect.

    so i start digging on him, i ask around and all i hear is exactly the sort of shit i expected i would, i had this guy figured out exact from the first moment i laid eyes on him. i know that the best way to get to someone like this isn't to threaten him, but threaten the people he loves. i look him up on fb and find he has an account but hasn't used it in 2 years. i see pics of him with two kids that he happens to have with an ex, and it does look like from the pix and comments he does love those little boys. even despite the things i read on his ex's fb page, about how when his first was born he was fucking her best friend for at least a few months leading up to the birth and for a few months after. it says about him stealing her money that she had to buy food and stuff for the kid to buy drugs and that he would say he was going out for an hour and would go and spend the night with her friend. there was lots of comments from others asking why she puts up with him and how he's stolen and robbed from just about every fucker he knows or who has trusted him and given him a chance. there's even a post from him asking if anyone can put him up so he can get bail and not go to jail on remand, lol. turns out this guy is a full on scumbag.

    so i have been planning a couple of things. i was just about to have some real nasty cunts from up london way to put it on him about the kids, saying that if he don't stay the fuck away from my girl that they would go down and gash up the kids faces with box cutters and would tell them it was because of their dad that this was happening them. obviously this wasn't actually gonna happen, but we figured as long as he believes it would, he might just care enough for the kids to comply. i found out the kids names, ages and DOBs, the address and even had a pic of the house they live in. another option i wasn't entirely comfortable with but was prolly the cleanest option, was to get someone from out of town to approach him and offer him some work selling gear then set him up to sell to an undercover pig. to be honest i did even think about putting the cunt in a hole if need be, but that is obviously very messy and complicated and has a lot of room to go tits up, so that would be a real last resort. cutting off his fingers and thumbs was also another option we considered, as without the ability to use a syringe he wouldn't be able to have a habit and so wouldn't have so much need for leaching off a girl. but again if she found out i was behind that it would be counter-productive.

    but then today i went back to collect the last of my stuff and heard the amazing good news, the best news i've heard in ages. it seems yesterday danny boy went into a supermarket bathroom and put the solution to my problem into a syringe and straight into his fucking vein. the supermarket staff found him OD'd in the fucking toilet, LMFAOLOLOLOLOLOLOLHAHAHAHAFUCKINGHA. can you fucking believe that? he is fucking dead. how fucking cool is that? omg i still can't even take it in properly coz i'm laughing so fucking much. i mean that has to be an intervention from god or what? i have been stressing over this problem for 3 weeks now, not even been able to sleep properly, especially when i found out i was moving 70 miles away and couldn't be around to keep an eye on him. it turns out about an hour after i left that town so did danny, for fucking good, lol. i mean i am concerned that the grief might cause my girl to relapse, but i know this cunt would have seen to that anyway if i hadn't have stopped him. thankfully god has done that for me and saved me the agg. i called her earlier this evening to tell her i sent some baccy and a few other bits for her and she obviously hadn't heard. i dunno if its better that she hears now while she is still in there, i think if she doesn't find out till she gets out then a relapse then would be worse. but she will get over it, and i'll be there to help her through it obviously.

    but i mean seriously, is god totally on my side or what? hahahah

  14. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Just do acid and it happens automatically

  15. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Its alright son, you just having you're period. Google 'birds and the bees'.


  16. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    I don't even give a single fuck about the whole scron situation. My giveafuckometer doesn't even flicker.

  17. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by benny vader not true.

    they're only traumatized after the society around them told that what had happened to them was supposed to be traumatic.

    do you know why you dont hear aristotle complaining about getting butt fucked by his mentors ????

    Prolly coz he dead

  18. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by benny vader i'd do an experiment but i dont have access to niggers.

    Use captain faggot, he's close enough.

  19. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by mmQ Where is she?

    Still in rehab mate.

  20. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by aldra pretty goddamn hardcore too - imagine doing that near someone; shoot yourself in the heart then spit the bullet at them

    Kinda hard to imagine a scenario that you're dead for the crucial part tho

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