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Posts by NARCassist

  1. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    oh and there's a bar and nightclub with terrace views of the strip iirc

  2. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by infinityshock casino


    they have a dedicated wedding venue at the mandalay too don't forget.

  3. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by infinityshock stop trying to justify your useless existence by making shit up and using words that you have no idea what mean. what you posted is wholly irrelevant to a dual-sex species biological imperative to procreate where all members of the species are designed to reproduce. to be clear: there is no relation in reproductive traits between actual, true eusocial organisms and humans. nature doesnt care if you make artwork or create…discover…or invent anything. its irrelevant to the function of perpetuating the species.

    no one cares what you or your butt-buddy thinks. go post your tit pics.

    you're so weird man.

  4. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    ok, well i was only trying to help

  5. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon I always have weird sex dreams about the women I know who are in a relationship, wherein I cuck their partners. Two nights ago I had a dream about a girl I know who's had a child out of wedlock with her "partner". The dream was that I was fucking her on their marital bed, and their child was crying in his crib, but I was fucking her so hard she didn't care. He started crying louder and louder, then I started squeezing and sucking on her tits and realized she was lactating. She was like "please no, I need to feed him", but I just started ramming her harder and she just trailed off into "please noooo…. ooooh… Oh… Oh oh oh ohhhhh OH OH OHHH OHH" while I continued to massage her tits and squeeze out all her milk. Her baby kept crying louder and louder, like he was hungry but his whore mother had just wasted all the milk he was supposed to drink.

    Then the husband walked in right as she came and she didn't care to keep her voice down, and neither did I. He stormed into the room to try to get tough with me while I stood up, but I smacked him with my left hand and sent him sprawling into a corner between a cabinet and a wall, and stomped on his chest with my foot, which drove the wind out of him and crushed his ribs. Then I flipped his wife over and fucked her ass while he laid there, watching, listening to his child cry, unable to speak. I came all over her face and made her jack me off while licking my balls and asshole.

    I am a very polite and considerate person who gets along with everyone IRL so I would never do something like this, but I do dream about it. I think part of it is that I know other men feel threatened by me when their women are around me. I'm so friendly to them that they usually can't say shit but deep down, that's how they feel.


  6. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by lantiqua87 I LUV DA BEACH DOE LOL DIS ME ON DA BEACH

    hey, waddup?

  7. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    so you din't even try it?

  8. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by HTS lmao it's okay, as long as im not lying about the candy when i promise i have some in my van

  9. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    try it without the colons after you define the logo and usage functions. like:

    #!/usr/bin/env python2.7

    import os

    def logo()
    print 'dank ass ascii logo'

    def usage()

    print """Here is how to use this program
    yada yada
    and blah blah

    i mean it might not work tho, i do python 3, so not really touched on python 2. its too gay for me to go anywhere near it tbh.

  10. NARCassist gollums fat coach

  11. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Plonko! the high is extremely intense

    opiates are not intense, they are pleasant

    different strokes different yolks

    the buzz reminded me of sniffing solvents and aerosol cans when we were kids. there are plenty of intense highs available, that shit was just horrible, that's all i can say about it. nasty ass fucking shite. i saw so many idiots having spice attacks and even some died while i was inside. i remember one morning spending the whole morning locked up in the workshops because they had 13 spice attacks in one fucking morning. fucking idiots can't even handle their high or know their limits. the younger generation are fucking idiots when it comes to drug use. no fucking thought or responsibility goes into what is really an activity that really should be carefully considered. its just total junkie mentality of taking anything just to get fucked up and a myriad of dumb drug myths that everyone bases the extent of their knowledge on.

    these days people go to do simple sporting activities and its all health and safety legislation, people gearing up in all the latest protective equipment, advise on 'warming up' and doing the right 'stretches' and all sorts of stupid shit just to go throw a ball around.

    yet when it comes to taking a toxic substance, something that needs to be carefully considered and respected as it can very easily ruin your life or even end it prematurely, and nobody bats an eyelid before sucking in the latest 'designer substance' to hit the market without even knowing for sure wtf it is they're even taking.

    wtf happened to this world? who let the fucking retards in charge?

  12. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Plonko! nowadays, if you smoke spice in a joint like you would with weed, there is a good chance of you dying

    you smoke tiny flakes of it in a 1-hitter pipe so you dont OD

    i'm not interested. like i'm gonna take advise on recreational substances from a kid anyway sploo. i was doing this shit before you were even born pal.

  13. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Plonko! didnt read. ive done heroin once, other opiates many times. they make me content and itchy

    have you ever smoked a 5 gram bag of spice? it takes days and days of constant smoking and passing out. it's amazing.

    i tried that crap once and i'm fucked if i'd ever have an inclination to go near it ever again. the buzz was fucking horrible. just 20 minutes of laying there unable to move pretty much, dizzy as fuck and feeling intense paranoia and guilt pangs. that's not a buzz, that's just horrible. even alcohol is superior to that shit.

    what you need to understand with heroin is its a fucking mans drug, its not for little boys to misuse it and throwing their lives down the toilet then blaming the drug like its an inanimate substances fault, all because they never learned to exercise some self-control.

    fucking spice, don't make me laugh. there is a reason why diamorphine has been the most commonly used drug in hospitals around the world for the last 100 years nearly. even now the drugs they are replacing it with like fentanyl, carfentanyl and oxycodone are opiods, syntheticly based on heroin, because its such a useful drug that gets the job done.

    what can you say about spice and synthetic cannabinoids? fucking look at slag, that's pretty much all you need to know to know better than to even give that shit the time of day. there are plenty of way superior drugs on the market than that dimlo-drug spice. why the fuck would you want to use it for?

  14. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i'm currently doing something very similar, setting up a website for a business. we're going with paid protonmail accounts which will enable us to put the company web domain as the part and keeping all the smtp shit very simple indeed. i can't remember how much it was now for the protonmail accounts but it was fucking cheap. like $6 a month or summing silly.

    anyway, i'd be interested with which solution you put in place, and when i put the company website up i will be more than happy to let you know what we decided to go with and why. ours is simple like yours, no ecommerce solutions or anything. just giving the company a simple web presence for now. you know, so they don't look like fucking amateurs and that.

  15. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    oh that reminds me, saw this earlier and gave me some lolz so thought i'd share.

  16. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Plonko! when i binge on spice it seems to be a lot like heroin

    like i'll get a 4g bag and smoke it nonstop for a week. basically just nod out, eat, take shits, jack off and do nothing else while having the time of my life. its like turning into an extremely sedated caveman. might just be the chem i have tho

    sorry did you just compare fucking shitty spice to heroin? a far more superior drug in every fucking way. i'm guessing your obviously somewhere on malices retard spectrum that he keeps going on about? somewhere high on it, i would say? i mean you've obviously never been high on heroin, that's for certain or you would never even attempt to compare it to such a shitty horrible substance such as spice.

    that shit was actually invented like 60/70 years ago yet never took off during the 60s/70s/80s/90s. there was no market for the shite in those days, nobody wanted it. people back then would rather risk years in jail in order to use a quality recreational substance. but then along came the divvy millenials. the first generation completely brought up being spoon-fed fucking health and safety overdoses, over-sold on victim culture, having corporal punishments not only banned in schools but so were the parents, every other kid having his shitty bratty behavior excused with over exaggerated terms like adhd, bipolar disorder or personification or attachment disorder, brought up with violent video games being substituted for the babysitters, and all with 24/7 access to digital media for that shite to be constantly drip-fed to them enabling their pathetic existence of non-responsibility all under the loving care and protection of the nanny state telling them 'that shouldn't be allowed to happen' whenever anything that might be considered slightly or in any way 'NEGATIVE', happened, you know, like shit does actually happen at during your whole lifespan, but that's just life ffs.

    then they were all like 'yeah fuck taking illegal drugs which are bad mkay. this stuff is legal and its just synthetic cannabis anyway, so its like natural and totally not bad for you coz nanny would have banned it already. this stuff is so cool, herpdurpherpaderpdedewdrops'.

    you dumb kids have literally been mis-sold everything your whole lives from ppi insurance to fucking isis, and here you all are still fucking believing it all. wake the fuck up you idiot.

    spice compared to heroin, lol, shit it don't even come close, not even on the same planet pal.

  17. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by HTS I ain't gonna raise kids, I'mma educate 'em. On the internet. In YouTube's comment sections.

    yeah i think they call that grooming now a days mate. i'd be careful, they'd throw the book at ya for that shit.

  18. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by HTS Eusociality is a trait of hives, but it's not unique to them. It also explains how in a social species, being unable to reproduce is not the end of your utility. 😡

    Also even if I didn't have a bf you're totally gross so no.

    lol, jill just got rejected by HTS NOOB. even scron din't get rejected by him, how embarrassing.

  19. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by HTS Literally the only kind of organism who still serves a purpose after reproductive capabilities are lost are "higher organisms". Humans are memetic creatures as much as they are genetic - a sterile/barren male/female can still raise and provide for offspring that aren't their own, or discover medicines, invent tools, create art that makes the world more livable. Post-menopausal women don't instantly lose all value to our species.

    A mite that can't reproduce serves no purpose. A human that can't still serves many. See? I can't reproduce and I'm schooling the fuck out of you - purpose served.

    yeah but they're not gonna let you near any children these days mate, fucking hell, you stuck a highlighter up your ass, gobbled scron off on cam and chopped your cock off ffs. if that doesn't make you a sexual deviant and put to the top of some seriously embarrassing register somewhere, i dunno what would.

  20. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by HTS It's probably the fact that no matter how much you do, you can never be a natural woman. Not because they "get over it, it was just a faze" - they don't get over it, even after they've done the most they can do with modern medicine, and have no further recourse. It's like having an incurable disease… eventually after you've tried all the treatment options… you lose hope.

    everyone wants to be something or someone else, but you just gotta get on with life and accept it for what it is. you play the hand you got dealt by life, and just thank your lucky stars you never got the hands that some other poor fuckers got dealt in life, like mentally handicapped or thalidamide victims and shit. know what i mean? life's a bitch yeah, but it always has those sweet moments here and there that makes it worth living anyway. imagine getting malices fucked up hand, and finding yourself caught up in some defective "hey, autismsm spectrum" loop function. it could always be way worse man.

    look at jill the jedi jar ffs, imagine being whatever that is? coz i really don't have any idea wtf it even is.

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