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Posts That Were Thanked by The Self Taught Man

  1. post some quotes et cetera and we'll make some shit up ("research") it
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  2. arthur treacher African Astronaut
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  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    was this supposed to be to the tune of that tubthumping song because that's how I heard it

    Yes. And he was in TC tonight explaining how he wanted to make this very thread. I figured since he brought it up there he wouldn't actually still make it, but I was clearly wrong, as usual. By the way actro (shitfucker mustard stain faggot), if you're going to keep making your "introspective" one-liner "deep-thoughts" threads, reply to people that make an effort to reply to them. If you don't start replying to comments addressed to your OP, I will kill something cute and fluffy, on camera, and you won't like it.
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  4. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Good god man, I didn't know you had had two strokes. That plus hepatitis C, the arm necrosis incident, and who knows what else has happened to you.

    You actually went full Requiem.
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  5. LiquidIce Houston
    Your options seem to be between good privately owned infrastructure which, by definition, is beholden to corporate interests, good publicly owned infrastructure which is subject to the same issue in addition to the surveillance issue, or shitty mesh-infrastructure where it takes an indeterminate amount of time to send a packed across the continent. The mesh option means we really once and for all gives up the notion of reliable network communications but then it was an illusion to start with, you can just ignore it before getting to a certain level of ops. Public adoption is the obvious blocker, equipment and slow-as-ass connections don't exactly win over the paying public.

    I imagine this mesh internet would look like something from mad max. The 2nd movie, not the new one. Imagine leather-wearing packets trying to make their way through the wastelands, having to fight off raiders and radscorpions.

    Looking back the early 2000's, I'm amazed at how simple everything was. You didn't have fancy JS frameworks, servers didn't have to handle traffic from xmlhttprequests/websockets/sse's, html documents were really documents - not js applications, people put in a lot of time and effort into making small sized jpegs/gifs/pngs and you only had to take care of 800x600/1024x768 screens. Apart from sounding like an old fart, I mean to say that the way we interact with the web is becoming more and more abstract. 10 years ago you could focus on requests, but now we have this websocket/webrtc/whatever hotness that ensures more performance (for these fucking fat 15mb+ websites w/ ads and shit) and more and more people focus on this higher-level stuff and have no idea about the underlying workings. This feels bad to me because it means people are giving up part of their freedom. Like, you can't make a simple html website nowadays, you either need to learn a lot of stuff or give away your freedom and use super high level libraries/paas like heroku/config management magic. Sure, that automation is nice and all, but only if you know what it's really doing. Yesterday I met a front-end developer who said he's never heard of "sprites", wtf. So we have normal users for whom the internet is pure fucking magic and we have "developers" who have no idea about networks/dbs (backenders) or sop/cors/invalid markup (frontenders). Great.

    The outlook is pretty fucking bleak.

    I started looking into software defined radio as I think that might be a viable option, but Ive only played around with it. Radio packet network meshes might be where it's at because of how easy it is to set them up and somewhat easy to keep them running. Of course, we'd need good crypto to ensure that even if an enemy controls nodes, the information would still be safe.

    Problem here is the radio spectrum is licensed by the state and if we'd have to keep to the 2.4ghz/5ghz open portions of it, that would severely limit the range of each node. I remember reading that we could do internet in the spectrum of the now-free analog tv frequencies and we'd get gigabit speeds easily because the spectrum is so big. It'd also help with range because, if I remember my high school physics correctly, analog tv waves carry energy further and can bounce off the stratosphere whereas the current wifi waves are great at penetrating stuff like walls and doors, but lose their energy very quickly.
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  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    For reference:

    So famous:

    Python Trending also did PyCat.

    As a certified attention whore this is like crack cocaine to me.

    I'll leave you with a funny picture i encountered while trying to SQLi some site.

    Yes this actually happened. I lol'd.
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  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Nice gif bro.
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  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
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  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Something tells me you shouldn't be a carpenter.
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  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    omfg found it


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  11. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    they dont care they get profit you dunce

    Some stores do care, people like authur treacher have made it where they now only sell poppy seeds behind the counter, some employees just out right scrutinizing you for even trying to buy some.

    I happened to want to make some poppy seed tea the other day to help my back pain for work and they were like "you know you're lucky you even got any we haven't been selling poppy seeds because people abuse them... " in a snarky faggot voice

    I asked them " so are you going to stop selling alcohol and cigarettes?"
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  12. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Honestly, having children is one of the most selfish things you can do. It's done purely to satisfy their own selfish desires. You bring someone into the world who had no need to come into existence so you can have something to nurture, to feel needed, have company, someone waiting for you, to experience life vicariously through. Something that's going to consume immense resources, contribute to depleting resources and pollution, overpopulation (the world likely doesn't need your genes), and then many of them have the gall to believe they're entitled to forcing others to subsidize them, enacting "think of the children" policies limiting the freedom of others to give themselves a perceived sense of security. "I'm not selfish for wanting to force others to pay for my choice to have children and abide by policies centered around their benefit, you're selfish for not wanting to go along with my plan." The entitlement and victimhood generation, convince a generation they're actually owed things and watch them ravenously demand, and attack those who interfere.

    And the process is incredibly egocentric. Other than satisfying the selfish desires I listed above, they feel they have to be children with their specific genes, when there are so many unwanted and needy children already? It's standard animalistic instinct; and of course if you try to have a rational discussion most will be incapable of it or they'll attempt to cast you as some sort of monster for not going along with their emotion driven poorly thought out romanticized notions of love, marriage, followed by a house and children. Just go with the feelings, don't think things out, as if we don't constantly hold back and go against our natural instincts, which would have destructive effects (overeating, violence, sex, laziness etc?). But in this case there's a strong evolutionary basis for why it's so universally sanctified among human cultures, free from criticism, romanticized. So no one is allowed to say anything, there's no room for impartial rational discussion, warranted criticism; if you do say anything, watch out, see what kind of reaction you get. There are so many children with developmental disabilities, disorders, who will go through a lifetime of suffering, be a net loss on the advancement of humanity, regardless of what their parents would like to believe; there's such a high chance that even if they do do everything right their children won't turn out the way they want them to be, it won't be anywhere near the idealized image they imagined. Jonathan Haidt had a talk about science denial along the basis of political ideology, and how leftists deny science as well due to having sanctified core bases of their ideology, equality being the key factor here, so the idea that innate differences, genetics, can play a significant role is made into taboo, treated gingerly at most, only allowed to be discussed to a very shallow extent, with enormous myths and misconceptions created. The concept of the "environmental" factor is widely misunderstood, it's the non-shared component that accounts almost entirely for this, and we don't have a clear idea of what this entails. That and much of what was previously categorized as being environmental as opposed to hereditary is often later shown to have simply been missed hereditary factors. Of course the social sciences are a complete mess, there's so much bias, publication and institutional bias, and it leads to graduates with some of the most blatantly unwarranted senses of their own intelligence and knowledge. Enlightened by 21/22 syndrome, once they reach the top of their parochial environment, bam, they have the world figured out, put them in charge, their friends, someone they like, whose views they identify with/share, and they could fix everything.

    Back to the egocentricity of the process, think of how others react. The pregnancy announcement, the announcement, the constant reactions and attention, the fixation, throughout, the baby shower, then the birth, childhood. Just look at people's fucking facebook's, completely revolved around their kids as if there aren't literally millions in their age range, this hasn't occurred countless times throughout history. Oh yeah, you've totally retained your identity, they don't identify. Stay at home moms, their social groups, meetings, now revolving around their children and other parents. Just listen to what the mombies talk about. Oh yeah, you're totally staying up to date with events, continuing your self-development and knowledge, as if there was much depth and uniqueness to begin with. Absolutely brilliant, insightful, in-depth discourse. As if there aren't so many problems in the world, so much to focus on, and instead you needlessly bring into existence a life that didn't need to exist, something that could live a life of suffering, whose joy only satisfies a need that didn't need to exist, who will ultimately amount to nothing, be faced with the questions of life, the multitude and multifaceted, complex, problems of the world, of living beings, conscious existence, and human society, of the nature of consciousness, existence, the idea of the self, ultimately grappling with the horror of the finality of existence, which is generally dealt with through avoidance and logical fallacies. All that time and effort, all those resources, going to your own selfish need, when they could have been spent to help so many others. For the price of a first world child throughout their life, how many third world children could be saved? And it's not just children, you should be aware of how many charities focused on various aspects of the world there are, how many problems there are in the world. Are you aware of the concept of opportunity costs, you animalistic ditsy bimbo breeding fucks? And we're the selfish ones?

    And for who will say, "If everyone thought life you we would be extinct." or talk about how they're raising the next generation of workers, investing (and forcing others to invest) in those who will keep economies going, that every genius, every person who made major contributions to the world, had to have been born and had a mother/parents, I say; do you honestly expect me to believe that this is what you had in mind, the greater good of the world, when you decided to have children? Explain to me why exactly the human race needs to continue to exist. But that question will seem so absurd, so beyond their capacity to grapple with, to properly analyze and give an intelligent well thought out coherent answer to, that you have almost no hope for this being anything other than fruitless.

    Let me state this clearly:

    [SIZE=48px]FUCK MOTHERS!!!
    [SIZE=12px][SIZE=14px]*makes the gesture of the fig with both hands pointed toward the heavens* "To the mothers of the world, I give these solely to you! And fuck the poor male saps that are dragged into this, especially the ones that actively desire it, as well. But particularly the women.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
    Vasectomize the hell out of yourself kolokol, eliminate any chance of this horror, this mistake, ever occurring, as soon as possible. Even if you ever do desire to have children and go through the biological process, there are sperm and egg donors so you can select from to ensure you have the highest quality genetics, the best chance at the genetic roulette, possible. Of course if you bring up, attempt to discuss this idea, with most people, emotion driven women in particular who have a poor innate grasp of rationality, poorly developed mental architecture, you'll be treated as I described above, some emotionless monster devoid or romance who's attempting to create some grotesque science experiment. Even for adoptions, oxytocin, intranasal shots during the introductory bonding period, or even better, which may be available in the future, oxytocin receptor agonists, superior drugs that trigger release or increased production. There's a good chapter in Future Imperfect, highly recommended, related to this and love. The nootropic/transhumanist/biohacking communities have excellent information on this.

    This is the perfect variation available, I'd highly recommend it if available. Hell, take a trip out of the area if it's not, it's worth it as a lifelong investment. Fairly painless, very fast, safe, relatively affordable even out of pocket compared to the lifelong benefit, the cost of a child or even total cost (including psychological, damage done to your life/well-being) or a pregnancy scare abortion, of never having to worry again. Take an anxiolytic beforehand, etizolam is cheap and readily available, maybe even an opiate, to make it even easier, the time will seem to go by so much faster.

    I'm thinking about documenting the entire process, exactly what you have to do from start to beginning, what you go through, to make it easier for others.

    During early highschool my highest dream was quite honestly the extermination of the human race, and I was serious about it. I didn't have childish ideas of a doomsday device, I won't go into specifics because it's a very ugly subject, but I recall reading someone stating something along the lines that we're fortunate Theodore Kaczynski, AKA The Unabomber, wasn't a bioengineer or some related theory, didn't have a background in the design/modification of bacterial/viral organisms. I changed my views because I enjoy the creations of humanity and would prefer such as world for my own selfish gain, and see a technological singularity, the creation of AI, as the ultimate goal, but still wouldn't be opposed to the concept of voluntary extinction:
    I've wondered in the past if this is the answer to the Fermi Paradox, that AIs find no reason to continue to exist, if they can be said to have had existed or had a concrete concept of the self to begin with, and essentially commit "suicide".
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  13. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Whats the difference between a Mexican and a gay Mexican?

    About 3 beers


    I was at a hotel in dallas after seeing a neon indian show, and the bellhop came up with my luggage. I asked him wheres some of the best bars to get some ass down here.
    He said "uh you mean like women?"
    and I said "of course I mean women, if I was a fucking faggot I'd just walk to the bus stop."


    I went to a house party with my gf, she was being a whore and squatting over some drunk passed out guys face while wearing a mini skirt. People were taking pictures and posting them on facebook.
    I've been known to be a mysoginist,so I spoke to her in private. I was like "wtf are you doing? you're embarrassing me" she was like " hey lol whats wrong? calm down, we're just having fun fly boi!!"

    2 weeks later she comes home from work and "catches" me fucking a hooker on our bed. She starts screaming and crying hysterically. While fucking the hooker, I say, "hey whats wrong lol, we're just having fun, you knew I was a fly boi when you met me!"


    I was getting drunk with my friend and a new neighbor. we decided to get a whore off craigslist to come over. I didn't have any money but they were willing to throw in the money so we could all have a lil fun. The girl comes over, her pimp is sitting in the car waiting. She collects the 300 and says prostitution is illegal and she's not going to fuck any of us. but Is willing to give us each an individual private show... I immediately start undressing, while the other 2 guys say "omg what are you doing, that's gay mane, ewww" she compliments my tattoos and my no bullshit attitude, so she takes me into my neighbors bedroom. She forgets that she is supposed to be a cock tease and just jumps on my dick.

    she tells me to not tell the other guys I fucked her until she leaves. To confirm she isn't a more trifling whore than she's already proven herself to be I walk in on the friend when its his turn. And he's only getting a back massage with his shirt off and his pants still on.. She turns around and gives me a look of "fuck off"

    My neighbor gets his "turn" and she comes out, I pick her up and drop her, she leaves. My neighbor says '' lol faggots I got her number, so we can do something together by ourselves with out you faggots."

    I say "haha only I fucked her and you two dumbasses paid for it. Looks like it took a whore and two pimps to make you two look like a couple of simps"

    add some jokes guys
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  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
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  15. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    You don't scare me, kid.
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  16. blackbird Tuskegee Airman
    Star Wars Fan
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  17. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Lol, believe it or not I'm actually familiar with "art of manliness", and while tasteful might not be the term I'd use it certainly is geared towards faggots.

    The grant study is certainly interesting although it has its share of flaws. I will say the whole "bringing manly back" or "gentleman's movement" thing is not only cuckfodder but really really pathetic. I fall, in a very general sense, into the post-structuralist camp and generally consider the phenomenon of "manliness" and especially our cultural notions of the man/boy distinction to be archaic and generally harmful. But even if I didn't think that, the idea that people with penises in 2015 need some 50s themed self-help website telling them to keep journals and how to "groom" themselves is so cringeworthy, so fucking dickless, that I want to grab the author of these things by the shoulders and scream "FUCKING PUSSY" in their face until they're dripping with my saliva and then kick them in the nuts they don't actually seem to have.
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  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    war is peace
    freedom is slavery
    black is white
    ignorance is strength
    black lives matter
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  19. Psychlonic Yung Blood
    Hello everyone, first off just wanted to say I fully support this entire forum. The fringe forum is dying on the internet and it's good to see another one come up. I will always support these endeavors.

    Who the fuck am I? I wasn't a big name on any of the older fringe forums, I mostly frequented the night ops threads back in the day but have branched out considerably. What are night ops? A lot of risk for a little reward but a whole new world of freedom. Explore areas while going unnoticed much as in urbex but sometimes this can be just for the sake of pushing one's abilities and not just to explore something. Dark clothing or camouflage is taken advantage of along with any identity concealing measures deemed necessary.

    Here's an example from last night, linked to the following topic:

    "Well, what a stupid idea. Was I really doing this???"

    Hours prior, I had decided to push myself and my new limits to the extreme with a real operation and not some playful night time romp. I wanted to do something where I knew the night vision would come into play and allow me to do something I would have never been comfortable doing before. As it would happen, after all of my moving around in my lifetime I find myself living relatively close to where I once lived - the house I began operating from in the very beginning of my "career". I decided I was going to walk directly to that house from mine, cutting straight through the countryside, ravines, tree lines and stands, and whatever else might appear. No navigational aids except my ability to see - no GPS, maps, or anything else I might normally want to pull me through the darkness so I knew where I was going. No roads. No artificial lighting. Nothing.

    The house was about an 8 mile drive by roadway from here so I estimated it would be roughly a 5 mile walk. Temperatures were low as well so I needed to dress appropriately. My loadout ended up like this:

    Underarmor beneath,
    light polypro undergarments beneath,
    HECS stealth screen beneath,
    full multicam uniform
    Danner Terra Force low top boots
    Nomex flight gloves inside Mechanix M-Pact 3s
    Camelbak Woodland Bladder Pack w/2L Bladder, 1/2 full
    Kershaw Camp 18 machete
    Leatherman Wave multitool
    Water Purification Tablets
    2 Vivarin caffeine tabs
    Bic Lighter
    Sightmark Ghost Hunter Monocular (Night Vision)

    The night vision was mostly unnecessary but I wanted to see how it would perform while under the influence of Ce6 and the result was basically wall hax but we'll get to that later. Everything else was just being geared for a long lonely night walk in the cold.

    After dropping up and waiting about an hour and a half for the drops to kick in, I left in full gear, crossed the nearby highway, climbed over the fence, and ascended the brushy hillside. I could tell when even the most silent of cars were on approach because there would be a haze of light on the horizon or around corners well before they appeared. Cool effect, but it would be an issue as I pushed further into the hills and away from civilization. As I approached the top and hit steppe terrain, I looked around and marveled once again at how clear everything was. It was just like a demented day hike only I could enjoy. For laughs, I pulled out the NV monocular to have a look around.

    Wow. Imagine daytime with a green tinge through a small monocular and that's pretty much what you see. Everything is visible through the tube without lack of detail which was nice. Normally this is something of a "1 and a half" gen monocular that gets the job done but isn't really high end. Now, the only gripe I had was FOV which was obviously pitiful. Anyway, playtime being over I pocketed the device and moved on.

    My next obstacle was a small draw with a field in the center and a ranch house nearby. There were plenty of trees so I moved toward them to keep in the shadows. Vision in the trees was excellent and I was able to see everything just fine, maybe too fine. Paranoia was a constant factor as I kept to the darkest places possible while crossing. I felt extremely exposed and made it a point to move quickly and leave the draw. Climbing the next hill with haste, I finally got beyond the first ranch house.

    The next hour was almost disappointingly uneventful. Up. Down. Up. Down. You see, the area is a big mountain valley and I was up above the valley on the steppes, which run down form the proper mountains forming foothills that creep down like huge, wide fingers. And since I was traveling down the direction of the valley, I had to cross every single one of these fucking things.

    Looking back, I noticed a plane in the sky and the contrail. That was a trip. Normally you just see a flashing light up there, but because the sky was still a hazy azure between my eyes and the moon, the plane was clearly visible as was the contrail. I also scouted around to make sure I wasn't being stalked by any predators. Nothing. Moving on, the next draw brought me through yet another ranch home nested apart from everyone else. I moved past without any incident and continued climbing and descending again, over and over.

    I lost track of how many of these stupid things I crossed, but I could see a treeline growing closer and closer in the distance. This treeline I knew well because I had been to it from the other side when I began operating years ago. It was sort of the beginning of the home stretch once I reached it. The fact I could see it from afar at all was pretty amazing.

    Unfortunately this brings me to a weird thing about the night vision. Lights and shadows become deceptive in relation to distance. I guess because I'm not so used to everything being so bright or visible, things look closer. I thought I was getting close to the treeline but unbeknownst to me I still had a couple more hills to cross over first. I also thought there was a house I didn't know about sitting in the treeline itself because I could see outdoor lights passing through the trees from a distance with intensity. This makes it difficult to judge how far away lights are if you're unable to see the object it's attached to.

    As I drew closer, I started to have my opening thoughts on this whole matter. This was just fucking crazy. For one, this was a pretty intense walk in general and my legs could feel the strain of the ascents and descents. Second, I had just made it to this point like it was nothing. I wouldn't have even been able to see where I was going hardly before and progress would have been much slower and more cautious being half blind. The moon was out, yes, but I've been in cloud dispersed moonlight before and it's never this generous on vision. If this sounds like a boring story so far, it's because the night vision basically took the danger completely out of the operation.

    Anyway, I reached the treeline. Now I was lost. The lights were confusing and something didn't feel right. I knew that standing on the other side, I would often see a white house on a nearby hillside to the left of me but standing here, there was nothing on the right. Did I overshoot my goal? Was I too far downhill? I could see city lights but the intensity was again deceptive. I felt roughly a mile away from them but I also felt too close to the mountains above me. I decided to just push through the heavy trees and see where I was.

    This was just as easy. I could see in the trees much better than expected and could even see so well that I could cross over the shallow waters in the shadows by stepping over the stones which I could see just fine. Yet again no animals nearby to my knowledge. On the other side I could finally see the outdoor lights and the building they were attached too. Fuck. I had overshot my goal area by almost exactly a mile. I knew the building I was looking at and also knew I had to walking toward town to do now.

    This was a boring exercise of walking and walking some more, crossing the occasional stream and barbed wire fence while trying not to spook any cattle, alerting anyone of my presence. Finally, I reached a familiar dirt road I knew would lead to my old base of operations. It was a road I haven't walked down in many years and I was unsure how to feel. Triumphant for sure, having done something so incredible and yet it felt so mundane. This wasn't the most action packed read, right? That's kind of how I felt for me too, even walking down that road. It almost felt too easy. It was physically demanding as fuck but otherwise relatively effortless. After getting past the "Am I really doing this???" phase it was smooth sailing.

    I approached my old home from the road and just looked at it from a distance in the cover of a wooden fence. Man, the memories. This is why I chose this destination. It had been almost a decade since my last break-fall landing after sliding off the metal roof - my deployment of choice back then. In some ways I cursed the night vision. The glory felt spoiled in a way. I couldn't even look up and see the milky way that I used to gaze at out here because the sky was too bright and felt more like twilight to me. In fact, everything felt alien and unfamiliar because I never had so much detail back then. None the less, I knew I had accomplished something that I never would have dreamed of back then, that no matter how this felt, I have greatly surpassed who I used to be. Granted, having less muscle mass on me like I used to back then would have been fantastic for those fucking hills. But I made it. I had walked 6 miles through barren nothingness non-chalante and brought things full circle. Boring, maybe, but I felt like a fucking badass.

    I called up my apprentice to pick me up above on the main road and waited behind cover staring into the city lights below, a sight that used to greet me before every operation as I'd walk the dark fields between this house and there. I decided then and there that the next time I used the night vision drops, it would have to be for something incredible.

    Mission accomplished.

    Love it, hate it, got your own stories feel free to share.
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  20. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
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