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Posts That Were Thanked by The Self Taught Man
2016-11-03 at 4:50 AM UTC in I got hit on by a tellerkeep sending her photos of Bill Krozby until she changes her number
2016-11-02 at 7:35 PM UTC in BradleyB's Rock Bottom -- Recovery Thread10 months, 5 days sober. I'm at 195lb, I body build every day. My arthritis is doing super good. I only occasionally get pain in my wrists. I got over my ex leaving me (for the most part). I stopped watching gay porn and started an OkCupid account to meet some beautiful women. I read the AA book here and there and don't believe I need a sponsor to walk me through the steps or any gay meetings to remind me how to be sober. I have never been happier in my whole life than this.
2016-11-02 at 5:50 AM UTC in If this was real, this could have created the next Ted Bundy.I always get ted and al bundy mixed up
2016-11-02 at 5:07 AM UTC in I got hit on by a teller
2016-11-01 at 1:18 AM UTC in Really scary shit happened to me this Halloween...i saw sum fiends waitin for there score they asked me if my name was jenny wtf
2016-10-27 at 7:18 PM UTC in The retarded thread: Fuck, §m£ÂgØL made one first editionshould i take mdnna 2nite
2016-10-24 at 5:21 PM UTC in Well I guess I'm back
Ho, you saw a picture of me years ago, you don't know me!
But yeah, I'm an alcoholic with a desk job and whose hobbies all include sitting still for long periods of time, yall expecting adonis? Why don't you post a picture and we can all marvel at the sculpted nature of your figure.
Hey, I've already turned you onto hard drugs, how about giving selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) a try? They're far safer than conventional anabolic-androgenic steroids, although, and this shouldn't be hard to believe, the risks have been massively overblown (A proper cycle, which is simple to adhere to, has no significant risk if you lack relevant health conditions). Testosterone is one of the key elements to male well being. I used to rant about this a fair amount in an old TRT. Not only that, but it can have one of the most powerful positive effects on cognition for many. There's a very good chance you have sub-optimal effective T levels. Take a look at this:
For example, the product I recommend has actually been found to protect the prostate from the effects of testosterone and have neuroprotective effects.
By simply taking a very affordable powder at 10-20mg a day you could see all around results in health, physical appearance, and cognition with no real change in routine required (Although it could well increase your motivation to do so if you're a responder). Relatively rapid noticeable results: -
2016-10-21 at 3:13 PM UTC in The retarded thread: Fuck, §m£ÂgØL made one first edition
Are these the sounds you imagined your victims would make when you were seriously considering killing people for the sheer pleasure and exhilaration of it?
It wasn't for pleasure it was for understanding. A practical mind experiment to see if i could do it and how i would feel and how it would affect me. I decided, well, if i were to do it i might as well make it dramatic or an engaging mystery, like a true crime story, with codes and puzzles and mind games with police. Then i figured i would probably feel sympathy for the would be victim at the moment i would have intended before-hand that they would be killed, especially if it's a girls and more so if it's a pretty girl, and ya know, why wouldn't you murder a pretty girl, if you can just take anyone you want, go for the best. Also it had to be a girl because then i would be assured of the most control over her, as she would very likely be physically weaker than me and may not choose to fight where a man would.
Therefore it was decided, i would kill a girl in a forest nearby, and bury her and leave some sort of mystery clues around it, then i thought i could make this into a fun intellectual exercise if i kill multiple girls, also satisfaction would not necessarily come in the act of killing but the act of killing would be utilitarian in nature, because the more i killed and the more i outsmarted police the more notoriety i would get.
Like i said, there was one problem however, in a situation where i am completely dominant over a person and what is happening, empathy starts to work all of a sudden and it would go somewhat liek this. So imagine i kidnapped this girl right, a young, attractive adult girl. And i got her tied up, and i got my knife ready(A gun is too loud) and she starts pleading for her life or crying. I would be like mannnnnn, i feel really bad for this girl, but at this point i have to fucking kill her because if i don't she goes to the police anyway and i am screwed anyhow. However, in that moment, i would probably elect to let her go anyway. To save my conscience but at the same time condemn myself to prison.
So i figured, bad plan, don't fucking do it. -
2016-10-17 at 5:04 AM UTC in Psychedelics: A Most Sinister PlotFine, let's say vivid accounts of experiences that are in every reportable measure the same as experiences had under the effects of psychedelics do not qualify as evidence of a psychedelic experience. With this standard of evidence in mind please remind me what has convinced you liserd people or what have you maintain some sort of dominion over the modern drug experience.
2016-10-17 at 4:07 AM UTC in Psychedelics: A Most Sinister PlotOK, so if you actually want to take the 'invasion via psychedelic experiences' thing seriously then see my last post.
I don't know what you think "intellidelic' means, but the point I was making is that the variety of experience we have under the effects of LSD is, as far as available evidence suggests, the same as many thinkers throughout history have had in relevant dimensions, whatever you want to call it. -
2016-10-02 at 2:56 PM UTC in Perhaps you can answer the 1 question that has plagued thinkers for all time.I believe it would be to colonize the planet and beyond. That seems to be what most living organisms do. But now that we are a more intelligent species, we have ego and tend to believe that there is more to life.
2016-10-02 at 12:17 AM UTC in Perhaps you can answer the 1 question that has plagued thinkers for all time.I am a tortured artist, something posted without any real effort on a message board is not meant to be taken as a serious philosophical treatise. And you're still repeatedly misinterpreting what I'm saying, you perverted autist.
It wouldn't surprise me if you were just jealous since your posts tend to be so boring and lifeless. I recall you once saying that speaking to me was like speaking to a robot and that you found it refreshing, but your writing/discourse style is far more robotic! -
2016-10-01 at 4:18 PM UTC in Perhaps you can answer the 1 question that has plagued thinkers for all time.Gimme your dad's e-mail addy and I'll tell you the answer
2016-09-24 at 6:56 PM UTC in how to become a anonymous internet pimpi had an idea. you know how those hoes sell their booty on backpages? will you get their number right, you contact them (must get a vpn to be anonymous). you tell the hoe that you are her pimp now, if she back talks, tell her you know her landlord and that he works for you, and that the bitch will be on the street if they don't comply. she will more than likely
believe you.
next step, you tell the bitch to get on youtube and watch videos on how to buy and send bitcoins. now once that hoe know how to use bitcoin. you tell the whore that she have to make $1,000
a night and convert it all the bitcoin and send it to you on the internet.
and if she dont make her quote , tell her that you got bus drivers working for you and that one of them may run her over if she dont make the quote. she wiill be scared and believe you.
and that hows you could become anonymous Internet pimp. i know a pimp that makes 10 bitcoins a day doin this.
is this a great idea or what?
2016-09-18 at 12:05 AM UTC in Oobe's on opiods
2016-09-01 at 1:04 AM UTC in thousands of people homelessin the italy earth quake
i had a family member that was there, and I'm glad he's okay. He made it back luckily a couple days ago.
2016-08-30 at 4:51 PM UTC in Android Trojan in Java.I came across a neat little trojan written in Java, built with SDK22 that i thought might interest some of you. The trojan is complete with a client and server module. The C&C is web based and the client features include but are not limited to the following.
- Remote administration
- Execute shell commands
- Record & live stream phone calls
- Copy and send all text messages to C&C
The commands the client takes are below.
Command : - execute regular shell command on the victim's device
Upload file : - should be filled with full path to the file that will be uploaded to logs/ directory on your server
Spec commands:
root [command] - try to execute command as root (if device is rooted)
sms - get all sms dump from device
download [file_url] - download file from the specified url onto device (into app's data/files directory)
restart - restarts the service
loc - get last known location (active location isnt used because it can be too alarming for victim)
info - get basic informaion such as current connection type,battery level, available memory and service provider name
record [secs] - record sound from the mic for amount of seconds (will be saved to data/files/logs)
stream [ip] [port] - start real-time streaming sound from the device's mic via udp to your listening computer * (client is described later)
sync - upload all files that were logged to the app's files/logs directory
quit - end shell session
clear - clear data/logs directory
photo - silently make photos from all available cameras on device (1 from each) and save them to files/logs
calllogs - get victim call's history
bookmarks = get bookmarks from the system browser
history - get browsing history from the system browser
screenshot - make a screenshot of the device's current screen (works on rooted device only)
getcontacts - get contact list with names and numbers from the device
sendsms [number] [text] - send sms to specified number with some text
Pretty dank, as a tool for mobile pentests and interesting from an analysis perspective imho. Check out the repo below for more details and to download/clone your own sample. -
2016-08-14 at 11:59 PM UTC in I need a physicist.
Let's meet and see about that, buddy. Don't be scared.
Ok i concede you're probably better at being fat and unattractive than me. I'm scared as fuck though, don't make me cry like a little girl i might turn myself on. -
2016-08-03 at 10:42 AM UTC in I think I might be trans.
2016-07-19 at 4:32 PM UTC in Health, Diet and Wellness. Ancient Oriental Weight loss secrets!.Underrated program. I never thought I'd see double digits again but now I can fit back into my old grade school clothes again. 10/10