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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. And that wasn't a brown-nosing comment.
  2. Originally posted by Sophie

    You go on ahead and keep on calling me "brown-nosed suck up whatever the fuck" while ignoring my arguments bro. Dank debate.

    He wrote, in response to a post calling him out on ignoring an argument.
  3. The entire driving force behind your argument is "oh, Lanny could have meant the opposite of what he wrote".
  4. Originally posted by Sophie Again, disagreeing with your reasoning/argumentation is not the same as disagreeing with the point you make, idiot.

    No calling Lanny out on editing his post, you four-eyed, brown skinned fuck?
  5. Originally posted by Sophie I don't think you quite get it Enter, but that's ok.

    He's literally editing his originally post to save face. You really think there's anything left to defend? You can't even say what his original argument is anymore.
  6. Originally posted by Sophie I am pretty sure that he meant that everyone that thinks about the issue from a logical philosophical standpoint doesn't think it is morally bad.

    Right, which is the point of my thread. That once you think about it from a philosophical standpoint, it isn't bad.

    Originally posted by Sophie You mistook Lanny for disagreeing with you.

    And he then goes on to say,

    Originally posted by Lanny your "argument" is stupid and meaningless.

    my argument being looking at it from a logical, philosophical standpoint.

    Get your nose out of Lanny's ass, you embarrassing fuck.
  7. >except on a like a scriptural level
  8. Oh my god that faggot Lanny literally just edited his post:

    Originally posted by Lanny I don't think anyone really has an a priori moral objection cannibalism except on a like a scriptural level, in which case your "argument" is stupid and meaningless.


    Sophie, you're done.
  9. More importantly, is it morally ok to have sex with a dead chick?
  10. I guess that makes sense, never really thought about paedos hating other paedos. You're not really a paedo tho, more a, idk, young girl enthusiast
  11. And I know you're not actually arguing that, but that's the point you were defending that autist Lanny on.
  12. Originally posted by Sophie Lanny says that it isn't an immoral deed


    That isn't what he said. He said that nobody thinks it's immoral in the first place.

    The fact that you mistook me for thinking that it's immoral proves him wrong right away.

    Of course people think it's fucking immoral, hence my reply asking what planet he lives on. That's why I made this thread, because I think it's the easiest "immoral" act to despute.

    Get it yet, dumbass? How the fuck are you arguing that people don't think it's immoral?
  13. Playin' gta though, but I'll be back after each mission.
  14. Hurry up and reply so I can refute you into oblivion.
  15. Originally posted by Sophie Before you ask Lanny stupid questions like this think of the nature of your question. It has to do with morality, how do we think of issues of morality? We think of issues of morality in terms of moral philosophy. You may not know this but philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems concerning matters such as existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. Moral philosophy is the area of philosophy concerned with theories of ethics, with how we ought to live our lives. It is divided into three areas: metaethics, normative ethics, and applied ethics.

    You should ask yourself, whether cannibalism is immoral and if you think it is, why is it so? "Because it feels wrong" is not an argument, unless you want to make a case for moral relativism and would like to argue metaethics.

    I'm going to assume for a second that you're not defending Lanny (yet again), only because you're a snivelling little worm who wants to be a mod. Remember when you defended him on that point that women don't like dominance, despite saying the opposite just a week earlier?

    Now scroll back up to the OP. See my post, where I made my stance clear that I don't think its immoral, and gave a whole host of reasons as to why?

    You're so blind-sighted from all that brown-nosing that you don't even know what fucking thread you're in.
  16. Originally posted by Malice I’d rat every one of you out in a heartbeat in order to save myself, or simply for considerable gain.

    you were like a brother to me
  17. Originally posted by Lanny I don't think anyone really has an a priori moral objection to cannibalism

    what planet do you fucking live on
  18. Originally posted by thelittlestnigger please source this.

    Is the first one that comes up but all of the results say the same thing

    He was in a meeting with some towelhead president or something at the time
  19. Originally posted by 180gr 10mm FMJ Edit: also Putin wasn't in the car at the time

    Post last edited by 180gr 10mm FMJ at 2016-11-21T09:48:49.358294+00:00

    please source this.
  20. Originally posted by thelittlestnigger I know its like two months later but where the fuck did you hear this? Basically what you are saying is that an automatedmobile was used to attack dear putin. From the perspective of high tech terrorist attacks it makes sense though is improbably. From the perspective of a KGB agent trying to boost his own political projection it is impossible. If it were planned he would have calmly walked out of his car and shot the driver dead in front of the whole nation just to prove a point.

    Only thing I can remember is that I most likely got it from

    This dude must be at least halfway insane but a lot of what he says ends up being true

    Unfortunately he has temporarily taken down all of his older posts because of "cyber attacks" that I'm not entirely unconvinced he hasn't either perpetrated himself or outright fabricated

    Edit: also Putin wasn't in the car at the time

    Post last edited by 180gr 10mm FMJ at 2016-11-21T09:48:49.358294+00:00
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